Thoughts on this upcoming Video Game?
Thoughts on this upcoming Video Game?
inb4 Nazis get triggered like the snowflakes they are
i dont pirate games but i will make an exception and pirate this to make the jews mad
Decent looking game marred by poor choices in marketing.
I will buy it when it releases
get out shill
Wolfenstein NO/OB were excellent titles so I'm looking forward to everything they're doing with this. I was a bit concerned that with the expanded upgrade system they might be too obsessed with feature creep but the demos have mostly assuaged those fears.
My only real wish is that since BJ is going back to America we see more American guns. Stuff with wooden stocks and the like, sawn-off and pump-action shotguns, magnum revolvers, an old fashioned 1911. The dieselpunk Nazi guns and the repurposed tools like the returning laserkraftwerk and dieselkraftwerk are cool but there's something wholesome about the rustic feel of American guns from the first half of the 20th century.
Also we need a double-barreled shotgun, just point it anywhere in a room and make every Nazi in there disintegrate.
Day1 pirate, looking forward to it.
Would rather be playing Odyssey, but no Switch, oh well.
genuinelly excited, the first game was great
Seems alright
I can't wait for it.
I'm sorry that everybody is as triggered as you
>watching release trailer
>scene where he kills lots of SS guys
>scene where he kill a KKK guy
>no scene where he's killing the filthy Communists you see in the other trailers
Fucking hell, they're unironically going to be the good guys aren't they?
>somehow in 2017 50% of Americans managed to become Nazi sympathisers and calling them the good guys
>the other half are going to the other extreme of communism
>both Nazism and Communism include censorship and depraving people of their rights
>somehow people are choose from these two sides
How did the might USA became SO fucking retarded holy shit
>hashtage is literally just 'no more Nazis'
>this is enough to trigger trumpfags
So they're actually Nazis?
Good post
Nazis don't exist anymore, NSDAP is dead, they're clearly referring to the new ANTIFA definition of Nazi which is anyone who votes republican
Except there are nazis in the game.
They're referring to people who want white ethno-states and """peaceful"" ethnic cleansing and who shoot into crowds of protesters.
Reminder that even Jews can be considered Nazis now
I rather talk about this instead.
I want a strawberry milkshake and to give the nice man my id papers please.
The leader has a crooked face, he's gotta be a villian
his left eye sags so much
> """peaceful"" ethnic cleansing and who shoot into crowds of protesters.
So black peoples are Nazis now?
Literally no better than the people they fight against.
I'm upset that they turned Wyatt into a joke character.
I'm too busy wondering why OP is suckling so many penises.
>western trash
Based post.
so Fergus is canon dead?
I googled this just for you
Wyatt was already bad, Fergus is literally the objectively good choice you could do.
They have both timelines still.
I love the Internet tough guy that's unironically saying "SAY THAT TO MY FACE, NOT ONLINE AND WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS".
>game comes out
>made by swedes whi saw how damaging socialism was to their society and ruined the biggest European economy and besrly turned them into a third world country from 1950-1990.
>put the spouting socialist idiot character in their game
>does a complete 180 and becomes the badguy
>blaskowitz kills him at the end of the game
>sanfranfaggots dings it a few points