Death Stranding

I don't know if I've been ever hyped that much about any game. But it's been over a year from announcement and that's pretty much it. Are we getting the same thing as we get with P.T.?

Other urls found in this thread:

im hyped too

more excited for left alive

Isn't there still no gameplay footage yet, or am I living under a rock?

This feels like Killer7, where they didn't know what type of game it was until 6 months before release...

This isn't a game you morons, it'll be like a Quantic Dream game with pretty graphics.

who cares? i'll watch any movie with normal reedus

open world, story based action shooter with Joost as leading character? I'm even more hyped now
Is Square Enix still a thing?
still no gameplay
how is action shooter going to be like a Quantic Dream game?

Dont get too excited. Society is collapsing before this game releases.

> Hyped for a Kojima """game""" in 2017

>can play as the glorious Joost

Can't wait

>doesn't know jack about it yet
>OMG guys I'm already precummin xD!!1!1!

why are you hyped you fucking moron

summoning CARAMEL

No way can Kojima start a studio with a smaller team than he had at Konami, and make a AAA open-world game in just over a couple years (remember he said it would be out before 2019). Death Stranding will be the P.T./Ground Zeroes, Kojima clearly likes to use demo games to gauge player reception to atmosphere and mechanics. DS will likely kill off Reedus or something at the end of the short experience, and Kojima will release the full game in 2020 or 2021.

I guarantee that everyone's DS pre-orders will drop in price from a $60 to $40 game. Screencap this.

this is the protagonist of Kojima's next game
Say something nice about her

Just save yourself the trouble, its gonna be a disappointment just like MGSV was, Kojima is a hack and without the bigger budget/development team that Konami would throw at him in the MGS3-4 days its gonna show even more so here

>DS will likely kill off Reedus or something at the end of the short experience, and Kojima will release the full game in 2020 or 2021.

I'm not going to make it if he drops another GZ on us.

they're pretty much the biggest publisher around

She is a decent streamer from the 2 hours I watched her stream sunday morning or saturday night, she is always talking and is not obnoxious.

I discovered it by accident and didn't followed her but she wasn't boring.

Any attention worthy games they made recently?

>Getting hyped for a new IP
>Especially when that new IP is from Kojima
>And we have yet to see any gameplay
Until a release date, this game is vapeware

Is Junji Ito working on this

>Society is collapsing before this game releases.

The jews are going into over-goy

>game wont drop until 2021 at the earliest
>actually thinking society as we know it will still be around by then

not a chance, if you are actually paying attention and not in denial you will see that we are just about to fall over into the abyss.
Has happened many times before in history and will happen again

go back to Sup Forums

Ek wil haar opvreet

if you know what I mean

well publishers don't make games

Name 5 societies that completely disappeared in a five year time-span

This. I was so disappointed with Phantom Pain, I'm not drinking the Kool-aid until I see something I like.

Its been building since the 1970s, child. Not going to waste my time explaining this to an obvious brainlet.

You either see the obvious writing on the wall, or you dont. And if you dont it doesnt matter anyway you have zero percent chance of surviving.

She's a pretty good gamer, an absolute sweetheart, and has more than earned every creepy stalker from Sup Forums including myself that she has.

You're a fucking retard. America's definitely sliding into third-world status and fast but there's no reason to believe there's going to be a catastrophic doomsday collapse



Pacific Funland



Can we talk about that logo?

my sides

O.o - not that guy - but stupidity is one hell of a thing:

Never said there was, it will just erode away until one day very soon the infrastructure itself no longer functions. And at that point Death Stranding, and all video games, will be completely irrelevant.
"Collapse" doesnt mean multiple states get glassed and its literal nigger anarchy in the street. It means society as you know it doesnt work anymore. Cops dont show up when called, stores dont/cant restock regularly.
Thats coming in under a decade, if you dont see that, the only retard here is you.

>reality scares the user, so he retreats further and further into fantasy

try to no cut yourself with all that edginess

Death Stranding is Silent Hills.
TPP has one more ending where we revisit Camp Omega that retcons the events of the game out of existence.
The real MGS5 has not yet been released.
Survive is a side game of MGS5 like Ape Escape was to MGS3.

reminds me of the staedtler logo, I remember coloring it in on the eraser paper whenever I got a new one

are you even remotely paying attention or are you just in denial? if youre under 35 you WILL live to see everything come crashing down


>nothing but cinematic trailers
>I don't know if I've been ever hyped that much about any game.

good thing i have a farm and unlimited rainwater + solar energy


I'm pretty hyped, got some survivalist training and live in the middle of nowhere, so I'm set

>Thats coming in under a decade

so many young men like you are going to turn away from life and not bother to live because Sup Forums has told you of some coming apocalypse, or becasue you immerse yourself in nothing but negativity, using the internet

america isn't collapsing in 10 years bro. just lol at that.

user does not have insights into anything but shit posting anonymously on the internet, but still makes a fair point about blanket expectations on tomorrow given societal turmoil.

Are you implying modern idealists are capable of doing anything but whine on the Internet?

>under a decade

hah you fucking wish
martial law and authoritarianism will be tried first, once the people in charge CANNOT retain control AND the positive opinion of the people, which do you think they'll surrender first?


>"I'll keep cumming."
What did Kojima mean by this?

hahaha I saw people like you wasting their lives believing shit like that 20 years ago
you're a teenager, right?

>a horde of neets come out of hiding 10 years from now
that's a scary idea

welcome back senpai



great work user, you should be alright. just dont draw attention to yourself and you should be able to ride out the shitstorm in relative comfort.

terrified faggot in denial because he knows he has absolutely no chance of surviving actual hardship.

>things are the same as they were 20 years ago
>you can print money forever and nothing will ever go wrong

I'd like to play both. :| No need to pick and choose.

You remember Policenauts. You know.

Not that user, but I like the cryptic feel of Death Strand's promo too

not really, been a huge fan of Kojima for many years, the whole thing with TPP ending left me really disappointed so my hopes are really high with DS

>lol martial law and the government going full 1984 isnt a collapse guys

>the whole thing with TPP ending left me really disappointed
>so lets do it again

That implies someone's going to do something, but they are not.
People are too adicted to their social media and smartphones and what not.

Being hyped for any vidya is massively retarded, especially in times like these. It's not terrible marketing though; tell us nothing about the product so we become curious. GABBO IS COMING!

>I dont know jack shit about economics
>I have no idea what "quantitative easing" is

PROTIP: All fiat currencies eventually go to zero.
Youre right, the average pleb wont do anything, but thats not where the collapse will originate from.

>The order for a 24-hour B-52 readiness alert has not been given, as emphasized by General David Goldfein, U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff, who recently toured Barksdale AFB to review the fleet of nuclear bombers. However, preparations are being made in case the order should come down from U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM), which oversees the nation's nuclear forces, or U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM), charged with defending the North American continent.

So recently we've been hearing about the Air Forces lack of maintenance on their aircraft and the fact that they have large amounts of staff on leave because they have no planes to fly. It just sounds like they're maintaining the B-52s. Missile and Submarine command has been on 24-hour alert for the past 26 years and no ones crying about that. There aren't even any targets to nuke. I mean what are we going to do? Bomb Moscow for the shits and giggles? How is a B-52 even supposed to get past the border?

Not the old bastards in charge of things. They prey on neets, it's why living at home is so common.

its always the elite that push society over the edge and the commoners just react to it. maybe try picking up a history book once in awhile

I JUST felt the urge to post about you while reading through this thread. I actually love you. Welcome back, please post Kojimbo tinfoil

It's just propaganda regarding the North Korea rhetoric escalation. Even if they did bomb NK, it doesn't matter as much any more. Even China isn't going to bloody its own nose over them anymore

>I mean what are we going to do? Bomb Moscow for the shits and giggles? How is a B-52 even supposed to get past the border?

Exacerbating tensions with North Korea and Iran make the most sense here (two places that you know the WH doesn't give a fuck about striking at.)

Top that with the recent executive order which makes it easier for Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, to the direction of the Secretary of Defense" to recall troops in case of national emergency are just something to look at seriously in today's climate.

it's not cops not arriving and stores being unstocked, asshole
don't move the goalposts

I know this. I just don't understand why the retards on this site and other enclaves of retardation dont see this as the posturing it is. Why does everyone keep forecasting doom and gloom? We're living in the safest time in human history, but we're always 2 weeks away from the end of the world. Just like 1983 or 1995 or 1999 or 2000 or 2001 or 2012. You think people would stop with this sky is falling bullshit.

whatever kid, youre fucked no matter what with your attitude. just another corpse in the pile

>the Joost is loosed

>>Even if they did bomb NK

this is pretty cavalier to say, and also doesn't take into account recent statements by the chinese reasserting that they would indeed take steps if the US took any direct action that "change the political pattern of the korean penninsula"

nice deflection tactics you petulant child

>retarded kiddies actually think things will be stable and "normal" throughout their life times

not saying we are all going to die in ww3 but if you think its going to be smooth sailing for the common man you are wayyyyyy beyond delusional. if you are self sufficient you should be fine. if you arent you will most certainly be at the mercy of sick fucks in your lifetime