Bisexual character

>Bisexual character
>Transgender character
>Homosexual character

Why did they ruin Baldurs gate?

How did they ruin it?
that shit isn't even canon. who cares.
Even if Beamdog makes a BG3 (which they are making) it won't be canon. BG died with 2 and ToB provided plenty of closure for everyone.

Because it's 2017

reminder that Bioware are canadian

lol y do u even care kiddo u weren't even alive when it came out to begin with ;)

I really wish faggots would get publicly shamed again.

Because it is retarded for characters to come up to me and say "Hello, I'm a homosexual! I love having sex with the same sex!" when I first meet them.

You know when you are watching an old movie with two male protagonists and in the first 5 minutes one of them mentions how much he loves women because god (forgive me lord) forbid some retarded audience member can't enjoy the movie because he thinks they're gay?
I always found that annoying.
This is the same except they feel the need to talk about how diverse they are because Anita forbid some retarded sjw thinks the developers are shitlords and complains abut it on twitter.

I have to be going now.

The main writer melted down on twitter and got fired after even trants called her out on that shit.

They didn’t.
Nobody cares, regardless of their pitiful attempts to false flag some attention.

If you check their website, they’re still selling limited edition copies of dragonspear

why did Sup Forums ruin Sup Forums?

Can go to Sup Forums to actually discuss games because that board is a nuclear wasteland at this point. Can go to Sup Forums to discuss politics because Sup Forums is mainly shit posting and Sup Forums refugees.

What an odd site now.

has nothing to do with Sup Forums
every board is at its best when discussing off topic shit
Sup Forums has great threads about everything that isn't politics. Porn for example.

>Sup Forums has great threads about everything that isn't politics
meant videogames, obviously.

ignore all the added content to the enhanced edition and it's fine

Why did the character just blurt that out?

Have the devs never met a tranny


If youre not cool with homosexuals in your schools teaching your kids about buttsex

>No option to tell Mizhena that it's wrong and will always be its birth gender
>No option to simply kill Mezhena

I could overlook the inclusion of these things if they at least gave you the option of expressing a dissenting opinion, but nope, in typical liberal fashion, you are railroaded into 'acceptance'.

>every board is at its best when discussing off topic shit

I chuckled hard at that

You got it backwards. Game journos ruined videogames, Sup Forums and Sup Forums closeness is the result of their fuck up.

This is the REAL problem.

All RPGs should have a "who fucking cares" dialogue options.

Fuck off back to niggergaf


>every board is at its best when discussing off topic shit
probably because nobody is invested enough to start arguing.

Quick call him a cuck and then display the info graphic on white genocide.

They likely didn't chat to a tranny, they chatted to a "tranny". You know, one of those Twitter fags that buys his harmonies illegally and makes it the entirety of his personality.

Actual trannies are just mentally ill people trying to live normal lives.

>Fuck off back to niggergaf
user I...

can you explain how does a homosexual or bisexual character ruin the game?

it does when they keep fucking mentioning it

Lashing out against people that clearly hate the hobby of a certain board isnt anything unusual.
The board was different when the Jack Thompsons and soccer moms were the cancer that threatened the hobby, and I’m sure it will be different again when some other cunt moves in to supplant the SJWs

It doesn't unless you're a closet homo.

i find the concept of transexual characters in magic settings hilarious. stroll on down to your local witch and get a potion to change your gender. why is it a big deal? its fucking magic. runescape has the best depiction of trannys out of any game. theres a quest to kill a guy who says "no man can kill me", so you go to the tranny mage and change into a girl to defeat him

Nigga like close your eyes, look away from the screen. You don't have to force your self to watch it, whip your dick out and angrily make a thread on Sup Forums about it.

>normalizing the homos and freaks actually made their lives less interesting since now they can't protest in the streets about it
>they're now resorting to constantly remind you that they're so and so by telling you what they are all the time and dressing incredibly flamboyant and tacky
Thanks Obama

you're basically tumblr, user

That has nothing to do with character being homosexual. It's just bad writing.

What do the I and A stand for?
Inhuman and Android?

It shouldn't be particularly contentious or noteworthy since unlike our world they have magic to make a genuine transformation, rather than mutilating surgery.
But given her special name it seems some people can never be happy without a special history that needs to be public knowledge.

>do throne of miscillania after recruitment drive
>marry the prince because my toon is a girl and im too lazy to change back
>eventually change back into a guy
>have to talk to spouse again for future quest
>prince just says "stop being so silly and please change back"

whats up with the fallout 4 tier dialogue?

Go-to faggot non-argument. If you oppose a thing, it's because you are the thing.
Go to hell, fudgepacker

>how to do atypical sexuality/gender
Introduce the character slowly, make me care about them as a person, then hit me with the big tweest reveal.

>how not to do it

Protip: the former is how it works in real life, too. Studies show that people who change their opinion on issues like same sex marriage do it overwhelmingly because of personal experience with same sex couples, for example. It's when people are shown the person behind the label that they begin to actually care about that person as more than just an opposing "them." It's easy to hate 'that fag' but harder to hate John your neighbour who you know pretty well and he doesn't seem like that bad of a guy, really - and that's how people's views change.

Slapping faggots and trannies into videogames just for the sake of being able to put it on the box isn't just not the right way to do it, it's actively destructive to the efforts of others. The most embarrassing thing is that videogame writers genuinely believe they're accomplishing the former, not the latter, because they are blind to how shit they are at writing.

The more you know.

why are you so angry user? Did that fact trigger you?

Immediately Abort.

As a trap/tranny I could not agree more. In fact the only people irl that really know im trans all knew me before when I was a boy or are doctors. Everyone else just thinks im a girl and I dont bother to correct them. Looking and sounding like a girl really helps

Im just tired of all the tumblrinas co opting my mental ilness and waving it around like a fashion statement when they are obviously not trans and do not suffer actual gender dysphoria. I just want to live my life, I dont need sjw's pushing this shit into video games and making people hate me just for existing. They think they are helping us but all they are doing is making people resent us for the forced diversity.


>Game journos ruined videogames
Oh no, some people expressing their opinions online, dear lord, someone stop them.

Bioware was always shit reddit tier.
>le meme hamster man
>le edgy wizard antagonist
>le mary sue elf paladin cuck simulator

Infinity and Neverwinter engines are literally the only goods thing they ever did and it was done with zero input from their """writers""".

If journos keep making articles that can be summed up with "Fuck gamers. Companies should tell their core audience to fuck off and start catering toward me" there is obviously going to be a pushback.
I'm sorry if it's such a hard concept to grasp.

>wanting another straight white guy protagonist: the action explosion game™
Why does cis people have such bad tastes?

Yeah, and guess what? Readers can do this thing called disagree and think for themselves. I'm sorry if this is a hard concept to grasp.

poor bait

because they took the classic players by granted and now the objetive was, and still is, the tumblr audience.

post boipucci

Or they can disagree and tell them to fuck off.

wanna be my gf

There's still some truth to it :^)

I want a Warhammer dating sim where I can cuddle up between a skink and a kroxigor. Speak for yourself.

His ass. The writers were all fired but there was no "twitter meltdown" and some trannies crying in twitter are irrelevant. Before SoD was even released they already hired Gaider and he was forming his own team of writers.

They probably fired her and the other two writes because poor reception and sales.

I bow to your superior tastes

Keep trying, at least play the game before talking.


I vote democrat, but holy shit.

Imagine standing in front of him and only coming up to his chin.

And then he starts growing bigger.

On a non-lewd note according to the lore Korxigors are supposed to be twenty foot tall Saurus, not bulky crocodiles.

>be gay
>be something has has existed since the beginning of the human race
>be something that exists on many different animal species
>be one of the most common minorities in the human race
>still have to deal with dummies who think gays are evil because muh sand prophet

>No option to simply kill Mezhena

Can't you just force attack them or cast cloudkill or summon a demon around them to kill them?

>Everyone else just thinks im a girl
they can tell you're not, they're just polite.

>no technology to scan for mental illness before allowing them to be born

You're an attractive man, user.


They should just put the whole fucking alphabet in there at this point.

i already have a gf
If they legitmately thought this i wouldnt be told im "in the wrong bathroom miss" when i go into the mens and the nurse wouldnt ask me the last time i menstruated when i go for a CAT scan.

This has nothing to do with the thread, but you just have to shove in everyone's faces that you're a special snowflake faggot. Congratulations!

That's what Ctrl+Y is for

Sup Forums is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is Sup Forums, look at the front page, even mods agree. If you don't like it, you can fuck off back to Sup Forums. Political correctness, is a disease. Just like homosexuality, pedophilia and transgenderism.

nothing special about being gay. It's a big, constant minority.
>This has nothing to do with the thread,
OP complains about gay existing in BG. which is ridiculous.

Isn't second choice just pretty much "Yeah, whatever now about that important stuff..."?

>not owning physical release of BG, TOTSC, BG 2 and TOB
>Not playing it with Easytutu and weidu quality of life improvements
>Not getting the best possible experience that is absolutely unfucked and untampered with, brought to you by modders almost a decade ago before the "remake" was made, for free

Laughs and laughs, lots and lots of laughs.

>No evil dialogue option to tell them to fuck off
>Can't attack the refugess as an evil character or else a Flaming Fist mage teleports in and instakills me instead of the usual mercenaries that can be beat if you're good enough

Fuck this "expansion", and fuck (them) for not making it standalone because now I'll never 100% the cheevos for BG1.

you must be new here then

Nobody cares unless you can back your claims up with pictorial proof as otherwise your claims are indistinguishable from complete fiction.

>This has nothing to do with the thread
>>Homosexual character
>Why did they ruin Baldurs gate?

sure dude, nothing at all

No, he's complaining about it being made as a point of importance and shoved in your face, when you have casual magical artifacts that can swap your gender. There is such a belt in BG 1. And being trans =|= being gay.

I mean i can post voice if you want but I dont really need to prove myself on some mongolian chop squad knitting forum to a Sup Forumsirgin. I get enough orbiters as it is

post it faggot ;)

8 years strong going unto 9 in may, probably the oldest living fossil on this board right now.

>Playing the EE version
>Playing the stupid expansion that fills the gap between I and II

No thanks. I'm fine with my original version, and the BGT explanation of what happened between I and II you were kidnapped by Mae'Var who handed you to Jon

>be something that exists on many different animal species
Like cannibalism and rape?

weird since you seem triggered about the pedophilia and transgenderism even thought it's been prevalent on this site for years now

>false equivalence

I hate to be the doubles avocado, but you've really done it this time. Fallacies like this are a diamond dozen.

This a trite thing to say but that is a terrific look for an RPG boss.

>treat another guy with respect like any decent human being should
>"Hey bro, can I suck your cock?"

yes because eating people and rape is comparable with having consensual sex with the same gender

>steve from mass effect 3


That's my secret, Captain. I'm always triggered.

It is when its responsible for the AIDs epidemic

Lack of education of the dangers of unprotected sex and sharing needles is to blame here, not attraction to same sex.

Steve was fine because you could easily turn him down and he'd still be your bro though.