FE Warriors is actually fun

>Sup Forums and /feg/ spend literally months telling me this game is going to be shit
>Whatever I like Fateswakening characters, so I don't mind the roster
>It's actually fun
>The characters are completely in character and feel a whole lott'a fun to play
>Japanese VA as an option
>The story is whatever, but more enjoyable than I expected. Rowan actually made me laugh once or twice

I've no idea how it compares to other Musou titles, but I've been enjoying it. Owain is hillarious, Lucina is adorable, Robin is great, Sakura is cute and Ryoma hard carries me through any mission I put him on. Works for me.

I can understand the complaints from people who wanted representation from every game, but with the way they've done the story, I can actually understand why they didn't do that, that'd be something like 12 chapters JUST spent on character introductions, and have to introduce an entire game's roster in each of those chapters. The roster feels pretty large as is, I can understand why they got left out.

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It's a good game in its own right, and it seems the people that were crying for its death were a very vocal minority of old FE fans, since the game has been selling quite well thus far.

I hate that KT is more interested in pushing out a sequel as opposed to DLC, since a second season pass could have done great things for the roster and introduced some new history maps to flesh things out more.

>I hate that KT is more interested in pushing out a sequel as opposed to DLC
What, really?
If that's the case I'll wait before buying it.

Nu-Fire emblems fans are so fucked, you'll just eat any old shit they serve you on a plate, and you'll just beg for more wouldn't you?

Am interview but that was hayashi just joking around and people taking it facetiously perusual

>I've no idea how it compares to other Musou titles
That's why you're enjoying it.

The game is relatively new to you, but for me musou has been the exact same shit for 20 fucking years.

The lead dev has mentioned it multiple times that characters like Ike & Roy would be saved for a sequel as opposed to DLC when asked if they'll be part of the DLC roster.

A second season pass could fix that and drum up additional sales after the game has sat on shelves for a bit.

How much is the season pass?

If you like the roster of course you will like the game. If you don't, you will not like it. Its a fanservice game that only appeals to newer fans of the franchise.

It's not the fans' fault if Koei Tecmo went full retard with marketing and failed to highlight all the great things about the game, only making people mad about Fateswakening wankfest and too many swords instead. I took the plunge regardlessly and I'm loving it.

Ive been playing musou for years and the Fire Emblem mechanics they incorporated help to make it feel like not the exact thing i've already played to death

It's got characters I enjoy in it and I'm having fun running around watching them interact.

Please don't act like it'd be any different for you if it was the characters you liked in it. The only difference is, that it wouldn't sell :^)

Makes sense, given the way the story is laid out. Introducing them with DLC would be kind'a weird, the story literally has you go around and fill up the Fire Emblem of this world with the various Hero Gleamstones, each one comes from a specific Hero of the world, so Chrom, Marth, Ryoma, Corrin, Xander etc.

So having Ike and Roy come along... There's no more gleamstone slots, so there's no real room for them.

but can i look up the female warriors skirts?

>no room for them
>in a non-canon fucking cross over game where nothing at all story wise ever matters
You're legitimately retarded aren't you.

I've been playing the series since the Western release of FE, and I both like the game and the character choices.

I'm not sure what kind of answer you're looking for here. I'm not in charge of who gets in or what the DLC plans are.

I just literally told you what the story was and why they probably focussed it around the games they have. I'm sure they could think up some side-missions or something that could bring Ike or Roy around, but there's no room for them in the main plot and having them show up but not provide a Gleamstone would be weird.

See that period at the end of my statement? That's the end of my statement, with the subtext that i've realized you're legitimately retarded.
I seek no answer.

It's not a bad game as far as mechanics go, being able to pair up and switch on the fly, as well as the AI being able to do shit on its own are welcome additions to the formula. But the variety in gameplay is fucking shit.

Not him, but they could've just given Corrin alone a Gleamstone instead of Xander and Ryoma too. Three out of five coming from Fates is too much.

So you're just shitposting.


What the fuck are you talking about, DLC in musous NEVER has any impact on the main story. Hell, it's a miracle if they even make actual extra chapters for DLC characters.

Just have the other set of heroes serve as a Linkle Mode / Duodecim where they're off doing their thing like trying to seal portals and having misunderstanding conflicts and it's all good for story mode. Might even explain why Marth and crew were full aware of the situation when they arrived later into the story, without having to be told by the twins or other characters.

It's safer to introduce the characters the majority know as opposed to just rolling for them in FEH and THEN make some kind of sequel(s) due to KT that can focus on other games and have the newer characters as side-roster.

Then again, KT fucked this up since I don't see people rushing out to buy a sequel to this, as they would be more interested in a HW2 or a new Warriors title, so they should have gone self-contained route like HW did and planned for the core game to stand on its own merits instead of thinking a sequel can fix the roster.

This is one of the bigger flaws in the game, with Celica being the absolute worst due to no Alm & completely disregarding her unique fighting style in favor of making her Marth the Second.

I agree. But then say they put in 2 more games, that's what, another 5 chapters? I suppose they could cut the Fates chapters down a bit, but the two routes stuff was actually pretty cool.

Condense each Fates route into two chapters by taking out one of the two "You kidnapped my sister(s) no I won't listen REEEEEE" chapter in each route and make the Revelation route just the chapter with Iago and possessed Ryoma/Xander/Corrin, that still leaves Fates with a good five chapters and frees three up for other stuff.

Jesus, this. The Hinoka / Camilla chapters were so worthless.

>muh roster autism
Fuck off. I swear both SMT and Persona, and FE fanbase literally are full shit.

I hate the roster and have really enjoyed my time with the game so far.

Because you liked the roster.

The roster ain't so bad, I just didn't want any mounted units.
Their animations looks so weird.

Mate, the roster is the main reason why people buy a musou in the first place.

I buy it and I never played Fire Emblem. Fuck off.

The Horses are fine (although their dodges are wierd) but the Pegasus/Wyvern units are just... I dunno, they're hard to control and I don't really enjoy them at all.

Which is a shame since I actually like Cordelia and Hinoka, but ohwell.

The worst part about the roster is that flying units are awful to control and the only foot lance user is locked behind DLC despite appearing in the story.

2 Gold MyNintendo Coins have been deposited into your MyNintendo Account.

Then you're musoufag who would eat it regardless.

They aren't too bad until they go way up in the air. Its not bad if you can keep the enemy juggled during that time but if you fail, its just a waste of time.

Then...your opinion doesn't matter? Anyone who plays these games for the gameplay isn't right in the head. At least with nuCucks they have characters to play it for, and that's fine. But you? Pathetic.

I watched a few gameplay videos and I'm slightly interested since I like Fire Emblem. Do the enemies always stand around doing nothing while you murder them to death? It seems really boring.

I've never really played any of the Warriors game, so I don't know if its a common thing.

Warriors isn't about battling the mobs, or even the captains (who do put up a fight) most of the time, it's about managing the battlefield as a whole.

>it's about managing the battlefield as a whole.
That's not true at all user.

Did you happen to ignore the last several iterations where you have to control your cpts to complete objectives?

My main complaint is the roster is mostly clones and sword users.

It doesn't become a problem unless you are playing on Classic, lose 2/3 of your axe users, so you now gotta grind so you don't end up playing a History mission that is strictly axe users with only 1 user.

Not that guy, but I agree with what he said. The character choice is shit, but the game is great. The only problem with the roster functionally is the mass of Sword users, which only actually shows itself in story when Xander, Ryoma and Corrin all join in the same fucking chapter, before that it was mostly fine.

The enemies are mostly moving about trying to capture the same objectives you're trying to protect/attack.

It's mostly about managing the whole battlefield and dividing up your teams/resources though. You'll send Robin/Lucina to capture the North fort, but then you'll see that the enemies have sent reinforcements towards your Southern Fort, and Archers are being sent from the east to kill the Pegasus Knights you're trying to protect, meanwhile, your overall mission is to kill a group of mages to bring down a barrier...

There's a lot going on at any given time. So yeah, it's not boring, I think. It's closer to overwhelming most of the time.

Special shout out to that fucking mission with Xander, Ryoma and Corrin beating the absolute shit out of your units while all you can do is run away.

That's for hard mode, right?
Because I've been playing Classic/Normal, am outside the endgame, and haven't lost a single unit so far.

>It doesn't become a problem unless you are playing on Classic, lose 2/3 of your axe users, so you now gotta grind so you don't end up playing a History mission that is strictly axe users with only 1 user.

I haven't lost a unit yet (although, I did restart once when Iago practically one shot Frederick), but can't you just revive your units? Does it cost too much or something?

You gotta pin niggas against the wall with Javelins. Or just throw a Swordreaver on Frederick/Lissa.

No, and that's a feature that offers such a low level of strategy and tactic that actually saying it's what the game is mainly about is a complete lie.

The game is first and foremost a complete meatgrinder of the highest caliber.
That completely fine by the way, but don't try to pass a Musou as some sort of RTS/strategy game when it's mostly about shredding 100 mobs at a time.

Captains will sometimes act. The danger is more of being unaware while focusing on one captain, only to be ganked by others on the side.

But I tend to view Musou games as more style than substance. Actual difficulty is pretty null, but the relaxing and cathartic feel of being a powerful badass doing attacks that kill 20+ people at one time is a good feeling.

Yeah, I lost Lisse during the Xander/Ryoma forest clusterfuck mission
And then Camilla shortly after, so I was down to Fred as my sole axe user. Didn't have an issue with that until I had to manage an entire battlefield with one unit during a History mission restricted solely to axe users.

You can revive them, but it costs 300,000 gold and 10 gold materials (which are rare and require grinding higher level stuff)

Basically, if you lose a unit you can pretty much kiss them goodbye for the remainder of your first run of Story.

> Special shout out to that fucking mission with Xander, Ryoma and Corrin beating the absolute shit out of your units while all you can do is run away.

>I did restart once when Iago practically one shot Frederick

>Xander/Ryoma forest clusterfuck mission

I'm glad we can agree on this mission sucking dicks.

>bows only mission

Just spam C3.

>Broken Armor DLC

Money maker

A black friend of mine also said to me that it's the best musou ever made gameplay wise. Is it true?

>pretending nu-fire emblem fans like the roster
As an awakening baby, my favorite character (which is also favorite of many others), Tharja, isn't even in this "fan service" game. Kill yourselves.

Tharja is literally in the DLC pack...

>Whatever I like Fateswakening characters, so I don't mind the roster
Wow, someone with shit taste likes a shit game, who could've guessed?

Hoy vey!
Why don't you buy out excellent Season Pass© my dear user?
Today available for only 39.99 Eurodollars!

How do you raise support between units? Is there some formula or something?

I got Robin/Chrom to A rank without even a problem, but getting anyone else there has taken for fucking ever. It's really, really slow. Makes me wonder if I'm missing some mechanic.

>The grapes are this sour


Characters probably have unique support growths, just pair up a set of characters you want to support and take some forts.


I'd love another Robin clone. Especially if she skips while running.

Healing and kills in Pair Up?

There are some Sub Missions in Story Mode that grant support, they recommend Chapter 14 with Ryoma (and Xander) to get Astra on everyone.

Neat. Which ones give Tiki support, her skill is pretty fucking busted too.

Name one fucking (game) come out on Switch this month.
>anyone doesn't agree with my narrative is nu______
Pathetic Fire Emblem fan, stop trying to push your agenda on everyone.

Chapter 15, Tiki (Armored Blow) and Marth (Paragon). Do check that page out with Google Translate, since it has a lot of valuable info (material farming locations, recommended character skills, recommended weapon characteristics).

I'm sure you do shill

>broken armor promoted female Corrin
>the ass window becomes an ass and legs showcase