Bought that Steam Link meme and played a bit of that piece of shit Icey. Need to purify myself with some GOOD classic style beat 'em ups.
Chink shit is okay if it's actually GOOD (like Rainblood Mirage Chronicles)
Bought that Steam Link meme and played a bit of that piece of shit Icey. Need to purify myself with some GOOD classic style beat 'em ups.
Chink shit is okay if it's actually GOOD (like Rainblood Mirage Chronicles)
Other urls found in this thread:
Inb4 shadman. Fuck IGN. This game is fun.
And now that I think about this, this got the same score as Godhand. It's a sign.
Genzoman did the promotional art. I can see why you'd get them confused.
So these aren't hard recommendations, but Mother Russia Bleeds and a bunch of other new western beat em ups that include combos and dodging tend to be alright. Didn't mind Guacamelee's air-juggle porn either, even if the bosses were dumpster fires.
Didn't get too far im guacamelee (boredom kicked in) but I am a sucker for air combos.
Will it ever be surpassed?
Guacamelee is a fine game, give it another go one day.
This is genuinely good. Not a "w-well it's good for a modern western beat em up" kind of good like Mother Russia Bleeds, Double Dragon Neon and others.
Yeah it's kind of a weak recommendation, just sort of the first thing that came to mind and I haven't played enough of Shank to recommend one way or the other.
My biggest problem was the enemies aren't aggressive or threatening enough. Would that change with hard mode? I think Muramasa is a good example. You can juggle the fuck out of stuff if you break their guard, but otherwise dodge as much as you can because taking a few hits will fuck you up bad.
Aces Wild is a pretty solid and unique game, though it will take a while to get into so be warned.
I think I got to the post Geno level where you get the corridor levels filled with minibosses and just said "fuck this".
It's interesting and a decent take, yeah, but having to spam dodge through poised-up enemies gets so damn tedious. Having to chip at Geno during his last phase was bad enough.
Still the best baby
Is this available on the VC?
I fucking loved this game. Actually felt hard.
I need to replay this.
Got Mother Russia Bleeds last week when it was on sale, it's pretty good although the music sucks.
For some reason I thought it was that russian HLM knockoff. Will check out
This looks really neat actually
If you think Muramasa qualifies, Odin Sphere Remake is much, much better.
Now this one is really good.
>You can't play the shopkeeper foxgirl
REEE etc etc
I need more input about this game.
I really fear that it is just in the "NEW GAME HOLY SHIT ITS AWESOME" phase, and it isn't all that. I can't find many videos of it online and all of the streams that I saw are from very under-skilled players (I can 1 CC SoR series on Mania, etc) so I can't get a good feel on it.
Plus, you just know it is going to drop like a stone in price. Conflicted.
I'm not sure what else muramasa qualifies as. You scroll from one screen to another and are locked into fighting enemies before you can keep going. The RPG elements are admittedly shit tho.
Is the remake really better than the original? I heard it was casualized
How the fuck has Guardian Heroes not gotten a Steam port yet? The amount of branching paths is INSANE.
What do you want to know exactly? It's a very traditional beat em up, except with more focus on juggling (especially with Gal). The amount of moves is similar to the later Capcom beat em ups, but you can combine them in all sorts of ways to create combos so it's not about memorizing complicated strings or anything like that. It throws a lot of enemies at you that can be quite aggressive on higher difficulties, but you can also use your superjoy without losing health and it throws a lot of extends at you. One big flaw is the length, takes over an hour to clear the game normally but there is Turbo mode which is a lot of fun and speeds the game up so you can clear it in 40-50 minutes depending on the difficulty.
This. I sank hours into it with mates. Went to Heaven, Hell & everywhere in between.
Not sure if shill but will try
Need a video? I have this 1CC I did a while back of the normal mode on the easiest route.
I feel like the difficulty is balanced just right for people who are competent at beat 'em ups, but the game is a bit on the long side, taking an hour or more for a full clear.
It's a one-man effort by a guy who really knows his shit when it comes to making a good beat 'em up. Hell, I could feel it just from a video of the first stage.
How long is a normal playthrough?
A little over an hour. See
Should I return ICEY?
Will I still get the steam link?
It's bad. Wait til after you get shipped the steam link to request a refund though. They're clearing stock so chances are very slim they'll ask for it back.
tfw managed to snag a copy of rainblood before it was removed from steam
ok,the time a refund is allowed is 2 weeks. That will be plenty of time to get the steam link and refund ICEY.
Also does anybody know if the steam link will play pirated games?
It can stream pirated games as long as you add them to steam as "non-steam game".
Really? That's nuts
Hadn't heard of these. Will have to check em out.
It works really well, too.
You can also stream anything else that is launchable through steam, so you could even use it to stream movies and music, even if that's somewhat retarded.
you can't refund part of a bundle dumbass
>even if that's somewhat retarded.
oh really, explain to me what's retarded about using steam link as screen sharing, when there is no software that does same available for free
>Spider-man has 8 limbs
Finally, a strike is dealt for proper representation of spiders in media
Phantom breakers is not remotely as good as guardian heroes but it's pretty similar to guardian heroes and Scott pilgrim
This guy is wrong. Steam link is not tied to steam, if you minimize big box you are basically streaming your PC to the steam link, you can play movies through windows programs, you can play any games that can run on your PC although you may run into some issues, I can't play asscreed unity because it causes massive screen tearing. Just make sure you use it on a hard line connection
>Make 2D Beat Up thread
>No one still knows about this game
Profound sadness.
The second video explain the concept behind the game. It seems to have a lot of combat depth.
>Big box
Big picture
>this guy is wrong
>proceed to repeat the same thing i said using more words
are you actually fucking mentally retarded?
so many of you come here to post and have nothing to say, so you focus on nothing more than telling people they are wrong, so much so that you TELL ME IM WRONG AND THEN REPEAT WHAT I SAID
>Can launcher anything launch able through steam.
That's fucking wrong, the program doesn't have to be steam compatible you fucking moron. It doesn't have to launch through steam at all. You don't have to even add it as a nonsteam game, you can open shit right from the desktop.
Doesn't look all that great but that girl does.
wait, what does shadman have to do with anything?
He's the Michaelangelo of our time. He is relevant to all forms of art
What do you look for in a 2D action game? This one takes from DMC as the developer has said multiple times that DMC is his favorite and what got him to start making games. So if combos, parries, dodging, cancelling mechanics, and dashing isn't your thing I understand.
The entire game revolves around parrying to increase your damage by a fuckton. The game fails at communicating the importance of that mechanic to the player, that's why casuals didn't like it.
>What do you look for in a 2D action game? This one takes from DMC as the developer has said multiple times that DMC is his favorite and what got him to start making games. So if combos, parries, dodging, cancelling mechanics, and dashing isn't your thing I understand.
Originality ,not aping another game and turning out to be an inevitably inferior experience, like games that ape other games are 100% of the time.
>Reddit spacing
Hello gaf
Look, shut up and just post more of that goddess/
>incapable of following a two-post sequence
>uhhh i'll say something about reddit
you talk with a lisp don't you
Try again sweetie, pic related is me
is it xbox exclusive? rip if so
It's doesn't play like DMC tho, it just uses the blueprint mechanics which DMC itself took from fighting games. So DMC isn't original either.
It's an Xbox exclusive (console wise), but it's coming to Windows and Steam
That's good. Combat looks really floaty though. Like, DMC has more weight than this. What's the engine?
I don't know the engine, but if you go to their Youtube channel and ask them there is a 99% chance you will get a response from them as they are using Youtube to talk directly to people interested in their game. You can ask other stuff too as people have straight up wrote 10 question post in the youtube comments and they have answered them all in one post.
The English speaker running the Youtube channel says that every Tuesdays and Thursday they have a meeting where he can ask and get answers for questions as well as reading out the positive and negative feedback the game is getting.
Actual beat 'em up GOAT right here
Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds is pretty good.
Why was it removed?
Chinese devs got mad that their western publishing partner (that was in charge of steam release) didn't support chinese language options. For some reason they didn't realize this for a long time and once they had enough complaints from chinese speakers they decided to pull the game for steam. They claim it'll be back up later under their own label some day. That's their official story.
My guess? They have a version of the game in China which is bloated with microtransactions and BS like that. When they bring the game back to Steam it will be that one. Chinese are the jews of asia
That's a shame, it looked alright.
Is the Dragon's Crown remaster coming to PC, or just PS4?
What are some quality some beat'en ups where you play as a fanservicy female
Rainblood is just a 2d hack n slash. It has no cashshop. They did a newer game that's unlockable characters and cashshop fodder.
Muramasa. There are hotspring sections
That's what I mean. The newer game is the next Rainblood and Mirage, as it was, will never come back to Steam.
But aren't you playing some dude for half the game
just take your hand off your dick for that part
echidna wars is a good one
>there will never be another beatemup where spidey and venom team up
Makes me sad bois
Not if you're playing the DLC.
Dungeon Fighter Online was great, haven't touched it in a year but it's probably one of the best RPG beat em ups I've seen yet. It's F2P and filled with typical cash shop bullshit, but you don't need to touch that stuff, unless you suck.
>Look up fight' rage
>pixel shit
He also had to go full retard to grow the limbs
>looking for beatemup
>surprised to see pixels
Fine but at least give me full sized titty monsters. Not pseudo-chibi art of deformed proportions
Draglade was pretty fun, reminds me of those kid anime shows like Beyblade.
Idk about quality but Code of Princess is an option
Code of Princess is underrated.
>music sucks
bloodrain was kinda cool
Really? It looks garbo
This cracka know what's up.
>that final boss
The first time I played it I thought it was garbo and uninstalled it. There's some quality there, it's just really hard to tell at first, and it's not an amazing game, just plenty good enough.
the skullz approve.
Holy shit, that looks really fucking neat.