Justify why you haven't bought this yet, especially now that it's available on most platforms.
Justify why you haven't bought this yet, especially now that it's available on most platforms
>won it on a giveaway
>played all the maps at least once on normal
>wanna play on higher diff
>faggots kickin me on higher difficulties because of low level
i don't want to talk to anyone
For some reason, I just find it boring as hell. Ive played it for 30 hours so it may be that
In 90 hours of play, I've heard people use voip 3 or 4 times at most. People don't talk to strangers in multiplayer games these days and they don't expect you to talk to them. Maybe a little bit of bitching or memes in text chat, but that's about it.
It's worse than 1
justify shilling on Sup Forums for a game that updates slower than fucking berserk while being outright worse than it's predecessor
~500hrs since 2015 EA
The current iteration of the game gets stale very, very quickly
It has lost quite a lot of it's playerbase since the Sharpshooter update
Past its prime which was the GS or SS update, which ever you prefer
it's generic crap with no character and has microtransactions
anyone who isn't a faggot is playing kf1 (which is still faggot floor because how hard TWI killed THAT game too) or has moved on since they got max bars for all level 6 perks 5 years ago
>>faggots kickin me on higher difficulties because of low level
That's because they are bad players themselves, user; they probably dropped in on Sui from Hard after 12 hours of superperktraining
havent played since early access but i distinctly remember not liking how slow the bullets travel
but I DID buy it in Early Access, and every few months I dump ~10 hours into it
I just can't play sharpshooter or gunslinger, it's sort of depressing
I can't quite pinpoint how, but they dumbed it down a shit ton for the console babs. My best way of explaining it would be the complexity and size of the maps being toned down a whole bunch and the trader locations being really close to each other ruining the tenseness from the previous game.
Not to mention that the whole early access process really turned me off to any future TWI games or any early access games forever. Months and fucking months with no new additions, but those fucking niggers had the time and resources to make that shitty VR game.for E3.
I remember being so hyped for this game when it was announced, and now all I feel is disgust when I see it in my library.
The first one was a boring heap of shit and I don't really see much difference in the second one. The VR game they released is actually pretty cool but it again got really boring within 30 minutes. My biggest issue in 1 & 2 was the fact that I can't find any challenge execept at the higher difficulties which in the end are just fucking impossible seeing as miniboss is just a bullet sponge. I do like the goofy-gore feel of the first game and the second definitely was an improvement, but wave shooters to me have been dead since Orcs Must Die.
tl:dr: I bought it and returned it so I could play more W.A.W
For the most part you're not wrong, but I don't really think the trader distance is a big deal, since most people just leave the last zed alive until they get to the trader anyway.
It was a huge deal in the first one on higher difficulties when the last one alive was a Fleshpound about to tear two of your teammates in half in one second if you didn't kill him in half.
Didn't have to buy it, got it for free with PS Plus
>no comical harry enfield voice making everything said a catchphrase
>made with consoles in mind
I knew it was garbage the very second I found these out. You can play it all you want, have fun
they also went through the trouble to drop paid crate cosmetics and paid dlc skins on us like a month after it's early access launch with 4 classes and 5 maps while waiting 2 years to add FUCKING SHARPSHOOTER. It took them even longer to add a fucking thank you chat command in a game about teamwork. There is no way in which it ISN'T worse. Even the gore in kf1 is funnier to me due to it's absurd jankiness. there's nothing like shooting a husk's legs off, and 2 copies of the flamethrower arm gib falls out of it, or even katana/hunting shotgun scrake flipping. nope, lets just add "new" zed types that are just worse clots and call it a day
you got in for free but you installing it was bait, you are playing their "service" and statistically if you open even one crate they still win. Killing floor 2 was ruined by overkill DESU, TWI and overkill being all buddy buddy lead to the death of kf1, and kf2 is just fucking payday 2 with mutants.
Payday 2 used to have a shitload of dlc packs for cheap, where you could buy only the mandatory-for-lategame dlc. 5 years into the game's life, they decided they were losing too many players and repackaged ALL of the dlc into 1 bundle you had to buy at once for 80 fucking burgerbucks and made the game "free" to play.
Take 10 people who didn't own the game yet, assume they wouldn't even buy it on sale if they somehow didn't buy it for 2 dollars yet. Give all of them payday 2 and if even one of them is dumb enough to fall for the dlc package, they instantly made more money from that than 10 people buying the base game and never touching dlc. I saw the old playerbase giving out millions of dollars with cheats to new players in an attempt to intentionally kill the game out of mercy 2 days after i started playing it when it became "free"
point being killing floor 2 is just payday 2, the devs learn from each other like naughty dog and insomniac in the ps1 era, and there is literally no chance of killing floor 2 ever becoming better/good/anything other than worse than before. Fuck, these games piss me off so much.
>Pitiful amount of weapons and perks
>Took forever to add GS and SS
>No Martial Artist, Shitvivalist instead
>MTs, rng crates, skin conditions and trading
>All the while ignoring bugs and features the community wanted for months-years
They dun goofed and I don't recall any good reason for it
Somehow they managed to play it all off with free cosmetics and events
they didn't seem to realize they only had their game take off in the first place with the steam release because it was a cheap game with no pay to win that routinely gave us new content that made it a better game, for free. I only own that fucking game because i bought it on a gamble with the remaining 5 dollars left over from buying orange box. Every update was better than the last for like 3 years after launch. the seasonal events were great, until THOSE went to shit too, at least. You could support these small time devs who genuinely tried to make a good game by buying 4 skins AT ONCE for less than 3 dollars. they were honest and it showed, and THATS part of the charm of the first game. they threw that in the trash with the steampunk weapons packs, the flare revolvers being paid dlc weapons after promising for years that they wouldn't do that, and charging 5 dollars a pop for skins when they "only did it with Harry because he's the money guy and that's part of the joke." then it became, "Oh shit they fell for it? We can just charge 5 dollars for EVERY SKIN after this for sure, no reason to leave money on the table."
I will never not be mad about this shit.
This event is shit tier compared to summer event.
I just hope they are preparing something good for christmas.
>killing floor ever getting better
>killing floor putting effort into seasonal events
>having hope for killing floor
you're completely right, it's funny, both overkill and tripwire got bigger by playing the humble underdog but as soon as they were big enough to pull it off they got arguably worse than the AA games of the time, fucking kf2 has cosmetics on the marketplace with a value of 300+ dollars, it's just nasty, fuck TWI
Hey now lets be fair. Summer circus update was really good. Voice lines and zed models were top notch.
This update tho is just a map and 2 shitty weapons.
How was that prime?
>Summer circus update was really good.
it was because they worked on it for like 6 fucking months, altought i agree they did the same with the first halloween event in KF1 (the 2011 halloween update had recolored summer enemies) and the new halloween map is really good (if you are not playing as a demolist that is).
To be fair, they were never really going to make whatever the martial artist was going to be anyway.
It was sort of a placeholder that they abandoned waaaaay before the survivalist was announced.
MT's and crates are sorta annoying, but they're completely optional and aren't shoved down your throat (like in KF1), and you can easily get plenty of hats and skins or whatever without ever paying any money.
Either way, the game has none of the EA problems now, so there's no point in complaining anymore.
I dropped it with 280 hours after the gunslinger, what did they changed?
>put 100 hours into it
>got my favorite perks maxed out
>beat Hell on Earth a bunch of times
I feel like there's nothing left to do in the game. I just got bored of it.
>there is literally no chance of killing floor 2 ever becoming better/good/anything other than worse than before
Is that purely due to the cosmetics? Or early access taking too long?
I never paid attention to payday so idk
does payday 2 have better end game content?
cause I felt the grinding got super stale after clearing HoE a bunch of times.
Especially head hitboxes.
>hey were never really going to make whatever the martial artist was going to be anyway.
yet they still released the shittiest class in the game, the survivalist.
>but they're completely optional and aren't shoved down your throat (like in KF1)
>the game has none of the EA problems now.
the damage is already done, user, the number of players are a foreshadowing of things to cum.
I'd like to imagine that next year's halloween update will have zed skins.
They already did a big event earlier this year so the second one inevitably had a bit less effort spent
community is either underage or shit,devs barely care besides the occasional 1 map 2 guns update instead of actual new gameplay
micro transactions set the tone of how they wished the support the game. most of the cosmetics they offer are meme shit that sticks out like a sore thumb
tier 2 weapons are mostly pointless unless you have a tier 3 and spare money
promised us martial artist but instead gives us a steaming pile of survivalist
gutted the humour and banter from the 1st
But I pre-ordered it.
payday 2 has more replayability and plenty of end game stuff, go bug the fags at the vg steam group
I've got a key from my Humble Monthly but don't know who to give it to.
i just pray that we get a christmas event with new zeds.
Same. Sometimes I play a little just to see if I can get a drop worth selling on the market for a few cents
>community is either underage or shit
is there a single steam game where this doesn't happen?
I tried killing floor, payday, chivalry, dead by daylight and I wanted to off myself.
Bullets are hitscan. They upped projectiles speed in zed-time, though.
everything is hitscan except shotguns/needles/explosives
the bullet trail is just visual
In KF1 all of the non-dlc weapons are buried beneath the locked DLC ones. When you try to select your character model you have to wade through a bunch of links to bundle packs to find one that they will allow you to use, and you're going to have a harder time during the actual game because all the good weapons cost real life money.
Having optional cosmetics is infinitely less irritating.
Survivalist is pretty bad though, I will concede. Hopefully the rework is gonna be alright.
>promised us martial artist
No they didn't.
Halloween was the weakest event in KF1 as well. Christmas was the biggest with Summer in second.
Bullets are hitscan. Way back in the beta they travelled slowly in zed time, but they fixed this a while back.
it's a trend. Killing floor as a whole has only EVER gotten worse since (the cutoff is arguable but IMO moonbase was the last good update for kf1) several years ago, and it's a trend like planes with broken wings crashing, not like a social trend that might come back. Tripwire is no longer a small studio of a dozen guys renting an attic to make a passion project about fucking up mutants with AA-12s. The very fundamental structure and motivator of it's quality is completely gone and has been for years, all that's left is to see how many people survive immolation in the crash.
To say killing floor might get better is to say that planes might fly without wings. It simply C A N N O T happen.
>literally 6~8k concurrent players on a daily basis
>martial artist got killed so we can get survivalist
also is survivalist supposed to be shit? Cause I played 2 games and dropped the perk.
If you say so.
it's a prtty pointless perk
hmm, if you put it that way, that actually doesnt sound too bad, i really dont remember KF1 DLC's being so... in your face, but i got the game at the beginning of 2012 so i really wouldnt know.
also the Survivalist is getting a Rework? well color me impressed TWI might redeem themselves.
It's wholeheartedly agreed to be the worst perk in the game
Pretty much they had a hard time differentiating it from berserker, so fuck it, let's make a do-whatever-you-want perk that's basically a shittier version of everything already in the game mixed together, and call it a day.
chill out there autismo they did say it was a intended perk and then swapped it out for survivalist
TWI pls go, I did buy it in early access because of good faith from KF1. You blew it and your game feels hollow, just a repolished bland turd for the console audience.
Martial artist was never really promised or confirmed or anything, and I don't think it ever actually got past early testing stages. It was announced that the 10th perk "wasn't what we thought it was" like 6 months before the survivalist was announced. Supposedly all of it's roles ended up being filled by zerker's right hand of the skill tree, so they just gave it's weapon to zerker.
Survivalist is pretty bad; it seems like they tried to hard to make it not OP and it's skills are just super underwhelming
I've heard it's getting a rework next update, but I don't know if it'll be all that good. I don't really mind because imo the game felt "done" when the SWAT update hit; 9 classes is good enough for me, as long as they each get enough weapons.
I think a lot of people overlooked how intrusive the DLC's were in KF1 because they just bought them.
I overlooked how intrusive dlc was initially because it was a cheap game that I had fun playing for hundreds of hours with friends. They then began to take that as the go ahead on going balls to the walls cancer mode, fuck Killing Floor.
what you are describing in killing floor 1, is what happened to it when people said it was ok to keep cranking out paid dlc instead of trying. you are fucking delusional if you think kf2 isn't going to look like that in 6 years. The only dlc weapons that are actually good in 1 is the community pack 1 with the flare revolvers, the rest ARE optional cosmetics or straight trash that's designed to look cool and trick you into buying it. Character models are optional cosmetics too, there's only 2 voices even (until the charged 5 dollars for the ability to play as a girl)
everything you are shitting on kf1 for happened over time. killing floor 2 was simply made with late-in-life kf1's design philosophy as the base game.
I'm mad as fuck about kf but i'm not trying to beat you into admitting I'm right, really. I seriously never want to see anyone go through what me and my friends did because of that game. You know the zombie movie cliche where a main survivor sees their reanimated loved one, and falls for the pathos angle and tries to fix the zombie or get it to recognize it, just to be eaten and turned to a zombie themself? Killing floor 2 is the shambling husk of the kf1 we watched die. we knew an hour ago in the movie that he was fucking dead and gone, and it was before it even died. the second it was bit, it was over. Don't be the guy who gets eaten because you thought the zombie of YOUR dead mom was better than the rest or had a chance where none other did. Its sad because we all should know better but you remember the good times and can't let go.
fuck video games. why don't he want me man?
I stopped playing KF1 when the dlc weapons came out. I won't bullshit you and admit I did buy character/skins whatever you want to call them for KF1. I wouldn't have the problem I have with KF2's weapon skin shit if it was handled the way the first games weapon skins were. You just buy the weapon skins you want, no gambling, just one purchase and you're done. Tripwire said fuck that and went the maximum shekel route with not only a random chance of getting the skin you want, but possibly getting a completely shit version of the skin.
I still play it daily if only for the motivation of drops and the new vault system. I might not ever go back once I get all perks to level 25 though (only missing zerker, firebug, demo and (lol survivalist).
fucking THIS. 4 skins for 2.50 is the only way you even COULD buy more than the base game for the majority of the time it gained momentum as a good game. The first dlc that wasn't paid skins was actually stuff encouraging you to buy other different small indie games (not counting tf2 crossover) and share their wealth with other studios under the same publishing roof. It used to have THE most ethical dlc scheme i'd seen in a game, UNTIL fucking harry lott and weapon packs. Ruin our fucking game and alienate our entire playerbase? ITS NAWFIN, AHM ONNIT INNA DAY
You can always buy it directly rather than using a crate
When you're playing for anything other than the gameplay itself in a multiplayer shooter there's a problem and a shit game.
i didn't like it as much as 1
That's why I used cheatengine to give me 25 in every class.
Have like 500 hours of grind-free fun after that
Sup Forums turned in tripwire as soon as they embraced the dosh meme and it became widespread.
You know it to be true.
True, but I'd rather spend $2.50 for four skins than $20 for a single skin. Funny enough, you'd only need about nine skins total if you really wanted to have a skin for each class as you end up seeing one or two weapons in the last half of each match.
I'll never not be sad about martial artist not making it into the game. They had so many options with what they could have done for it. Even if it was similar to berserker, so what? Shooting guns are mostly the same, there's no reason there couldn't be two melee classes. In fact, I was really hoping that martial artist would be something of a cross between a melee and ranged class, with an obvious emphasis on melee but more ranged utility than the berserker. The berserker has close range weapons like a chainsaw, a sledgehammer and a claymore. They could have given the martial artist a spear to outrange all of those weapons. They could have given it shuriken or kunai for ranged throws. Or caltrops, which could have slowed or poisoned the zeds as their grenade. They could have given it a kusarigama or a meteor hammer that could have been thrown around. Hell, they could have just given them fists so we could have gone Kenshiro on their undead asses.
Instead, we got SURVIVALIST of all things. Why? Because "they couldn't come up with anything"
The joke stopped being funny the moment they tried forcing it as hilarious. An amateur British performance calling pounds "dosh" is infinitely more funny than actually calling the monetary unit Dosh.
Honestly I wouldn't mind them just giving martial-artsy weapons to zerker.
Wouldn't mind them combining commando & SWAT or sharpshooter * gunslinger, either.
>No Cross play
>Characters are only given once a year
>Dead servers 90% of the time there isn't an event going on
>Generals on /vg/ are a spurt of 70posts before thread 404s
While I do like the game, the devs dropped the ball BIG TIME, and now the game just isn't what it should have been. Tripwire half assed the whole thing, it took too long to become good and now the community is mostly dead.
Yeah, none of the charm was carried over to KF2. It feels forced and empty.
or alternately gone full kenshiro and made a high mobility class with the ability to nuke but only while putting yourself in harm's way. There are 10 thousand ways to to it right, they just didn't feel like it. literally just take the AAAAAATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATAT guy from the russian overkill doom wad and rip it off 100% to a T. THAT is how low my expectations were for that game and it STILL failed to deliver. just reskin the claymore altfire from kf1 into a roundhouse kick and call it a day, but they couldn't even do that. they did something MUCH better with that effort instead, by releasing a class so brokenly bad they have to completely rework it anyways.
Redpill me on the hemoglobin lads
it makes the zeds look funny
It's gonna have christmas zeds, at least
I can't or I'll get banned.
christmas zeds are all but confirmed, they said they had two big events planned this year and halloween was not one of them (so summer and christmas)
tried on free weekend. boring asf.
No one knows what the fuck TW was trying to do with Surv. On anything higher than basic bitch difficulties picking it is genuinely considered trolling and will get you (rightfully) kicked.
>tfw /kfg/ is dead
>nowhere to shitpost and fuck if I'm trusting reddit with advice on combat effectivenes of new stuff from updates
Zerker was meant to be a melee and ranged Perk. Fighter was going to be the all melee perk. They took their sweet fucking time getting Fighter out, so they just made Berserker the melee Perk, but left him with all of his ranged weapons that don't work with his perk benefits. Fast Forward two years, and Tripwire had to deliver on its promise of that NEW Perk but they had already moved all of their core team members over to finish Vietnam so they just shat out the Survivalist, and called it a day.
>got it for free on ps+
>got all trophies after a short time
>never touched it again, you're forced to play medic because your team is retarded
Swat was also supposed to have a Shield and be a tank hybrid. Tripwire really fucked up.
>Doesn't know player count increases zed count AND their HP
>'mane they kick me cuz im low level fugg mane'
Go back to Hard n level up faqqot
What role does swat actually fulfill? Commando already has the "lots of rapid boolets" thing covered.
SWAT is meant to spray 'n pray at all times. Commando is meant to semi auto at heads until shit hits the fan, then they can go full auto.
Weird, only time I go full giggle with swat is after stunning a fp or sc with flashbang or when shit has hit the fan and motherfuckers start dying.
Swat does it better with infinite boolets in Ztime and 100round mags. Commando does more damage per bullet but Swat can stun the big guys for super easy kills. The only good thing about commando that Swat doesn't do better is crank out more Ztime.
IF I could have my choice of players, I'd always pick Swat over Commando. Better at killing small guys, better at not running out of ammo, better at taking down the big guys and two Swats filling the screen with lead in Ztime is bitchin'.
Everything is useless. They just took guns from other perks and slapped a new grenade on it. medic was smgs, SS had handguns, feels lame as fuck.
They still haven't released the promised Linux port.
My question is whats the point of firebug when commando, SWAT, and demo exists?
All three seem better at killing packs of small zeds quickly without the added risk of pissing off scrakes and fleshpounds with groundfires.
I bought it day 1 during EA and still have fun with it every now and then. I cheated my levels though as I didn't want to waste time leveling again after sinking so many hours into KF1.
I mainly just play for a day or two on new updates just to get the new achievements to keep it 100%. Wish they would add variety to them though like in KF1 instead of the beat map/level up/collect turd ones.
The dailies/weeklies do that a bit
>Post YFW you bought it, got really disappointed during the early access portion, came back to it and now its alright.
>we put in the weapon everyone wanted to see return!
>seeker six