I've seen things you recruits wouldnt believe, hostage room on fire on the second floor in chalet

>i've seen things you recruits wouldnt believe, hostage room on fire on the second floor in chalet
>i have watched 3 speeds moving faster than the server's capability of processing the information of the movement and killing blitz despite his flash attack was glittering through that cunt's cornea
> all those maps will be removed in time, like when ubisoft decided to remove the good maps from the ranked mode to make space for their shitty maps, it is time to uninstall

I like this meme desu
Good job, Sup Forums

I can only have fun in this game now when I fuck around witha buddy or two in casual. try harding with all the technical issues just pisses me off too much

bros before 3 speed hoes

A Rainbow 6 thread sounds like a great idea, it's just that you're a shit OP

Does anyone actually like Buttlett University?

>TH for challenge
>"disarm bomb, Bartlett University"

I can't even enjoy that anymore, way too many tryhards and pubstomping unranked players who should be plat, plus people attempting to spawn peak every fucking round.

My favorite multiplayer fps.
Too bad the community is cancer.

too bad the game is cancer*

>get flashed
>aim approximately where the opening I saw the flash come in from was
>wait a second
>start spraying like a madman
>get a kill

>good maps from the ranked mode
Thanks for the laugh OP

I think that wasnt the point of OP, he probably meant how the bullet spray just pierces through your shield when playing as Blitz.

>You got memed into buying the starter pack
Legitimately never felt more cheated in my life desu

Parts of your shoulder and arms are exposed even with the shield up

>People still think Blitz is a defensive character

nobody is saying that but his shield is broken as fuck, like all shields except for monty (and even that still bugs out half the time) theyre unreliable and will always be a meme pick in anything above silver

Is that is why when i die as Blitz, blood spouts out from the center of my shield in the kill cam?

The kill cam is does not accurately show what happens in the game.

>has a shield
>not a defensive/support operator
>thinks ubisoft servers are stable as fuck that nothing can go wrong
fuck off shill

Do not pretend Favela is a good map. It's fucking awful. Do not pretend you miss it.

Nah, the game is just shit.There is literally no reason to pick a meme character like Blitz when you have Ash, Hibana or Buck.

He's called blitz because he's supposed to push like a blitzkrieg. It's why he's getting a shield up sprint.

Operation Health fucked with the killcams, brainlet.

Favela is okay and better than most of the shitty mazes that Ubisoft came up with the DLCs

>attacking side has defensive operators

>hate theme park on launch
>learn best routes
>now love seeing it come up because everyone else hates it, not knowing it
>still get lost in haunted mansion part

How to spot a brainlet

I like to play like an over aggressive idiot.
If I'm not throwing myself out of 2nd story windows and going for a high risk High reward mentality, then the game gets boring.
Honestly my tactics may kill me, and my teammates. But if it also gets the enemy then it wasn't a total waste

It isnt only the killcam you retard and they were always fucked along with the servers that is why what you see mostly doesnt reflect the truth.I cant believe an arena shooter like this game has servers that are this shit in the year of 2000+17

Wow, what a nice argument, braindead shill.

>operation "health" broke more stuff

oh so the game is shit? thanks for confirming exactly what he just said

>i cant rotate and flank with impact grenades from a hundred different directions so the vanilla maps are bad!!!


>an arena shooter like this game

>killcams are slightly broken
>game is shit
ok, you can leave the thread now


It is technically an arena shooter, retarded memer

This is going into my screenshot folder, thanks.

Feels like every time I played this game, the enemy team as coordinated as SEAL Team 6, while my team was a collection of retards running around getting picked off one by one

>Too bad the devs are cancer.

It's sad because underneath all the lag, bugs, glitches, instability, and general bullshit is a good game. Too bad it'll never happen because Ubicuck is focusing on loot boxes.

I like it more than plane and campus desu.

Too bad this thread is silver central.

>Too bad it'll never happen because Ubicuck is focusing on loot boxes.
You can't even buy them with money

I always exit the game whenever that map comes up, thank god I don't play ranked

killcams are not the only thing thats broken, but when a dev delays content for 6 months to "fix" the game but then breaks more of said game, thats when you know your shits fucked.

replace loot boxes with season passes

>le broken game

jesus christ. Why are people so obsessed with trying to use certain terms when they obviously don't know the meaning of them

>babby's first esports
This is literally not even relevant for 99.9% of the player base. You got domed because you have no situational awareness.

Why does everyone shit on Siege so vehemently? Bugs this and glitches that you'd think, from what people say, it's a wildly unsuccessful alpha of an indie devs attempt at FPS.

As it stands the "bad netcode, hitboxes and general bullshit" is barely present, so much so I believed I was playing a different version of the game for at least 80 levels before encountering my first bug.

It's like the game is completely unplayable because there are missing textures or clipping or your bullets LITERALLY never hit, but these things simply arent true and when they do occur, which they do, most of the time its easy to just get the fuck over it because it isn't this catastrophic glitch every says it is

The game was just way more fun in beta when nobody really knew about the problems that much so the entire meta wasn't based around exploiting them


>Arena Shooters are any type of competitive Deathmatch/TDM/CTF/Domination style of gameplay. First to 30 kills, firs team to capture 3 flags, first 200 points in domination. What all the game modes have in common is usually a timelimit and enclosed spaces.
Siege isnt a typical arena shooter but could be counted as one.

It's a tactical shooter dude. I have no idea why you would try and classify it as an arena shooter unless it's just to be massively contrarian

>Bugs this and glitches that you'd think, from what people say, it's a wildly unsuccessful alpha of an indie devs attempt at FPS.
Game breaking bugs happen at least once a match, the sheer number of things that can potentially fuck you over which have been fixed multiple times is astounding for a competitive title.
>bad netcode, hitboxes and general bullshit" is barely present
>for at least 80 levels before encountering my first bug.
You're either extremely non-observant or lying. I don't expect a new player to notice things not working properly but by level 50~ you'd have a decent grasp for things such as thermites charge actually destroying walls for all players.
>It's like the game is completely unplayable because there are missing textures or clipping or your bullets LITERALLY never hit
Which actually happens right now. Frequently.
>but these things simply arent true and when they do occur, which they do, most of the time its easy to just get the fuck over it because it isn't this catastrophic glitch
>shooting someone in the fucking head in a game where one shot headshots exist isn't catastrophic
>a wall being blown up and not look blown up for everyone is not catastrophic
>castle bringing all players games to a crawl isn't catastrophic
There is a tremendous amount of bugs which are catastrophic which have been "fixed" multiple times, I've lost countless rounds to ubishafts inept coders in my 500hours.

>Why does everyone shit on Siege so vehemently?

costs money and has cheaters
you get to choose one or the other

>tfw my number one cause of death is darkness

I can’t see for shit on maps that are dark/have dark areas. Wish nvg was a gadget.

No it isn't and your post states it

>Deathmatch/TDM/CTF/Domination style of gameplay

arena shooter is usually an almost symmetrical map primarily with the goal being the same for both teams ie deathmatch CTF.

In siege, like CS, the objectives and subsequently the play styles of both teams are vastly different with their only similarity being in a secondary victory condition of wiping out the enemy team

Play casual with friends

>arena shooter is usually an almost symmetrical map

no it isn't.

every single person defines "arena shooter" incorrectly lol

this term literally only applies to quake-quake3, unreal tournament, and their contemporaries. it's a retroactive term used to describe those games

that means arena shooter = quake or unreal

saying siege is one is one of the dumbest comments i've seen on Sup Forums in years and that is saying quite a lot

>"bad netcode, hitboxes and general bullshit" is barely present
all of those are very much present
just the other day i shot Mira in the arm and got a headshot

t. someone who is playing since the closed alpha

Matchmaking preferences work for T-hunt. Turn off Disarm Bomb, you'll never have to deal with the pea soup again.

fuck off

Rainbow 6 siege sucks ass. Unlike My Game which has 0 lag and connection issues, 0 bugs and glitches, the best gameplay and technology ever and is more innovative than all other games.

Hitreg is fine.

The game can be very tense and one little mistake can be your end. As such it makes a lot of casuals extremely butthurt, I call it the MOBA effect (cf. PUBG). Also, talking about bugs ad nauseaum makes them believe it was anything but their fault when they get rekt. Plenty of examples in this thread.

>60 ping vs 300 ping

I play Siege almost daily and you are either really unlucky or lying to fit into the crowd.

>Game breaking bugs happen at least once a match
>shooting someone in the fucking head in a game where one shot headshots exist isn't catastrophic
>a wall being blown up and not look blown up for everyone is not catastrophic
>castle bringing all players games to a crawl isn't catastrophic

These are what you class as game breaking and happening every match but my experience of multiple game on an almost daily basis says otherwise since the only one of those I've ever seen in 180 levels is the head shot one and that hasn't been for a long long long long time

Oh, I forgot. To make these eternal contrarians disappear, just ask them about a better contemporary shooter or their rank in Siege.

I could go on a fucking tirade of current game breaking issues.
Just because they don't happen to YOU doesn't mean they don't happen to other people in the match.
t. diamond for 4 seasons

lol I'd have to watch it in a slower speed but even from pausing and playing, you miss the first shots, then the crosshair goes underneath his right arm, you correct it by flying way off to the left of him then correct that by aiming at his foot? Remember you aren't playing with the famas or R4C either you're capitao meaning you have shit fire rate.

It's not my webm and there was multiple shots on him which didn't reg. You don't even need to slow it down to see.

more like carried for 4 seasons

no their literally isn't, he might have hit his arm twice while it was covering his chest and with caps guns thats hardly a death sentence. People forget they arent firing a fucking laser bullets come out at intervals and the guy is spazzing out with his aim very clearly anyway, probably low gold at best

>no their literally isn't

kids in 2017 think this is a rebuttal worth writing
"their" "literally"

Nice rebuttal, user.
Protip, the bottom of the webm player allows you to slowly scroll it forward which will allow your mongoloid brain to process the image better and let you see the reticle on the body for 5shots. At the time of that recording Capitao's weapon would kill in 3 shots anywhere on the body.

I hope you jump off a building you fucking cunt.

Name a game with perfect hitboxes and no lag. Where shots always register properly no matter the connections and has no game breaking bugs, exploits, or an abundant amount of hackers.

not arguments

>5 shots
Ridiculously generous, even watching it how you suggested I still see around 2 on the arm , just because the counter ticks down when the reticle is over smoke, doesn't mean the shot instantly came out and travelled to its destination, you can see that in the fucking webm when the counter goes down before he ads's THEN the shot hits behind smoke creating the hit-metal visual effect.

Show me an R4C aiming undeniably centre of mass on a bandit for the entire mag and you'll have a point, not these vague displays of what playing with a steering wheel and a sensitivity of 100 is like

The problem isn't that the game isn't perfect, it's that the developers are either incapable of or unfit to fix it. The best way I could describe the development process of this game is like Hercules fighting the hydra, every head you cut off three more sprout.

There was a pro league match a week or two ago where a player interacted with the defuser on a completely different floor than the bomb site. fuck there's been a lan match with a player who had 150ms ping, there's been many rounds restarted because something fucked up making a match unwinnable for one side. Siege is a good game but it is broken beyond belief.

>the developers are either incapable of or unfit to fix it.
No dev is capable of fixing it because that shit exists in every game ever. And one with the level of interaction of siege, which is beyond every game ever, even the Battlefield destruction system isnt as complex, is bound to have a lot of glitches.

>Ridiculously generous, even watching it how you suggested I still see around 2 on the arm
The gun does 42 fucking damage a shot, arms and legs do full damage and a 2armor would drop it by only a few points, more than enough to 3hit kill, I counted at least 5 guaranteed shots that hit and 3-4 that could have potentially.
You can see one shot make sparks behind smoke so that means every shot from there on out missed? It's a shame your tiny ape like brain can't process the webm, but maybe try searching "Operation Health" in youtube and check out those compilations of hitreg issues.
>No dev is capable of fixing it because that shit exists in every game ever.
I really don't doubt that, the games filled with spaghetti code because it wasn't meant to survive this long.

Does any of that matter when he clearly hit him at least once but it didn't register?
Sort of a large flaw for such a game where those split seconds count.

>5 guaranteed shots that hit and 3-4 that could have potentially.
I meant should have hit*
Because no feedback happened and he had full health.

I think its because we want this game to be perfect because at it's core it's amazing so getting stuck in a window and shot to lose the round is very frustrating.
We just like it and want it to improve

It's in theory my perfect fps. Tactical action with freedom of approach, I just wish to god it would get fixed to reach that perfection. It's still much favorite shooter as is, but it could be so much more

>It's a Monty is hold up in corner on top of the defuser episode

Push up to him and sit on a side, move to the other side for a moment then sprint the other side to kill him while he turns to your ghost.
Another method is to have one person melee his shield repeatedly while one person goes prone and shoots his feet which get exposed from melee jiggles.

His name is blitz because his original ability was that he could attack during the prep phase

Who is the best female operator?



I think given enough time they can most issues the game has, it wasn't long ago that queueing took 4 times as long.
There is just a lot of shit the devs need to tear out and redo. Lighting and sky boxes where a big one recently and from the sound of it they are going over every map to better optimize them. It's an insane amount of work but I think they are doing a decent job.



Not ubisoft, Vivendi. The slim chances of this ever improving will not improve until we recognize the real villain.

reminder that ubisoft doesnt give a flying fuck about the people who bought this game and only streamers and esports matter to them.
vivendi buying them out is the only way to save it

Do you have any fucking idea what you're talking about, all guns deal reduced damage by default even more so on the limbs them factoring in the armour rating of the operator, then rook armour. Caps gun NEEDS to hit 5 times on limbs on a 2 armour op and you're wasting your time saying he hit even that.

Im hearing this vivendi shit since last year
will they ever take over?

>The armor pack with 4 sweaters left in it
Even in casual the only time I've ever seen this is on account of that one dumbass rook who puts down is armor pack 30 seconds into the round proper while separated from the rest of the team by angles that the attackers have secured sights on.

If you've had the "4 sweaters still left" meme happen to you, I guaruntee you are the problem.