Silent Hills

Silent Hills
Things that would make for scary enemies thread

Enemies that discuss video games without shit posting



Three little ghosts
Sitting on posts
Eating buttered toasts

I have that book.

your mom lol


I can't feel pity for people like this. Your course of actions and life choices brought you to that point. You've no one to blame but yourself. You further enable it by giving up and laying in a bed, allowing it to get worse.

How do you even get that fat

>image re-search
>literally made by Sup Forums
>"Sup Forums is not a problem, the SJW are!!!! Praise kek"
Sage and report

The sick bastard "caring" for them, helps them shove food down their gullet all day.

I bet she doesn't even know what a liter is.

>"Sup Forums is not a problem, the SJW are!!!! Praise kek"
Why is OP's image problematic? The only reason to be offended by it is if you're a morbidly obese woman.

>13, 538
Jesus Christ. Fucking how? I lived on 500 for three months.

Come on guys, give her a break. Obesity is a disease, she can't help it. She deserves to live on our tax money, poor woman.

>I lived on 500 for three months.
Hows it going Mr. Bones


Are you an African.

God someone bring fucking neogaf back so we can be free from those moronic nu male offended piece of shit


*Boops your nose*

Neofags plz go

She clearly has some kind of eating disorder, if this image is accurate

Just because neogaf is gone doesn't mean you can come here

I came.

>Eating disorder
>Not eating Maelstrom

Wouldn't all that food end up upsetting your stomach?

Her stomach is well trained.


imagine being so petty you spend your time researching who makes images that are posted on a norwegian sheetrock manufacturing board

I guess. I'm fat but I don't think I could eat that much without making my stomach hurt.

Pretty sure she's dead now

I thought that thing looked familiar

I have a hard time believing those calorie numbers. Pretty sure they're even worse than reported. If your sandwich is nearing 500 calories, it's pretty dry and hasn't any may or much meat in it. Hell, a table spoon of mayo is 100 cal. That cake isn't nearly as much as I think it should be. Frosting counts for a lot and I can't believe she isn't lathering it in some shitty Duncan Hines type shit. Like, a big portion of cake can go up to 600 calories and you're note even eating a quarter of it. But, what the fuck do I know, I only eat about 2200 cals per day.

How pathetic can you be

>posting in a norwegian sheetrock manufacturing board

Be honest, you just wanted more fat porn to jerk it to.