ITT: Times the villain was right


What does the N stand for?

What does the N stand for?


Sup Forums



Refresh my memory what did he do?
>posting that when the mods are on the hunt.


Why is he yellow? Is he a Simpson?



Neo Cortex




the entire scene is such a mind fuck, you think the guy gone crazy but it turns out he was right all along. about everything.

Since when was picking on marsupials the correct thing to do?

do not utter the forbidden word, lest you summon he who does it for free




Handsome jack feel bad for the dude
Also Gannondorf Hylians literally genocided the Gerudo. Gannondorf wanted revenge desu


Is this the stealth Dr. NEO cortex GAF thread?
I disapprove of the actions taken by Sup Forums moderation in light of this crisis. The mere mention of this opinion warrants a ban. It sure would be great if the website's admin knew conversational English, or perhaps the paid members of the staff could decide upon or appoint a community manager of sorts whom could become a mouthpiece or figurehead of sorts in lieu of the non-english speaking admin?

Are you saying Crash was wrong? How?

He was only right in Twinsanity though.



What ? I'm only on case 2 and he's not a villain. Wrong pic maybe ?
