Do you thank your healer Sup Forums?

Do you thank your healer Sup Forums?
Without them you'd be dead.

I thank them with my dick.

No, coz they are all gay

>thank them for doing the easiest job that guarantees a spot in the group

Piss off.

>thank them for doing their ONLY job

Yeh, I thank them with a nakadashi

>His healer doesn't buff/debuff

I self heal

>implying I don't use items
Healer? No thanks.

>dps can't kill boss fast enough and it enrages and wipes the group
>wtf healer

>dps stands in completely avoidable one-shot mechanic
>wtf healer

>tank loses aggro and dps dies
>wtf healer

>tank runs 100 yards ahead, pulls the entire dungeon, and then goes out of los
>wtf healer

>"lol I can't decide if I'm a nun or a nurse"

Why couldn't Namco just stick with the original designs?

I play as the healer. I've tried to change twice and my group keeps making me stay healer. I wanna do something wise for a change...

Heal better friend.

Something else

>It's another "the medic demands thanks for doing their job" episode.

Yeah I also thank my Heavy for spinning up his minigun and thank my Soldier for shooting rockets.

Sometimes nuns were also nurses


>His game doesn't allow healers to buff and debuff

>v-v-v-video games are hard guys a-a-and I'm better than y-you cause I p-p-play something h-h-harder

I AM the healer. I always thought I was a rogue type, but once I gave healer a go I really came around to it especkally in PvP. PvP healing is challenging in every game and there's nothi g quite like that feeling of saving a bro from near death and denying the enemy a kill.

No need to thank me, just keep em off me!

>easiest job
Only in shit games, when you're overgeared/overleveled, or to a certain extent playing with people you know. The more of those boxes that are unchecked, the more that the difficulty skyrockets.

I prefer Arche over Merlin tbqh
Klarth has a sick design too

I prefer to be an offensive mage with off-healing so I wouldn't be dead if we didn't always have a dedicated healer, thank you very much

Without me they'd also be dead. They show their appreciation by bending over the wall at the end of the dungeon, and I show mine by giving them that sweet tank dick.

Oh, forgot to add in the obvious one of the party knowing if/what triggers the boss has and does their part to mitigate it if possible.

Actions speak louder than words OP.

One of the reasons why I play Scout is so I can just run to a health kit and not have to depend on a healer

Healsluts are the best

>Main a healer
>your teammates are incompetent
>the enemy team panics to the point you can just run up and melee them to death
>get the most kills for your team


>actually do a good job playing healer
>everyone says thanks at the end of the dungeon

>Bowman the Bowshooter
This literally sounds like the name of some 8 year old kid's donut.

Mint has that quiet elegance about her...

That would imply I take any sort of damage.

I always thank the one DPS who smokes the other 3 drooling retards and is the reason we didn't hit enrage.


I always have such low expectations for DPS players. They don't really have a hard pass/fail condition to their jobs like a tank/healer does, so unless you have a parser on-screen you can't tell if they're going to completely waste your time by making you hit enrage. At least it's nearly immediately apparent if the tanks/healers are shit.
>MFW a tankbuster is winding up and both healers are trying to cast a ~10 second rez because they're completely clueless

Sorry but she doesn't fuck like a tiger.

Do you thank your DPS?
Without them you wouldn't kill anything.


If they end up saving my ass I definitely will.

But what if that's not the main objective, like most game modes?


That one dps here, tanks and healers have the easiest fucking job and they're always whiny fucking babies. "Oh there's a lot of damage now and I have to DO stuff" or "it would be easier if we didnt have to tankswap"

Fuck you, I'm always doing shit and I have to minmax to carry your retarded asses. A healer dies and the others pick up the slack, a tank dies and they get a brez, a good dps dies? Well that's a wipe, can't brez them because the mouthbreathing support might need their safety net. We deal with more mechanics too.

>tank loses aggro and dps dies
There's also that option
>Both tanks dies and the DPS take aggro
And in this situation, it's either the tanks being a goddamn retard, or healers not doing their jobs
I'm losing my mind in Shiryu EX someone safe me from this hell

What's a game I could pick up and play a healer in right now and hopefully meet new people while playing?

Not Overwatch, I've played it for over 800 hours.

Whenever I play Medic our team wins and most of the time steamrolls
Whenever I don't play Medic our team loses and gets completely steamrolled

Yes, I always say thanks to myself.


I never understood the healslut meme shouldn't it be the other way around tank sucking healers dick since she's the only one keeping everyone alive?

Well talking from experience, at least from WoW - healer is the hardest role to play (at least in PvE, PvP depends more on class).
As DPS you usually just press brainafk your rotation and sometimes move out or soak some spells.
Tanks have it a bit harder, they shall care about timing a lot. Rotation is easier but you are forced to press the correct button (taunt, defcd) in the right moment or wipe. Much responsibility.
Healers on the other hand have it the hardest. You have to.
>Keep everyone (obviously) alive
>Deal DPS in times when everyone is full HP (important on mythic difficulty when you get close to enrage times)
>look for marked teammates (dispell, heal, shield, etc)
>Look for soaking teammates (heal mostly)
>Look for tanks and boss rotations (you have to time your save cds correctly too)
>Care about mana, sometimes you have to do AoE heal but it will drain your mana fast as fuck, spamming heals will make you useless
So many things to look for

games like Overwatch solified the healslut idea. A few years ago was the bitchy "I won't heal if you don't do what I say" idea

I remember playing MMOs where the healer had to be the most geared person in the party because they were the most focused people on PvP, so they were anything but healsluts

That's because many women choose to play healers because its """easy""" and they feel wanted.
Heck, some of them even acted sluty to make every thirstyfucks their fuckboy.

Then fags jumped on the bandwagon and did the same.

Heals carry the raid guys

I always use them as cocks sleeves after the fight

I never thanks a healer if they are able to revive people from being dead.
That is literally easy mode for a healer.
>Thanks for reviving me because you're too shit to actually stop that from happening in the first place.
If a healer actually manages to heal me and keep me alive then I would, if the healer couldn't do that and had to revive me then fuck them.

Healer here it gets annoying with people screaming at you to heal just holy shit give me a moment been playing dirty bomb and you are expected on the front lines shooting. alot of fun

There's no i in team. Self-righteous healers are as bad as, if not worse, than any other role demanding thanks for doing their pre-agreed upon job.


A small part of why I stopped maining support. I can't even articulate why, but something about the healslut meme just really flimflams my jimjams in such a way that I can't abide the implication. Good thing tanking is just as easy and even in more of a demand I guess.

I love Mint!

What are some games with good healing mechanics.
Nursery was a man only profession until recently.