Guy on your team shittalks you

>Guy on your team shittalks you.
>Next round.
>He's on the enemy team.
>Fuck him up all game long.

no greater feeling in the world than this.

>guy on your team sucks
>On the other team next game
>he's the best on the server

>be me
>be trans with a girly voice
>hop on a 64 person CSS server
>use mic
>half the server is trying to friend me
>the other half is mad there's a girl in the server
>huge shouting match
>someone gets the admin
>explain the situation to him
>you have been banned. Reason: sorry, it's easier to ban you than 32 people

Fucking asshole

I wish I had a girly voice

based admin

Thank you based admin


I usually have a class I know inside and out dedicated for people like this.
Might not be this type of scenario, but...
>Playing IW
>Match is about to start
>People on our team get booted just before it starts
>Just me and one other
>It starts
>Ohhh let's fucking do this
>Pull out my shotty (it's a close quarters map, perfect for it)
>Proceed to annihilate the enemy
>Other guy is not doing so hot
>He leaves
>Just me
>Keep flanking them and fucking their shit up
>3 people leave
>End score: 100 (me) to 96 (them)
>Everyone in the lobby leaves
>Get hate mail saying I was hacking

>be mentally ill
>get banned for shitting up the server with my retarded voice


>punishing the victim

Real edgy there, kiddos


>play multiplayer with other people you dont know

I think you don't know what that word means-

Based adminbro.
Would buy him a whiskey.

>win the round for your team
>opposing team gives props
>your team talks shit

>type "?" every time I kill them

This anons knows what's up.

>tfw all my friends play on console and I'm forced to always play multiplayer games by myself

>playing R6S
>teammate is playing as if he's brain damaged and just got the game
>playing like a bronze level 20
>he has 0 kills 8 deaths, we lost
>play him 2 games later
>his IQ went from 50 to 250, playing 8D chess with us and strats we can't counter
>aim is godlike
>carrying his team singlehandedly
>goes like 14-2

I nearly smashed my screen

excuse me