Will it outsell the PS4?
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Probably not
Not even half as much.
it will do very well, but not that well.
They'll probably want to hit 60-70 million
It's hard to say this early in it's life.
I'm going to reserve judgement until we see the inevitable spike in sales that having the first ever mainline Pokemon title you can play on your big screen HD TV will bring in before making that call.
If it does for the Switch what the first ever 3D Pokemon title did for the 3DS, then I think it's a possibility.
Reasonably so but only later in its life once it gets the games people want. The real question is if they'll continue the DS line of systems or merge it into the Switch and whether or not the increased Switch sales can make up for the loss of DS sales since those always sell gangbusters.
Not a chance but I think it will be a big success.
I don't think so, the PS4 had he advantage of having its 2 big competitors drop the ball in the most hilarious way possible, making it the only sane option in the eyes of the public, whereas the Switch has to compete with the PS4.
No chance in hell.
The PS4 is still on pace to be the top selling console if all time. It will probably top off at least 100m sold. The Switch will be lucky to sell half of that.
The DS line is going the way of the Gameboy. The Switch is Nintendo's attempt at merging it's previously lopsided handheld and console divisions.
They learned the hard way that the can't depend on 3rd parties to help jumpstart their console. Putting all their resources into supporting steadily supporting a single hybrid platform with a constant stream of first party games as opposed to trickling out games in an attempt to keep two afloat.
This time next year the 3DS will be dead and buried.
It might do better than 3DS but PS4 will probably get over 100m sales by the time PS5 comes out.
PS4 has the normie audience because of the multimedia features
But anyone looking for a quality video game system will surely buy a Switch.
neogaf is here
In Japan, sure, but worldwide (or even just US+EU) almost certainly not.
It won't sell as much as XBONE let alone PS4
The 3ds outsold the PS4 mostly thanks to Pokemon by itself, so I'd be surprised if it coming to the switch didn't at the very least make it catch up to the PS4
And that's without taking into account the deal with Tencent, making the switch the first ever real console to get a country wide release in China, with one of the most popular chinese game ever coming out for free on it.
According to Sup Forums: yes
According to the real world: nah
No fucking way.
I figured as much. I really don't want to but a Switch but it's pretty safe to say they'll drop the DS like they dropped the Gameboy. What I want to know is what they'll do for the next generation. Will Ninty move to a single semi-handheld as their only hardware offering permanently?
It's not necessarily competing, as it's portable focus adds functionality and value to the Switch that neither of the competition has. Unlike PS4 vs Xbox which is a battle between two virtually identical machines, between it's feature set that does things the other two can't and a big library of (potential) first party exclusive titles the Switch can provide an experience that it's competitors don't.
It functions well as a secondary platform to either current gen console, in addition to being a primary machine to Nintenbros.
Delusional NintendoGAF strikes again
Uh, except it isn't? PS4 and XO are officially launched in China, the console ban has been over for a few years now.
The problem is that the Chinese market is heavily weighted towards PC and mobile (on phones/tablets). Dedicated gaming devices in general just don't have a significant foothold there.
That deal with Tencent is especially laughable because the version of the "200m userbase game" is the international version, a completely different game to the Chinese one (entirely different skills and hero set) which has those 200m players. Even assuming this weren't the case, why would you (in China) buy a Switch to play it when you already can on your phone? Brands like Mario or anything else don't have the selling power they do in other territories.
Stores are full of these you retard.
Depends on ps4's lifetime sales, but with a first party lineup that they're really gunning to have measure up to the 64 and mainline pokemon coming to it, the switch is pretty undeniably guaranteed to at least break 50mil.
As a console, doubtful.
As for it's games sales, yes.
Most PS4 owners bought it as a multimedia device and not for it's games. That is why it's attach rate is so low. Switch owners on the other hand bought it for the games.
>gunning to have measure up to the 64
What is this supposed to imply when the 64 undersold the PS1 by more than 4 times (to use Japan as a reference point).
Like hell, even in the current "home consoles are dead" Japan, PS4's current hardware sold to date surpasses the 64's entire life in Japan by almost a million units.
>Most PS4 owners bought it as a multimedia device
Is there any basis for this? Just on features alone, if you weren't going to play games with it you were better off getting an Xbox if only because of the 4K Blu-Ray drive.
It doesn't stand a chance globally, but it will do just fine for itself (unlike WiiU) and, more importantly, take over a large portion of the Japanese market.
Who knows
Probably not in the long run, but it is doing alright. I think the only one that is actually doing poorly is the Xbox One, and I don't see it coming back anytime soon. Hype for the XOX (can't believe I have to type that) seems really low and it's too expensive.
No, Nintendo isn’t a hot name in marketing right now. Lots of people already do mobile gaming on their phones or tablets and will forgo a redundant system. The better question is whether it will surpass XBox since this is more realistic, but Switch has too many challenges breaking into mass market mainstream for surpassing Sony
The general public dropped the Xbone when it was announced that it had to be online at all times to use it.
With this price? How could it not!
It's a scam by the way
Europe exists so no. They require the definitive Fifa and CoD experience
And it was a $100 more expensive.
And it forced you into buying Kinect 2.
And it had much weaker hardware.
Microsoft was going into E3 ready to finish Sony off and Sony came out with Microsoft dragged out the back to be thrown into the river.
So what happens if you order this, just out of curiosity? Do they just never send you anything, or do you get a knockoff or something?
Besides Zelda, Mario, ARMS, and Splatoon 2, what else is there? Don't get me wrong, that's not a bad lineup but is the Switch not worth it if you're uninterested in half of those? Technically, Zelda isn't even exclusive. What other exclusives does the console have?
They lie to you in every way possible to drag it out past your allotted refund period.
This. I was at the store last night and came very close to buy a switch, but it was mainly hype for Odyssey which isn't out yet, and I thought of playing the lineup until then but I already had beaten Zelda on Wii U, played Splatoon 1 and Mario Kart 8 to death, and ARMS just looks... alright. As it is now, it's a system for people who never had a Wii U, which as it turns out is a pretty huge market.
I mean right now, not much. In terms of what else might be worth playing it's basically those plus indie-tier Nintendo platform exclusive games like Fast RMX or Azure Striker Gunvolt. Not bad games by any means, but not something that makes or breaks a console.
Mario Rabbids is also worth playing.
No reason why it shouldn't. Unlike PS4, Switch is portable and you'll see multiple units in many homes like every other Nintendo portable system. Just wait until 3DS is abandoned and their full software development is on it.
Most people don't have a WiiU.
Unless you have one, there's quite a lot of pretty good vidya to choose from, even if some of them are ports from the aforementioned WiiU.
It'll outsell the Xbox but not the PS4. The issue with the Switch and games are that it's still too expensive for a handheld console while PS4 keeps getting cheaper. This Black Friday you'll be able to find PS4 slim bundles as low as $200, meanwhile you have to be lucky to find a Switch at less than $250
That was such a disaster E3 for Microsoft. They're presentations were already pretty bad with the original Kinect presentation but their Xbone reveal ended up drowning them. Sony taking advantage of it to make a short joke video about sharing games on PS4 was a brilliant move on their part.
No, but it will probably still sell very well and carve out a big place in the market.
It already has.
Actually I'm curious why does Sup Forums pretend this game doesn't exist? Reminds me of how Sup Forums would completely ignore Wonderful 101.
more likely than people here seems to believe, if Nintento put their portable franchise there + some weird new wide appeal game from Nintendo + portable third parties, better than PS4 is a lock
>Outsell PS4
Japan yet
They just take your money and then stop answering your emails. Supposedly, they use Google Wallet so you can file a dispute against them. What I don't understand is why the website is still around because it's been like that for several months.
I personally am still in disbelief that it exists. If you told me a year ago that Mario was going to have a crossover with Rabbids and it played like Xcom I'd have said you were retarded.
I honestly just forgot about it. The gameplay does look fun, but I don't really like Rabbids, plus it kind of gets lost in the variety of Mario this Mario that type games, this being Mario X-Com. I'm sure it's fun but I'm not dying to play it.
Is it so much harder for Nintendo to devote resources for both a home-console and a handheld at the same time?
I mean, always better with one of them sucking dick rather than one going under and the other getting a full monopoly over the market because that would fuck over everyone.
Seeing the way PS4 tanked in Japan, Sony would have been forced to axe the Playstation brand entirely had the western market been taken over by Microsoft.
Probably the reason Microsoft got so overconfident in the first place.
maybe when it gets a improved hardware version and severe price cut, right now it's too expensive for a handheld and too weak for a home console
I keep forgetting about that game. I don't understand why either because it really fucking came out of nowhere and I still can't believe that it exists. But yeah, that's a good game to keep in mind too.
Well if you combined all the first party games coming out for the 3DS and the Wii U, it would be quite a lot. Separate there were wide gaps in games but they are just one company. That's probably why Vita had such a dearth of games, because they were focused on PS3 and then PS4.
But Vita is a hot seller in Japan, right? It's funny how different these markets can be.
Dearth of first party exclusives, I should say. It did have a good bunch of third party games.
it still kinda boggles my mind that nintendo got away with selling handheld cartridge games like mario+rabbids and 1 2 switch for $50-60 american dollars
That's because there are tons of games catered towards the otaku crowd. No I'm not joking or saying that to spit on the Vita, I'm just stating why it didn't bomb there.
I haven't played Rabbids so I can't speak on that, but 1 2 Switch absolutely should have been a pack-in game like Wii Sports, or at the very least 30$. I feel sorry for people who paid full price for that.
What's wrong with Mario + Rabbids? It's a legit game.
it feels more like a upscaled handheld 3DS title yet it's like $60 instead of $40
Just saw used one in book off today, listed for 40 thousand japanese rupee. Like how the fuck.
How large is this otaku crowd really? Apparently it looks like a small niche group, but they're capable or keeping a console alive by themselves.
Oh, of course. When the PS3 was struggling we saw heavy implementation of backwards compatibility and free online. When Sony starting getting heavy traction towards the end of the PS3's lifetime, they introduced PS+ being a requirement for online play and dropped backwards compatibility altogether for no reason. It's a good thing that the Xbone is at least trying with backwards compatibility, disc based even, so the idea isn't totally dead.
I feel sorry for the people who defended it. I get that the Switch just launched and its only other game was a Wii U multiplat but 1-2-Switch was not a good game and that's coming from someone who wants to see the system succeed.
>it feels more like a upscaled handheld 3DS title
what did he mean by this
Mario Rabbids story is 20ish hours and 100% could take an upwards of 40. How is it not a full game?
It feels like a NEW 3DS game but at 720p and with a $60 pricetag plus tax instead of $30-40 like 3DS games are priced
>see the console
>become horny
why is life so cruel?
How does it feel like a 3ds game. Does xcom 2 feel like a vita game?
Saying how you feel about a game doesn't make it true.
xenoblade chronicles, pokemon, and tales of the abyss are 50+ hour games are also available on new 3ds for lower price
Two console ports (with one somehow being even laggier than the original) and a mainstay which was built as a handheld experience. Do you often play XCOM on your handheld?
No, impossible. You are a complete moron to even ask the question.
1)Sony homeconsoles vastly outlive Nintendo generations in general. PS5 comes out in 2020 at the earliest, meaning that PS4 will have a 7year lifespan minimum, with a couple more active years after PS5's release. Switch won't last 7+ years.
2)PS4 had a 60+million lead on the day Switch came out. Switch won't outsell that by 2020 (or ever, if my estimations are correct). In the meanwhile PS4 sales won't spot at 60m, so Switch won't ever catch up to it.
I guess that's true, but I just don't get what you mean. Its graphics are comparable to everything else on the system, it's the same type of game as XCOM which I play on my PC all the time. Maybe that's just how you feel about that type of game I guess.
still doesn't justify how bigger games are cheaper on 3ds while smaller games are more expensive on switch
Vita is a fucking dumpster fire. The Vita/WiiU/PS4 are all doing worse in Japan than the WiiU did worldwide.
>But Vita is a hot seller in Japan
It did better than in the rest of the world but it still only sold a fraction of what the 3DS sold. It's been selling really bad lately.
Justify paying for any video game when Warframe exists.
I'll wait.
Who cares, that's how it is. You'd have a point with 1-2 Switch, but you didn't even go for that, so stop using stupid anecdotes.
Vita doesn't have the hardware sales but the attachment rate for software is almost as big as 3DS. Also 3DS is at the end of its rope while Vita has games planned for 2018 and 2019
When Pokemon comes out, its going to at least match PS4. That game is probably gonna be Nintendo's biggest non-Wii Sports hit ever
Seriously? What do they even want to release on that corpse so late after Sony even dropped any kind of support?
warframe is f2p trash and it shows
3DS came out 2.5 years before PS4
VNs and stuff. Nips suck at pc gaming.
I was checking out the Switch library while browsing this thread and they're selling Lego City Undercover for 40$. Motherfucker that was a Wii U launch game wasn't it? What the fuck
Xenoblade port is trash and it shows. Now justify it.
Nier Automata full clear is less than 40 hours as well. Why pay for that when Warframe exists?
most Nintendo consoles had a live span of 6-7 years as well though
Fuck no. They'll be lucky to hit half.
just because first party support dropped doesn't mean third party support is dead. sega, falcom, vanillaware, indies, and other devs still have games planned.
I guess that makes sense. You don't risk losing a lot of money if you barely invest any at all.
Not a chance
3rd party titles drying out, then people will realise it's wiiu 2.0