PS4 thread
>waiting for
>trying to plat
>favorite game released this year
PS4 thread
>waiting for
>trying to plat
>favorite game released this year
gran turismo, nioh, crash bandicoot
crash 2,3,jak and daxter currently maybe gran turismo
>waiting for
nothing in particular, its all good
>platinumed Resident Evil 4 and 5
>get Evil Within cheap on sale
>shitload of trophies with like 7%
This shit is pretty difficult but also fun when it's not running at 3fps
Bought Horizon Zero Dawn from the EU sale last week, I like the exploring part and that couldron thingie I found was cool but I have no interest in doing the mainstory stuff
>waiting for
Taiko in 3 days
>trying to plat
Atelier Meruru. Fuck that machina domain goddess
>favorite game released this year
Project Diva Future Tone
Playing Tearaway. I've been staring at the screen for an hour trying to decide how to customize Atoi. It's hard af to decide anything
Nothing, no desire to play anything.
>waiting for
Ace combat 7, I guess?
Looks nice and comfy.
>trying to plat
Tried Witcher 3 earlier, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Collecting cards and finishing the game again is really boring.
>favourite game this year
Haven't played anything from this year.
Go and stay go.
I'm playing Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted Lost Legacy atm
Waiting for ZOEVR, Gugrave VR, A-train expedition VR, Kill X VR, Team Bravo VR, Ace Combat VR, Days Gone, GOW4, Dreams, Skyrim VR and Doom VFR, never played Skyrim so the VR version should be fresh.
I have a number of options but I'm holding off on platting DaSIII and DaSII until I'm ready to plat them almost one after another.
My favorite game this year... difficult to choose but I'd say I had the most fun with DWVR, can't really choose my favorite game this year, so I'll go with my top 5. 1. Horizon Zero Dawn 2. Nier Automata 3. Nioh 4. DWVR 5. MegatonRainfall.
>Being this mad at videogames
Just got my PS4 at the weekend, what are some good (and already released) exclusives apart from Bloodborne and Yakuza?
Bloodborne. Vicar Amelia is kicking my shit in. The game is honestly kind of disappointing for me, there doesn't seem to be as much variety in weapons/equipment as Dark Souls and there's less variety in locations too.
>waiting for
RDR 2 I guess
>trying to plat
>favorite game released this year
Don't have one
The Last Guardian is fucking amazing
What games are you interested in?
Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy XII
>waiting for
>trying to plat
nothing at the moment, just trying to beat the two FFs
>favorite game released this year
probably nioh
I haven't touched my ps4 since Final Fantasy was a total disaster of a letdown, and before that Bloodborne. Anything interesting to play, maybe on the sony shop? Not interested in anything coming out soon or Horizon or Nier.
How comes people never mention genres when they ask for recommendations?
Ninja Senki DX. I'm trying to play through all "free" games I've got over the past. It's pretty fun desu.
>waiting for
13 Sentinels, 7 Deadly Sins and Fist of the North Star
>trying to plat
I don't care about trophies.
>favorite game released this year
Nioh. Loved the demos and had tons of fun with the final game.
World of Final Fantasy
>Waiting for
Monster Hunter World
>trying to plat
>favourite game released this year
Netflix, with Puyo Puyo Tetris and Golf Story on the Switch.
>Waiting for
>Trying to plat
>Favorite game release this year
Nier tomatoes, trying to get all the achievements.
>waiting for
Mario Odyssey. Gonna finish that then get around to playing Gran Turismo.
>trying to plat
>favorite game released this year
On PS4? The Last Guardian. Yeah, hot opinions.
>release date December 2016
Shit, time flies too fast. I'd have to say Nier Automata then.
Is the Evil Within 1 worth my hard earned euros?
>waiting for
Monster Hunter World, Dragonball FighterZ, Dragon Quest XI
>trying to plat
>favorite game released this year
Dragons Dogma, BBI dragons are the toughest motherfuckers
>waiting for
MonHun World
>trying to plat
>fav game this year
Can't decide between Nioh, Y0 and Prey. Also Dragons Dogma but that doesn't count
Tekken 7, Amnesia.
>Waiting for
RE7 Gold, DBFZ and Kiwami 2. Still haven't played a lot of games from this year, waiting for them to go down in price: P5, ToB, Horizon, NieR, ...
>Trying to plat
>favourite game released this year
Yakuza 0 and Tekken 7, but many other potential contenders.
The tekken 7 plat is ridiculously easy to get. I think you need to play a single online match or something to get it.
>Vicar Amelia is kicking my shit in
strange, one of the few bosses I beat in one go.
I like this post number.
You'll get about 15 unique weapons in the base game and about 10 in the DLC (not including guns), but I agree, locations can get repetitive aesthetically
>waiting for
Trails of Cold Steel 3 and UNI[st] localizations
>trying to plat
UNI[st] I guess. I don't really plan on it but it'd just take up an afternoon if I felt like it
>favorite game released this year
I wouldn't mind some other JRPGs in the meantime or something to fill in the Souls-Bloodborne void. I heard Nioh's combat was fantastic but meh everything else. Played P5 and it was alright and I took a gamble with nep VII and I was glad I only spent 10 bucks on it.
Nioh started out strong but it had problems, especially with enemy variety. Side missions were also usually on the same 5 maps or so. It's worth it if you can get it for cheap and some people really enjoyed the loot / difficulty settings.
Not that guy, but when I played BB for the first time (it also being my first Souls game), I was stuck on Gascoigne for an entire day. 30 or more fucking tries. I feel ashamed to this day
I am only missing 1 trophy in the game and it's the one where you have to do a run on furier and s rank every boss.
I gave up a few months ago and now want to try that one again.
Niohs weakpoints are the enemy variety and it's setting/aesthetic. Also the difficulty becomes ridiculous once you get to ng+ and it's dlcs
>waiting for
>trying to plat
im not gay
>favorite game released this year
see 1
Trying to S-rank furier mode and the scale is kicking my shit in, practicing his fight rn and then will do speedruns
How interesting is the onmyouji stuff and all that. That sort of got my interest but I still didn't get it in between the time I was waiting for the Ringed City and P5
>Also the difficulty becomes ridiculous once you get to ng+ and it's dlcs
>NG+ and DLC
Something like what happened with me and DS2 and its DLCs. I platinumed it before the DLCs came out and I was fighting through NG+2 DLC bosses that took a fucking day to get decent damage in with slow weapons.
I just looked up how many times you can get hit and die.
When fighting the star at the end you have 3 hours and 30 minutes time, can die 40 times and are allowed to get hit up to 650 times.
Without fighting the star it becomes 3 hours, die 30 times and 600 hits.
I'd recommend not fighting the star. At least that's what I am going to do.
Onmyo used to be super broken due to sloth (slows bosses to a crawl for like 30 seconds) and carnage (increases your attack power immensely), bosses practically melted. Not sure if that shit is still as broken or has been nerfed in the meantime
Yakuza Kiwami
>waiting for
Kiwami 2
>trying to plat
>favorite game released this year
Yakuza 0
Was actually about to ask if you needed to fight the star to get the trophy or not, guess that answers it
>waiting for
whens that announcement bros?
Tales of Berseria
>Waiting For
Okami HD
>Trying to Plat
Dragon Quest Builders
>Favorite Game Released This Year
For Ps4? Uh...I guess Nier Automata.
Playing GT Sport. Waiting for nothing. I don't try to plat, it just happens by actually playing games, but I want to replay Deus Ex MD which would eventually result in a plat.
Favorite game released this year is GT Sport.