ITT: Characters with terrible VA

ITT: Characters with terrible VA

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ITT: Shitposting

His Polish actor is great but the english one is a bit lacking yeah. That said I do appreciate how much the english one seems to enjoy playing Geralt.

English Zelda in botw really breaks my immersion

original polish VA is 10/10 it's only your fault in playing w3 in inferior murrican butchered version

Who the fuck thought having a billion of those lines in the game would be a good idea?

There's no original version for the voice acting

excuse me?


TW3 was made in all the languages at the same time. Nothing was based on Polish

At least read/listen what the devs said about the development of the game before being categorical and/or calling others retard

game is polish. polish is an original language of this game

Yeah and French was the original language for Remember Me, LiS and Dishonored 1 & 2, right

yes, exactly

i don't agree.
listen to other versions of Geralt on youtube, they just literally sound like random guys with nothing particular.
the english one stands out.
the raspy, low, weird voice fits the character. i mean, he went through a bunch of crazy shit to become a witcher, i like that his voice is unique.

You're even more retarded than expected

>read the books
>Geralt is a relatable professional

>play first two games
>Geralt is a relatable professional pussy destroyer

>play TW3
>Geralt is Balls McSteeljaw, pussy magnet for hire AMERICA WOOOOOOO! USA! USA! USA!
TW3 is like Phantom Menace. It managed to single-handedly ruin the entire franchise.

God I would absolutely let geralt fuck my ass

No homo though

you are homosex

>Yes. "Jarhl" bellgroof.
>Oh? I thought you were already on your way to.. the Bleak Falls Barrow.

>come to dragonssreacsh to discusch the hostilitiesh, like the rest of the great warriorsh?

Sounds like bad tv show in sunday afternoon from 10 years ago