Why doesn't Ubisoft make normal single player games anymore? Why does everything have to be co-op/multiplayer...

Why doesn't Ubisoft make normal single player games anymore? Why does everything have to be co-op/multiplayer? I miss proper Tom Clancy titles desu.

Because ubisoft is fucking trendy and wants to have their "esports" games too, all of these games will be forgotten and ubisoft will regret it. And people are going to get fired.

Because sub-humans keep buying their open wolrd busy simulator trash.
Why should they change when it sells like hotcakes?
The tasteless audience is to blame.

Single player games don’t make money anymore

>misses proper tom clancy titles and hates coop and multiplayer
>rainbow six 1-3 had coop multiplayer
>the best splinter cell game, chaos theory, had coop and multiplayer
>ghost recon 1 had multiplayer and coop

Fucking poser, stop posting.

>Why does Ubisoft keep making games that sell boatloads and make them a bunch of money
I don't know user you tell me

There's a difference between a game having a multiplayer/co-op mode and multiplayer being the main focus of the game, don't be so fucking thick.

>Why doesn't Ubisoft make normal single player games anymore
>literally 2 single-player ubisoft games are released this month

Siege will stick around for a long time. But The Division, Wildlands, The Crew, that new pirate game, will be forgotten quickly.

But Blacklist was great.

>you now realize Blacklist is 4 years old

Microtransaction and loot box.

Goddamn it looks great.

Damn, that game has aged well.

Not necessarily, but it's a lot harder to make a profitable single player game than a multiplayer one.

Just wait until Vivendi guts them.

pretty sure Cuphead and ELEX are more profitable than Lawbreakers or Battleborn

>tfw no spykino sequel

Wait, doesn't Ubi just print money at this point?

So about 2 days ago I finally beat double agent through all the bugs and BS. Yesterday I beat conviction and today I'm playing Blacklist. Holy fuck did they shit on poor ol Sam Fisher.

They for some weird fucking reason decided to retcon Fisher but keep the story that was in Double Agent. So they string along this story in the worst way, change the way fisher looks and acts, but kept his voice. This weird looking guy with the same voice as the guy you played for 4 games over the last decade?! It was hysterical and idiotic.

Now I'm on blacklist, they kept the story, continue to string it along but changed the character yet again and also changed the voice, but its still the same dude... Fucking hell thats a dumb and aggravating approach.

The gameplay is also all sorts of fucked. Its mediocre as a stealth game, as an action game, and espionage gadgets and shit are all boring, at least in Conviction. I barely got through 2 missions so far in Blacklist.

Why the fuck couldnt they just make a new character after double agent?

Did you play Watch_Dogs 2?
As a pure hater for WD1, that game won me over.

I think that Ubisoft sees Sam Fisher as their Batman or Lara Croft, a sort of a legacy character that can have different voice actors and interpretations. But they pussied out of a full reboot in Blacklist and took some kind of a weird middle approach where everything that happened to Sam before Blacklist is canon, yet he seems to be in his thirties, ready and willing to work for the government again.

Honestly, they should've gone full nu-Lara and just given the character a reboot. It was so weird to hear nu-Sam talking to his daughter.