Game lets you change your gender

>game lets you change your gender

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What went wrong?


lmao degenerate

>Game lets u cherrypick portrait angles

Which one is the before picture lmao

Name 10

Please tell me that's MtF

Right to left

went from a short manlet with almost no muscle mass to a qt trap. Upgrade in every regard.


It's like somebody scratched an itch till it's tits flesh severed.

Looks much better as female

is this a girl becoming a man or the other way around?
I honestly can't tell.

>what does that tattoo say brah
I wonder if xir regrets getting a blog on her body

I would fuck "her" butthole. No homo.

Fucking hell. They're getting too good. What are some questions you can ask to be able to tell if they're trannies? Oh, who the fuck am I kidding, I'll never have a GF, tranny or not.

Oh, right, not vidya.

>thread isn't video games
Sage and report

>Went from, "Ma'am, he's like my brother" to "Your son calls me mommy too"

>almost no muscle mass
look at his biceps and traps bud. What are your physical measurements? He's not Arnold but he's got muscle mass, for sure

>ashamed of your words & deeds

Wtf (her) face looks cute but those breasts are like a tiger clawed them

>game let's you get "free stats" if you want to change your class but don't give you shit if you got bad RNG on character creation

Look for the Adam apple.

Define cute...

>entire paragraph tattoo
seriously why
this shit is so stupid

I said almost.

Pretty cute as a girl

>went from 175 to 127

what do you think?

It's a reverse trap you faggots. It's a she.

This thread isn't about Neogaf so it's Sup Forums related.

female characters shall be enforced to promote females in video gaming.

user pls

Pretty sure those are stretch marks.

I'm not clicking that link, mate. I know better than that.

She's so fucking hot...

It is

>start playing ds2
>spend too much time in character creation trying to make a character that doesn't look like complete shit
>start playing
>first area, there's a boat guarded by some powerful monsters
>manage to kill them
>enter the boat
>character comes back as a female
what's the fucking point you retarded chinks

cute face but his body probably looks awful


>Enter the boat again
>Change genders again
Wow, that was hard.

>thread isn't video games
>game lets you change your gender

Still looks like a dude desu

Just how many dudes turn female
I am scared that when i find a girl it turns out she is a he

He went from a 10 to a 10


Congrats to them for getting piss fluorescent lighting.

>Sup Forums shut ins knowing what stretch marks look like

boy it sure is weird how theres a fuckload more mtf than ftm

I guess it's another problem with guys being hornier than girls and thus more prone to delve into their fetishes as usual

I wonder if the mods are trying to make the board as neogaf friendly as possible to welcome them in.

>a year later
>still look like a twink

think that dude needs a refund

>ftm actually look cute and convincing
>mtf look like walking monstrosities

Not fair tbqh

>Be on the lookout for a Sup Forums thread that interests me
>Best I can find is a fucking tranny thread
/tired gamer/ general

This is just sickkkkkkk
To they leave their penis or ...?

Some women can have adams apple, rare but vice cersa for men as well.
Not always the best.the only 100% way is to actually check the genitals
Although body posture and language can help among a few other things, they can be gamed

I don't get it