>Urg this game stopped being fun after 100 hours shit game
Urg this game stopped being fun after 100 hours shit game
lol ur gaems r shit todd :v
Fallout 4 was not fun even after one hour, Todd
>I played this game longer than most people play their favorite
>but it's shit and I hate it
None of his games are worth playing longer than 5 minutes.
It's possible to have more fun in a well-made 12 hour game than a 100-hour grindan simulator.
100 hours of playing settlement defence simulator isn't very fun Todd
>A nice night of sleep, knowing everyone in Sup Forums bought my game...
God I wish Bethesda would announce a new game
Some people play game to fill their time because they have no ambitions or goals.
They are willing to sink that many hours in a subpar experience the same way a fat man is willing to stuff his face with oversalted and over sweet garbage.
Eventually they realize they're no really enjoying themselves as much as in the other time sink game.
Than they will say they didn't enjoy it.
That's the explanation.
I pirated it and dropped it after 5 hours Todd..
Fallout MMO when?
>B-But you did buy this year's Skyrim GOTY Edition, right? I mean that comes with extra missions, enhanced graphics, it can even be portable if you have a Switch.
i want play your games even for free
>You don't understand user, this year's copy- ehem... This year's Edition of Skyrim is definitely the best, I assure you you'll want to buy the game at least twice.
>negative review on steam
>playtime: 1500 hours
I am unironically this guy. I will play a TES game for 400-500 hours then just realize it was wasted time (usually during a DLC). This time it was Solstheim. Area is pretty fun and all, but gameplay wise they just throw perks and OP gear at you left and right. The gear sets, the passive skills, the tons of money and gems. They just throw so much of it at you, for little reason, that it really does feel "themepark" like.
>there are only flags for "received game for free" and "beta review"
>there are no flags for specific versions
Imagine the situation where game you love, poured hundreds of hours into turns into unplayable trash within few updates.