He really did not need to jump, or did he?
Silent Hill Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
he didn't needed to get out of the car either
My favorite description of the events of SH2 from this thread is that the cult is sitting back chilling while some autist runs around jumping in holes.
Reminder that if you're not playing these games in the dark with decent headphones you're doing it wrong
You mean loud noises are startling not scary.
>Silent Hill Thread
time for SH PC Guide + DL links:
SH2 torrent:
SH2 PC fixes site:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!
If you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.
SH2-4 do not support Xinput & PS4 gamepads natively. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
There's OK emu-settings for SH1 in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Try the PGXP emulator for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.
-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.
The idea of what's BEHIND the noises is scary.
It's not the startle fact that gets you, it's the paranoia of hearing something groaning or clanging or squelching somewhere close but not close enough to see. Most of those sounds aren't even loud/abrupt enough to be jumpscares.
Thanks for the guide, I've been wanting to play a horror game
You're welcome, bruh!
You're in for some true treat. Original SH games are highly praised and acclaimed classics for a good reason.
what was with those random pictures of a woman's mouth smiling in sh3
They're not necessarily "random"...
Thank you for the links.
Dude, you're in every thread.
Do you even sleep?
Sleeping is gay.
That's why I love it.
how many years have past since you pasted this for the first time
what did james mean by room 209 (lyne house) whispering?
well, my oldest SH Guide picture is this one from 2013, but oldest saved torrent is from 2015... so a couple or so years at least?
Maybe it was Mary's hospital room?
Can you guys help me? I dled SH2 yesterday and used pc guide for mods and enchanced fmv's, but when I launch game it stutters and slows down pc really hard. I have ryzen 3 1300x, gtx970 and 8gb 3000mhz ram
Well Sup Forums i'm done with playing the 4 games for the first time.
Loved them all but i was a little bored with SH3 for some reason...i was rushing to finish it near the end, i dont know i felt the same formula got really old by SH3 (which made the changes in SH4 justifiable), also i felt the game needed more characters and cutscenes especially during the first half.
I feel like replaying 2 and 4 the most now.
what kind of sickness did she had anyways?
Are you running Windows 10 by any chance as well? Any AA forced, and is the rendering resolution setting of the widescreen-fix set to match your screens native res?
Congrats, mate!
More important question:
Do you think the town manifested a half-baked, luke warm pineapple and anchovies pizza for Eddie?
Because that's my idea of a Silent Hill pizza.
...I got a letter.
The name on the envelope said "you're reading this in my voice"
It's ridiculous, couldn't possibly be true...
From the looks of it I'd say syphilis.
The dead kind
He didn't need to go to Silent Hill at all. He knew Mary was dead, but he still went anyway.
Anyway?! What do you mean "anyway"?!
How are the KBM controls for 2 and 3? Thinking about replaying them via the Steam Link and don't feel like digging my controller out of storage.
Daily reminder
Fuck I love SH3's sound design. So spooky.
it looks like pizza to you?
Just fine IMO. Tank-controls have always fit WASD / Arrows like a glove, to the point that I can control SH3 with my left hand only if needed. But then again I've played even old DooM with KB-only since late 90s, so...
They're all re-configurable as well.
Pretty good WebM. I'm pretty decent with tank controls, but I turn them off in 2 and 3. Do those two games even use the mouse at all, or entirely keyboard?
>model a whore after her
what did Konami mean by this?
it's a good contrast to Mary's outfit. James literally wanted Mary to wear clothes like that.
I played both 2 and 3 with a KB and mouse a couple years ago and I had a pretty good time. I changed around the control inputs though so I could basically play it with WASD.
>be Silent Hill director/writer
>make new atmospheric horror game
>it's a stealth game with zombie snipers
how do i even play these games legally?
From what I gather the HD collection is terrible and I lent out my ps3 to someone so they can play demon's souls
well shit, i had sh3 widescreen fix too with sh2's, deleted that and is all well now. thanks
There is nothing wrong with Siren. It did it's job of being unsettling and scary well.
>I'm pretty decent with tank controls, but I turn them off in 2 and 3
...why the living fuck??
>Do those two games even use the mouse at all, or entirely keyboard?
They do yes. I recall SH3 using it even more, allowing turning / camera panning and basic stuff like Ready & attack / use. Might've been the same with SH2 as well (both do use mouse cursor in menus and such), but it's been a while since I've tried it.
That shit's outdated as fuck. Grab latest from : >how do i even play these games legally?
The original games are practically abandonware at this point, especially PC ports, and Jewnami doesn't care for the series one bit.
If you really don't want to just grab the PC port like everyone else, then you gotta hunt down an used PS2 + the physical copies of 1-4.
Avoid the HD Collection like the plague. The Twin Perfect autist neckbeards explained it far better than I ever could, but do not watch their video until you've beaten 2 and 3 because they spoil the shit out of the games over the course of two hours. Legally, the only way to play them is to track down the hard copies on PS2, Xbox, or PC. If I were you I'd just pirate the PC versions and then follow the guide user posted here , or buy some used PS2 copies off eBay if you don't want to fiddle with mods and settings and whatnot.
NEVER, EVER play the HD Collection.
The sight jacking gimmick in those games was cool as hell
Storywise Siren is the best Horror game ever.
Really, just try it, look at all the websites etc. This game is amazing, and 2 is even more amazing.
Just look at the inspirations for this game:
Since it's team silent most of it goes for Silent Hill too.
>can't look up differences between the PC and PS2 version anymore due to "not videogames" website about videogames ceasing to exist
Enjoy your ban
Top is HD, bottom is remaster. We have to keep posting pic related to warn the unknowing.
The gameplay, the episodic nature, and the English dub totally ruined this entire series for me. I just cannot recommend them at all anymore.
>Team Silent
had nothing to do with Siren.
I just started playing it. Yeah it's overall pretty cool, but I am struggling to play it. Is it normal to have to die a bunch of times in every single level, except the first 1 or 2?
I'm pretty sure that's not the same mouth as in SH3.
There would be this far more detailed explanations for the more info-hungry newbies too: tl;dr still is: Everything was downgraded or buggy AF. Graphics, performance, audio, VAs, music, stability ... everything is now awful.
unfortunately, yes.
>Enjoy your ban
You wot now mate??
I think what made SH3 fatiguing is that there really was no open areas, or spots to "take a break." I felt constantly pushed from location to location because of the extremely linear map design. Despite feeling always spooked in SH1 and 2, there were definite moments where there was a break in the action, that allowed you to walk around, and absorb some of the atmosphere. I think SH3 lacks that because you are not given many chances to go off the beaten path (if at all), and many larger areas have annoying enemies in them.
I enjoyed SH3 quite a bit but as you said I was fatigued after going through the first two games.
Then SH4 started and I learned the real meaning of fatigue...
Sheiße, you got me mate.
That reminds me of this.
>unfortunately, yes.
So what is up with this menu that lists all the levels? It shows there are alternate paths and stuff, but I can't replay levels to complete the alternate objectives. At the end of the game, can I go back to any level, or do I have to do it all in one go?
You have to "unlock" the other routes and endings by playing it all either from the very beginning, or starting from a specific chapter.
Every single time the footsteps from upstairs sound plays, I think someone is actually in my house upstairs
I would recommend playing sh2 on pcsx2. There are no emulation issues, the fog and shadows are clearly superior to the pc version and you can play it in 1080p.
I thought they recently fixed the fog on the PC version so as to not be inferior any longer.
The fog on the PC and Xbox version was always inferior to the ps2 version
Jump to 12:20 if you want to see the ps2 vs pc comparison.
PCSX2 sucks ass, and using it is the 2nd worst option for playing the game, right next to the HD Collection.
The fog can be edited to totally BTFO of the PS2 version nowadays, and the PC version has other merits as well, such as waaay lower system requirements, proper widescreen support, and per-pixel lighting.
I've watched this video and I always play on PS2 just as it's the "intended" way to do it. But I thought I heard a couple months ago about a fix for the fog that made it not nearly as bad as in this video.
I didn't know that. Nice if it's true.
that comparison is obsolete at this point.
the fog fix is already couple YEARS old, and it was never really as bad as people try to make it sound like. Without comparing them side by side, and even then cherry-picking shots, it's veeery hard to notice difference in practice, even without fixes.
example webm was already apparently posted at
I played SH2 long time ago but I remembered loving the Maria story, it was a perfect example of don´t show. Who was the guy behind the door? I feel lazy to prepare settings to replay it.
Are you sure the game is running in single core mode? The game flips out if you let it use more than one core.
if you're lazyass, just use sh2proxy rather than the modern fixes, and you're all set.
alternatively: google.
>not using the DOF resolution fix
what's wrong with you??
all the modern fixes made in past decade or so should automatically configure the sh2.exe 's affinity to use only 1 core, or to work smoother with multiple cores.
If that for some reason fails, you can check the setting manually via the control panel.
aspect raidou
>tfw consolikids can't into ultra-wide aspect ratios
Wanna tell us more about your time with these games? As an old-fag, I'm always interested of hearing newbies' experiences with these lovely games. Like general emotions, any challenges, what endings did you get and on which difficulties... etc ?
My personal rating's:
SH1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > SM > > > crap > the rest.