What game are you playing RIGHT NOW Sup Forums? I'm playing Resident Evil 3
What game are you playing RIGHT NOW Sup Forums? I'm playing Resident Evil 3
im playing "memorize all emergency procedures for the king air"
kill me
Isn't it too scary?
Im playing Daily Life Work.
The graphics are good but the game sucks.
That's funny, I'm playing the RE HD remaster. it's my first time playing a resident evil game.
I don't like it.
Yeah. Im scared to go out of the safe rooms. Im only 30 mins in
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
then probably play on steam later after going for a walk.
Metro last light
>all this trial and error stealth
yeah good game design aye
Re3 was too hard and scary to play even with a friend
Try silent hill instead user, just turn off the music
also stop posting those pics please
I want to watch you stream games.
Why is Aoba crying?
Strange Journey. I figured out the right number of Magitamas to feed demons for 6 across the board.
I want to play those once im done with RE. I only have re 2,3,4 code veronica, revelations 1,2 and 7 to finish. Whats wrong with that pic?
but why
yo what emu is that and what phone?
Cause you look like you'd play them super cute. Stream with live 2d facerig or something for extra cuteness
Nothing because I have a paper thats due tomorrow
About to load up some Naruto UNS3 HD
Haven't played in over a month.
FreeDS and on a Galaxy 4.
>Whats wrong with that pic?
you make gay bait threads all the time, i don't like them
older re games are hard to get into senpai
sounds nice but I dont have a webcam or a capture card
do it
How many words?
A twitch account is free.
I wanna watch you stay inside safe zones for up to an hour doing nothing but seeking comfort in your chat.
Its just funposting senpai. I make threads because they can be funny. I play RE for the lore
finally got around to starting Danganronpa. I can see why people like it, these girls are cute
But then threads really lead to things that can cause problems for me. Like a thread earlier...
But I'm lazy.
It's 4 pages
are you using any guides?
REHD without one was so hard i just stopped playing
bullshit backtracking, swapping items etc
Sounds fun. If I could get re3 working on dolphin. Im playing it on ps3, no twitch there
What do you mean? Just dont post private stuff
Get to work you dumb satania poster
Do it now!
I agree. I guess Im used to having my hand held with recent games and yeah I did
They all are. Even some of the boys.
It's gonna hurt later. I hope you enjoy blissful despair.
It wasn't me, other people were posting things, and one thing leads to another
RE3?? Dolphin??? BAKA
It's on PC. I didn't notice anything terrible about the port.
yeah yeah I will in a couple minutes
>reading wikis
Keep it in your pants! It can be tempting but I just dont do that
I enjoy editing textures on Dolphin. Its super easy. Where can I find a ddl?
STOP! I had to ;_;. The only game I did that I swear
I ran out of games torrenting Bioshock now
I think I got it on kickass ages ago. So yeah....
piratebay maybe?
Day of Infamy
Welcome to the ride. You should join our threads when you finish. Kyoko is the best girl btw
sure sure. first you start reading just one wiki... then before you know it you're an avid wiki reader!
Yeah well, new feelings are wierd.
haha, you're gonna have a wild time
I'm playing pokemon emerald and I dont like my pokemon. Everything besides my starter seems either weak or fragile. The only pokemon I like is Ninjask.
Just report and move on
Shut up you dweebs
I'll check it out. Some user posted the pc version once here but it didnt work
New feelings? Oh I thought you meant you did things with some user
Post your team
japanese image board.
Darkest dungeon.
Wrecking champion level bosses.
Dismas is the best husbando.
Please make me order takeout.
i like my penis user
Those girls are very cute
Damn I need to play the others or can I watch the animus to keep up?
Why is the anime girl crying?
how often does your penis spurt fertile cum?
Just on Sunday over Sup Forums, it was hot but uhh, nevermind
idk every time i cum? i'm not trans
how often do you fap you cute little boi?
ERP niggers get off my board
what did you do
TELL ME. You caught my interest now user. What was it?
I am gay yes
The trick is to image yourself as a fellow zombie. That way they won't scare you.
like twice a week, more often recently
i'm not cute
>twice a week
Wow, low test indeed.
it feels better and i waste less time
Honestly I just wanted to try something different but all this grinding for zero reward is making want to give up.
Nope, said too much. Just basically pretended to bully and shit. I feel a bit embarrassed about it.
The anime is good if you've already played the game. So go play the game instead.
don't think too much about it, you're not the only one
I prefer using the ol' shotgun to their face trick. It works!
Oh of course. Happened to me too once. You wont feel that way next time
I doubt I will again. It really made my heart pound typing it. Those pictures aren't helping either.
Wobuffet and ninjask are pretty bad ingame pokes. ninjask's whole stick is baton passing yet he doesnt learn it until like lvl 40 and he's still fragile af while wobuffet cant kill things by itself without being attacked.
Gyarados, solrock and aron are pretty okat pokes in gen3 but solrock and aron add too many of the same weakness to your team.
Overall could be better
I thought the same thing. It was with a guy I liked and not randoms here so I guess it helped a bit