Dragon Ball FighterZ

Ultimate Edition + Season Pass + 8 characters confirmed

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fucking told you ArcSys would DLC spam, and you didn't listen to me.

pre order cancelled

I really hope they don't make Black/Hit DLC.

Ultimate edition is
Season pass
Music from the anime (no idea how much)
Voice pack (usually one for every character in the game)

Expensive but if it has a lot of music and maybe some non playable character announcers that wouldn't be so bad.


The biggest thing I hate about season pass for fighters is that they don't give us the identities of all the characters. They better refeal all of the dlc characters at the same time.

The only people mad about this are poor mexicans and niggers. I will gladly pay to support my favorite games, this kind of money means nothing to me. God, I love being white.

>Nappa and Ginyu were the last characters revealed for the base roster
>Everything after them is DLC

There is also a cheaper bundle with just the season pass


$94.99 so season pass is about $35. Still bit steep if nothing else comes with that

Why not just wait? It's not like the pass is gonna go away if you don't buy it on launch.

$35 for 8 fighters is pretty damn good for ArcSys where characters are usually like 8 bucks.

Is that even confirmed? About every month they reveal 2 new characters. Hopefully the game will release with a few more characters revealed, then season pass kicks in later.
R-right guys?

>locking behind the Ultimate Edition.
it will be DLC separately as well

It isn't awful but SFV's is cheaper and you got a costume with it. Maybe if they throw in a lobby avatar it wouldn't be so bad, if they do free DLC as well that would also make it acceptable

I'm kinda upset they're locking the anime music behind the $110 Ultimate Edition. Then again, they weren't planning to do this and probably had to spend lots of money to secure the rights for this thing because fans were yelling for it so it's probably something nice they did for the fans. Not sure I'm sold on Ultimate Edition yet. However, the FighterZ edition for $95 is a solid deal. That's 8 future characters for $35. So far I'm definitely getting this one. I hope they add their stages or something. Then it would be a really good deal.

The best news to come out of this that everyone should be cheering for is the fact that there will be one game supported by DLC. So no more "Revelator" separate discs that break the online community for this game. That alone is worth it's weight in gold to me, and one of the best parts about SFV.

(Sorry about deleting, I just woke up and keep making mistakes lol)

I doubt the music is exclusive to the ultimate edition. All this shit will probably be available separately for the people who don't care about getting all of it.

You're forgetting that this is Bandai Namco's decision, not Arcsys.

>the first "service game" ASW is fucking DBZ
Can't say I saw that coming.

No. The site is definitely for base roster characters, meaning we still have 7 more characters to make the roster after Ginyu and Nappa. And the dlc plans haven't been confirmed by Namco themselves. They obviously wanted to wait and reveal everyone first.

>Music from the anime
Do they mean this:
Or this:

The announcement says the characters come with lobby avatars and colors so there's a little something extra.

why did mods delete my thread?

Day 1 piracy for me, thank you

they have done DLC for years including selling colours, upgrades and voice packs

>worst dbz villain

>service game

How is this in any way different than the usually DLC bullshit that ArcSys and Bamco do?

this is a good thing, no more buying separate discs and smaller online communities. im hyped

They mean the actual good original soundtrack that the entire planet got and not the american only garbage

>Not Kid Buu being worst
I think you typed that out wrong kiddo.

And what are you gonna do, beat the shit out of te cpu for 2 hours?

Is Gohan Blanco gonna be playable? Por favor?

>more than half the price of the full game

Well I WAS going to buy this game, now I'll be taking it for free. Along with all DLC and music.
Suck my fucking dick greedy scum.


Can you fags stop posting?

ASW usually just does less than 5 DLC characters before going to the next version. Announcing a season pass with 8 characters this early is new for them.

Ah okay good. The American one was okay (Rock the Dragon is a guilty pleasure), but being able to hear this as I play Ginyu would seal the deal for me: youtube.com/watch?v=Ezrbyf6t9mY

It's a fighting game if you didn't notice.

thanks for justifying my piracy, Bandai Namco. i will enjoy the ultimate edition for 0 dollars and 0 cents

lol i read it in his voice

>35 dollar season pass for a 60 dollar game

Oh no.
I was planning on getting this too.

I am pro Fighter Z DLC because there are so many characters I want ArcSys to do that would be cool and it increases the chances of them doing them, if only slightly.

Yesterday I was thinking Spopovich would be an entertaining character, make him a psycho brawler/grappler that just slaps peoples shit in an extremely nontechnical, blunt manner. Other characters I think would be interesting would be Kid Goku and Super Buu, who are popular but not guaranteed because they already have other versions in the game.

True but it's probably because their previous rerelease model was shit. Plus this has Bamco money behind it so they can afford to budget for more DLC.

enjoy playing with bots

Kill yourself
>I'm hyped to pay over $100 for a fucking game

Can you still get the hokuto arcsys game on steam?

>All this outrage because of a season pass

Have ya'll just been in a coma for the last decade?

>this assraped bandai namco shill


To be fair it's 8 characters. MvC3 had them priced at $10 a character.

>11 anime songs

Which will they be?
>Head Cha La (confirmed)
>Zenkai Powa
god im getting chills listening to the Zenkai powa song. im going to be pissed if it includes american shit.

We all knew this game was going to get assloads of DLC, it's a little off putting to announce a 35$ season pass this early before release, though.

Since Rev they have done a digital upgrade. That game was a platform for content so a service game

Stop posting retard.

How is that not better than buying the same game a half a dozen more times every time they decide to add another character or two?

I bought Injustice 2 and regret it to this day.
I won't be making the same mistake twice
>But capcom
So fucking what? Fuck Capcom
They are not the standard, they are a fucking blight

>pirating a multiplayer focused game
Lemme know how that works out for you, champ.

And Ill play with my real friends in the same room like I always have. The way fighting games are meant to be played. Enjoy your $110 dollar game though, cuck.

I play with my roommates in the same room in front of the same screen.

The way they are meant to be played.


It doesn't have to be one or the other.

Bamco really whipped you guys into embracing DLC because the plus version with 3 more characters followed by the double plus with another 3 characters is a worse model so you'll take your assfucking with lube.

>y-you pirate scum! e-enjoy playing against bots

the neofaggot exodus is real

>I'm hyped to pay over $100 for a fucking game

you dont have to pay, you can buy literally zero dlc and still fight against everyone online who buys one or eight dlc characters. thats the point of the service.

instead of being forced to buy a separate full price disc to continue playing with the community like we used to do. this is actually a pro-consumer shift in the industry, youre just a baby and a luddite so you dont see that.

I rather pirate and just carry my fucking PC over to my friend's house. Not even slightly joking.

It's a fighting game, that's the only way they're done.

>Vote with your wallet!

Yeah let's all keep pretending that works.

GGXrd has $5 characters, still a cheaper game.

>We used to be at the bottom, now we're slightly higher, so it's pro-consumer

Pro-consume would be an entire package at $60 or having the base game be 30 along with the pass for 35.

Why even bother posting?


Stop making me like Medb.

user I'll never fucking play this game, I don't trust ArcSys, so I really don't give a shit if you don't buy it.
Just pointing out that playing with bots is moronic, even for a Sup Forums user.

Im not a poorfag, but I pirate games like this out of principle.
Nickel and diming for characters in a fighting game is, for me personally, the most disgusting practice in all of modern video gaming.
If I had a gun with two bullets and was standing across from a dev that crammed loot crates in their games, and a dev that jewed for characters in fighters, I would shoot the fighting game dev in the head twice.


>People's retarded tribalism made them think MvC:I was pure aids and DBFZ the second coming of Christ.
>People actually thought DBZF would be free from this bullshit.
>mfw I knew this was coming all along because Namco+ArcSys

Welcome to Fighting Games, get ready to spread your wallet and your anus.

>Don't enjoy online for fighters in the slightest, just with friends
>Now have the perfect reason to pirate

Damn shame, game looks great too. Thank god for Gazelle.

>It's okay when meme does it
That's why, you uncreative fuck.

Ill just steal it. Thanks faggot, your purchase makes my continued theft possible.

>Pro-consume would be an entire package at $60
If there wasn't DLC they just wouldn't be making those other characters or bothering to license songs. So you can experience that full package and just not buy any

Prob cause with SFV we hacked it to be playable all the time, sucks tho

I thought he'd get a boat load of skins/recolors and like 4-5 character characters to dribble out after release.

Not a pre-release 35$ pass, that is next level shit

Nobody said a fightan in 2018 would be free of paid DLC, get off your retard horse.

>not being able to afford ~$40 worth of characters in the time span of a year

get a job you kissless virgins.

>Pro-consume would be an entire package at $60 or having the base game be 30 along with the pass for 35.
yea youre totally illogical and a luddite manbaby. the characters arent done yet. we know this for a fact because videos show them missing animations. this isnt a case where characters are done and they keep them to sell as dlc later like was the case with mvci. you dont even know what youre complaining about you just want to join the bandwagon that everyone else is complaining about something totally separate from you.

>playing this game on pc

>Locking anime music behind a more expensive edition

This is literally what the Kamen rider games do and it is indeed to pay for righys

Damn dude, you pirated a bunch of utter trash. Got somewhere I can subscribe?

>If you have standards you're just a parrot sheep

Whatever you say shill, I ain't buying your shit.

>DLC = Unfinished game

I still don't understand this backwards ass logic. Video games have limited budgets and dev times, they can't just keep adding characters forever or the game never comes out. If the 8 characters weren't DLC then they just wouldn't get made. But people always, ALWAYS want more so they make DLC.

oh so i will just get the game for free, thanks i guess

8 characters for $35 comes out to ~$4.38 per character. If you just assume the stamp and lobby avatar are worth a few cents then that's $4 per character.

It's not the best deal, but it's not the worst Season Pass on the market (better than Infinite's unless you really like the X5 Sigma costume), and it's DEFINITELY better than the usual ArcSys $8/character.

It's also twice the maximum amount of DLC characters I was expecting. This means the game will hit 32 characters (since the website implies 24 at launch) before any new editions (if there are any), and that's not bad at all. It gives some characters much more leeway to be added at some point. It means there's 15 more characters to come so there's plenty of room to get interesting after the guaranteed choices like Gotenks/Kid Buu/Mystic Gohan/Beerus/Broly.

Probably will be some Super characters as DLC, like Black, Zamasu, Hit, Caulifla, Kale ect.

It comes from games that release with the fucking DLC characters already in the game but locked behind virtual paywalls like in MvC3.

>Announcing a $35 dollar season pass before launch
Well, hype dead, I'm gonna wait for an all DLC edition now

theyre just man baby luddites who cant think clearly. they want to pretend that theyre on board with a protest like the cool kids, but they dont even know what theyre protesting about. ignore them. $35 for 8 future characters is a solid deal.

The fact they don't even have the decent to wait till around launch to announce this is the worst part.
You just HAD to announce a 35$ season pass over a YEAR before release?

Fuck you.

>and like 4-5 character characters to dribble out after release.

This is just slightly more characters, how is it worse to you? Or are you one of those idiots who think the fighters are all done already and they'll put out all eight characters at once?

fucking what

Is pre-order available at PS store yet?

tomorrow when the ps store updates.

New version of the disc confirmed then?

>there are unironically shills/corporate cuckolds in this thread getting all bent out of shape over pirating

get fucked

Are there even any other fighting devs who do this? Every time I've seen this actually happen it was with Capcom.

>typical Capcom tactics
>but its okay because Sup Forums is full of DBZfags