Why was this concept abandoned so fast? It had so much potential

Why was this concept abandoned so fast? It had so much potential.

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It isn't the most comfortable way to play a game.
Also smartphones

It sucks. These screens are not designed to be looked at this way and look weird. Maybe on 3DS it's better but I don't any games like this.

Didn't Mario and Luigi Dream Team and BiS bring this back?

I wasn't able to play Last Window REEEEEEEE

I loved Hotel Dusk

Just emulate, or hack your 3DS and get a card

It's not very practical and it forces stylus use, which most games got away from.

>not owning a hacked 3DS

Apparently my 3DS can't be hacked because of the updates or something like that? Like, I'd need a second 3DS to hack mine.

I had a look but it doesn't seem like Last Window can be properly emulated. If I'm wrong someone please, PLEASE correct me.

Because it's shit.

Check again, there's new hacks all the time.

The DS/3DS is already uncomfortable enough. Turning it sideways just for a gimmick makes it tenfold worse to hold.

Looks like the main problem is points where you have to touch multiple things at the same time, heres how to work around that from what i just google searched

Your other option is wait for Black Friday for them to sell the BF Exclusive $100 N3DS regular size like they did last year which most likely should be running on a outdated FW and can be hacked

Why weren't there more VNs on the DS?

>tfw playing the nameless game
It was a nice concept.

And the Dreamy Luigi fights had the worst touch controls ever. I can see why this concept didn't stick.


I could deal with the fights. But using tilt controls for that giant star when fighting Bowser was a real pain.

The ninja gaiden game was like this, right? I remember it being pretty good

Yeah it was pretty great for a portable game

Why was Ikenie no Yoru and games like it never released in the west?
> a horror, adventure video game for the Wii. In the game, the player controls in turn five teenagers exploring a haunted mansion. The game uses the Wii Remote and Nunchuk as well as the Wii Balance Board for different elements in the game.

You walk by treading on the balance board and use the wiimote as a torch to explore a haunted mansion. This shit sounded AMAZING. And yet I can think of maybe like two games that actually came out that used the wiimote and balance board, like Ski and Shoot.


The nameless game really pushed the DS to its limits by using this method using both screens as one in 3D.


Rhythm Heaven is played like that too

I thought the DS literally couldn't do 3D on more than one screen at a time?

It was good for rhythm games too. Guitar Hero and that one small vocal pop'n music spin-off used it.
Strangely, Ketsui, a tate danmaku didn't.

Not sure where you heard that but this game makes use of the two screens as one during the adventure mode phase then pulls the "a ds within a ds" when you gotta continue playing the DS game that kills you in 7 days if not completed or something, it's been years since I played it.

There was a ton in Japan, mostly licence games.
As for the reason: Low resolution and Kanji don't mesh well.

I prefer having everything happen on one screen.

Dual screens was nothing but a stupid gimmick born out of one of Nintendo's most primal desires: to be Jewish as fuck. At the time, it was simply cheaper to make 2 smaller screens than one screen of the combined size. Making only 1 screen have touch functionality further reduced the cost.

It's funny because the exact opposite is true now. Up until a certain size, it's cheaper to make a single screen than multiple screens, even if the multiples are smaller, which is why the 2DS was made with a single LCD panel that's merely separated in the middle by a piece of the plastic casing. Imagine that border wasn't there and what do you have? You have a tablet. You have a tablet with D-pad and face buttons.

Any benefit separating a single screen into 2 is completely imaginary, and there isn't a single game that couldn't have been done on a single big screen instead of two smaller ones. It was simply to reduce costs.

The one thing I liked about the clamshell design was the fact that it acted as a built in screen protector. You can't just shove a Switch into your pocket (disregarding its size) because you risk scratching the screen all to hell. But you don't necessarily need dual screens in a clamshell design. I hope they revisit it one day with the Switch Lite or whatever they call it

The golden years when Eternal Duelist Soul and Emerald were still a thing

wait what game is this?

Didnt a dude from japan marry this game?

Only the DS one. After that, they stopped even when they went back to the 3DS

tfw left handed

>Not playing Cold Case.

Is this a joke
The Ds family was alive for more tha adeace with countless games utilizing this concept

VNs were more a PSP thing since it had a higher resolution and more storage space to use for voice acting.

Not that you couldn't do that on the DS, but it was just more popular on the sony console.

3DS ruined it because of the mismatched screens.

>wanted Nintendo to drop the double screen meme
>they go full retard and make a tablet with detachable controllers that you have to carry everywhere

>30 minute long demo
No, I'll wait until they release a proper game.

>how do you make the worlds most uncomfortable handheld even more uncomfortable?
>flip it on its side and make people use the stylus

games that used this let you invert so it wasnt a problem for lefties

Care to name some?

>That one puzzle in phantom hourglass