Now that the dust has settled can we all admit Sup Forums was wrong on the ps3 and that its a top 5 all time console?

Now that the dust has settled can we all admit Sup Forums was wrong on the ps3 and that its a top 5 all time console?

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No gaems

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No gaems

No gaems

No gaems


It ended up being the best console in the worst generation, so grats, I guess.

Shit like this is fine, but a neogaf thread is ban-worthy. Fuck off kike mods.

>It ended up being the best console in the worst generation
Nah, it was the worst system of the gen by far.
Multiplats ran worse, it's exclusives weren't noteworthy, games were delayed out the ass.
It was basically the Xbone of it's gen.

360 unironically killed it

How is it the Xbox One if the PS3 outsold the 360?

epil cimply epin

Because it had nothing, just like the Xbone.

Sony irreversibly BTFO

>Xniggers still mad that MS basicly abandoned their shit systmen in infancy

>when the Wii existed

>not the best

>it's the "Wii was bad" meme

name 10 good wii exclusives not by nintendo

No More Heroes 1
No More Heroes 2
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Pandora's Tower
The Last Story
Xenoblade Chronicles
De Blob
Dead Mountain
Fatal Frame 4

No More Heroes 2
Red Steel 2
Fragile Dreams
The Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Castlevania the Adventure: Rebirth (WiiWare, but still)

The last story
Harvest moon tree of tranquility
Harvest moon animal parade
Rune factory frontier
Mad world
Epic Mickey
Dragon quest swords the masked queen
Sonic Colours
Red steel 2
No more heroes
That 10?

It is a top 5.
360 was only on top in the beginning. By the end of the generation PS3 was superior. I'm not talking about the Wii here.

Wii got him guys!

Sonic Colors
No More Heroes 2
The Three Trauma Center games
Zack and Wiki
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Red Steel 2
DQ Swords
Nights: Journey of Dreams
FFCC: Crystal Bearers

I don't get it, you asked for games and you got a list of them. What's the problem? Why the memes?

Apply that logic to the other consoles

There's only two arguments they have left when put in their place;
Memes and going
>doesn't count because I said so

I dunno man

SNES is good, PS2 is good, DS is good, original xbox is good, ps3 is good.

I guess thats the order I would pick as well

No I was
I was making a pun

The PS3 is one of the worst consoles ever made. It was a fragmented platform and one of the only consoles ever made that actually get worse over time. Terrible online, terrible controller, needlessly expensive, difficult to develop for, garbage exclusives with no content or replayability, etc. The PS3's only saving grace is found in a few games like Demon's Souls and Warhawk. Otherwise, it was ass.

From day 1, the Xbox 360 offered a high quality experience with good games and features. It was cheap, easy to develop for, had great games right out of the gate, always had the best version of multiplats, the exclusives always had a ton of content, the controller was great, etc. It was simply the better console, and that's why it won. Things have reversed themselves nowadays, Sony definitely won this gen, but the PS3 is objectively one of the biggest failures in gaming history.

7th gen will forever go down as the generation where every console warrior fought over which machine was the least disastrous.

>From day 1, the Xbox 360 offered a high quality experience
>please forget the countless replacements MS had to shell out because of heating issues

Well no. Xbots and Nintendorks were content and had games to play so they wouldn't consider their systems the worst.
It was only the Sonyfags that tried to say the PS3 wasn't bad.

But the ps3 got better as time went on.


>Nintendorks were content
Content? It was their descent into the blue ocean meme that they never recovered from. Don't even get me started on how much worse 360 was than OG either.

This current gen is even worse, though.

>But the ps3 got better as time went on.
No, it didn't. It literally did not. It lost features. The only thing that got "better" was that it got more games, but that doesn't mean much when the games are shit.

if the ps3 is top 5 then the 360 is top 3. the 360 outclassed in in pretty much every way from sheer graphs in multiplats to a massively superior UI which actually allowed basic features like party chat which the ps3 lacked. the 360 even had some top quality japanese games at the beginning of the gen but if all you care about is japanese games then the ps3 was probably your better choice in that case

Disregarding the 360 the ps3 has more quality games in 2017 than in 2006. That is a fact.

Now those games compared to a 360 is an entirely different argument.

All the Sony meltdown stuff aside the PS3 turned out like the PS2 in the end. Massive library and all around solid experience. Crap like Uncharted and Last of Us just doesn't really compete with the Marios, the Zeldas, and the Halos.

>the ps3 has more quality games in 2017
You're being serious aren't you.
The PS3 didn't have any semblance of quality in this year or any previous years. Hell it was pretty much getting shoddy ports right up until the PS4's release.

Lmao this meme is such shit. I've had my launch model since 2006 and never once did it get red ring. Those which did could be sent to Microsoft and repaired for free, and they'd usually send it back to you with a free 30 day xbox live card or the like. Issues with red ring were almost completely absent after the second board revision, and by the slim era it was non-existent. Nice try though.

I was more into the xbox 360 at that point
>orange box
>sin creed
>Transformers war for cybertron

Id definitely say there are many quality games. It is the best system for Japanese titles even if 360 has the best rpg of the gen(Lost oddesy)

The 360 is best for multiplats and shooters.

It does have a bunch of fun exclusives and multiplats, but the ass tier performance in most of its games makes them borderline unplayable. Hard to put it in top 5 just for that reason. Mine is pretty much just a Code Veronica X HD machine now.

I also like how that user completely forgot how the Yellow light of death was a problem on EVERY iteration of the PS3.
The best part is that if you got it on anything but the Super Slim you were fucked, that disc was stuck there.

the only thing ps3 had over the xbox was free online and didnt break as much

everything else 360 trumped it

>it works on my machine :^)

>the Yellow light of death was a problem on EVERY iteration of the PS3.
Forgot about that, very good point. God damn the PS3 was such a fucking piece of shit.

>tfw my launch ps3 still works

>tfw my launch ps3 still works
Doesn't it technically need to have games to "work" though?

>dust has settled
>normies still asking higher than lauch prices for a cumstained 90nm console with the newest firmware and a copy of NHL 15 and Singstar attached

this was funny actually. i think some guy borrowed my cousins ps3 and it got ylod and his bo3 disk got stuck in the tray so the guy bought him a fresh copy as compensation but there was actually a way to get the ps3 to turn on even with ylod which doesn't actually turn it on but does some cleaning operation which blows the fans really fast and the disk drive ejects the disk. we ended up getting a free copy of bo3 which we sold and bought some premium haze with the cash. good fucking times

Of course I bought ps3 games over the years you silly.

That meme hasn't been relevant since 2009

The only reason it hasn't been relevant is because the PS3 itself isn't relevant.

Or because the ps3 got games after 2009

>That meme hasn't been relevant since 2009
Lmao, ironically, this meme is now more relevant than ever simply because some games aren't even playable on PS3 anymore, like MAG or Resistance 2 (other than the dogshit campaign I guess).

I'm curious, what games did you buy other than cringey "cinematic experiences" like Uncharted and Heavy Rain?

>13% of PS3's got hit by YLOD
>while 47% of 360's got RROD'd

It only had Demon's Souls other than that it was just old and/or mediocre ports and the occasional shovelware title. The "meme" still holds true.

>10 year old memes
Yes, you fit in.

>while 47% of 360's got RROD'd
>there exists a human who is actually retarded enough to believe this
Doesn't really matter either way since later models fixed the problem, unlike PS3 where it persisted till the end.

>It only had Demon's Souls
Lmao I like how this was the one reason to own a PS3 for the longest time, and then Dark Souls came out for 360 and was even better. Talk about getting cuckolded.

Heres some exclusive games I enjoyed on ps3

>Yakuza 3,4,5
>Persona 5
JoJo All Star Battle
Demon Souls

and the list of 360 exclusives I enjoyed

>Viva Pinata
>Kameo Elements of Power
>Rare N64 Ports(Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, Tooie)

Shooters I play on pc so I dont give a shit about halo

>Hell it was pretty much getting shoddy ports right up until the PS4's release.
they where getting less frequent around 2012
GTA V looks better on PS3

Yeah now try getting a comparison at the same time of day in both.
Not to mention the framerate tanks compared to the 360 version.

That just looks like different amounts of saturation

Though now I kinda wanna boot up my gtav copy to see

No gaems

Sorry a console is not a video game, this discussion is not allowed here, take it to /pol

wtf my 360 gt 5 was crisp. some doughnut took some 480p screenshot and stretched it to make the top picture look better


PS3 games had no fucking content. They just never could grasp the concept that the popularity of a console is tied to both its games and the communities that those games form, and for popularity/communities to endure, you need content. People still play Halo 3 to this day because it had a fuckton of options and features. Resistance 3's online was shut down 2 years after it came out. That tells you something.

KZ2, Infamous, R&C ACIT, GT5, GT6, Resistance 3, TLoU and probably another game i'm forgetting we're all as good as Demons Souls.

You ching chong worshippers are a joke.


Resistance 3 had a pretty cool campaing
but then again i never cared for online games on console, was to busy playing CS Source at the time

I still don't believe they tried selling it at $600.
That's absolutely absurd.

It's also funny how just googling $599 comes up with the PS3.

its time the big 3 learn that 399 is the cut off point for a console to succeed

Absolute shit compared to Halo. Next.
Mediocre at best.
>GT5, GT6,
LOL racing sims, you're really reaching now. The PS3 gran turismo games are by far the worst in the series. Forza absolutely shits on GT anyway.
>Resistance 3
Hot trash with a cringey as fuck story and no content.
You've got to be kidding me.
>probably another game i'm forgetting we're all as good as Demons Souls.
Whatever the fuck this means.

Now, on 360...
>Gears of War series
>Halo series
>Fable series
>Perfect Dark series
>Banjo-Kazooie series
>Forza series
>Dead Rising
>Viva Pinata series
>Tales of Vesperia
>Crackdown series
>Blue Dragon
>Lost Odyssey
>...and the best version of almost every multiplat of the gen
And that's not even counting all of the semi-exclusives like Left 4 Dead that were on PC and not PS3.

Did it have more than like..4 games worth playing?

>using gameinformer as a fucking source
You're really trying your hardest to glaze over that little "later models fixed the problem" anecdote, aren't you?

360 had the benefit of launching first and gaining a huge fanbase and ps3 had a shitty launch with a $600 price tag. overall PS3 persisted throughout last gen and proved to be the better console in terms of game content and power

None that were exclusive.

>later models
all the way up the slim did the problem percist

>proved to be the better console in terms of game content and power
Lmao imagine being this delusional. Game content? Like what? Games that were such shit and had so little value that the online went down after only 2 years? Games that had no custom multiplayer features or replyability in general?

Ni no Kuni
Yakuza games
Drakengard 3
Tales of Graces F

>all the way up the slim did the problem percist
Yeah no, it didn't. Wanna know what did "percist"? The PS3 having no good games.

PS3 won ages ago.

>he has never played littlebigplanet

>Mediocre monster Tamer
>literally considered the worst MGS game before the release of MGS5
>Literally a port of a Wii game

>he has never played littlebigplanet
Yeah, I did, it's a piece of shit, not to mention it's only one single game. Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts is 10x better anyway.

Demon Souls is apparently not a good exclusive

>cherrypicks exclusives from 360 lineup to artificially make PS3 look better
>doesn't even have Halo 3 on the list
Lmao enjoy MAG and Starnigger you sad sack of shit.

Towards the end of its lifecycle it had a few decent games, which ultimately made me buy one after all.
That it was region-free was a big plus. I don't think I would have bought it without the JP-exclusives.

Top 5? Nope.

Vesperia had more content on PS3, and there's an English patch if you have a hacked PS3

mgs, god of war, last of us, uncharted, heavy rain, demons souls, killzone, lbp, resistance, etc

now compare that to what? halo and gears of war? both of which were sub par shooters at best. 360 fanboys were a joy to shit on back during the whole console wars. "muh 360 got the red ring of death again reeeee"

>using hacked JP versions of games as an argument
It's time for you to leave now.

PS Triple