3x3 thread
Is Yakuza 0 an ok place to start with Yakuza or would it be better to just start with the first one on PS2?
just pretend mh4 is dark souls and the warcraft2 is dragons dogma
is kotor 2 "good" the first one felt rough so I never tried it
Depends on what you didn't like about the first one, but the sequel has more combat options and usefulness of skill outside of combat. The overall writing is a lot better although it's not really a fair comparison since the first one is trying to strictly be a Star Wars story with binary good and evil the second one feels like a deconstruction of that trope with a lot more grey areas.
If you really didn't like the first one for the overall gameplay though then the second one won't change your mind.
If you weren't feeling the first one you probably won't like the second. Even though the second has more things going for it they play pretty much exactly the same
my biggest problem with the first is there was like no one thing you point to being of high quality. Everything was almost evenly mediocre. If the second is more convincing or polished in any aspect I'd be open to it.
>metal gear rising
2/2 my fucking nigger, maybe I should play more of your games
4/4 tactics and soul reaver also my fucking nigger
Better characters and dialog with them. Stronger writing. More combat options. IMO better pretty much everything but it plays the same way.
5/6 -dark souls
4/4 good choice with Cod 2
thanks (cod2 guy)
your harvest moon makes me wet
Well ok
midna, chun li, dont know, dont know, pokemon slut, peach, dont know, shana?, wii fit trainer (nice)
6/6 halo odst make it walk a thin line between 5/6 6/6
3/7 magical melody was better
8/9 remove the assless sheva
fuck it she was called sheva not shana i've embarrassed myself
Is there a website that makes these?
I didn't like magical melody. But I'm pretty sure I only ever rented it from blockbuster once so I can't say I really experienced it in full.
odst campaign was liquid gold man, i'm glad you decided to approve
newfag to life. how do you make these mosaics is there a template or MS Word or what?
+ MGS 2
- Zelda OOT
>MS word
ye, just google 3x3 mosaic maker there's a dozen of them. Good luck finding one that does not make you fill in capchas for every upload.
I disliked the multiplayer so much it almost sunk the game for me
6/6 everything but middle row
4/5 tell me about the middle 3 games odst bro i trust your taste
I didn't dislike it really, but 2/3/4 were all so much better for multiplayer that it was a little redundant
2/3 +Yakuza, Metal Gear Rising -Nier
4/5 +A Link To The Past, 3D World, REmake, Dark Souls -Nier Automata
As someone who's only played Yakuza 0 I enjoyed the game thoroughly and didn't feel like I was missing much. The game doesn't rely on fan service.
1/2 +ODST -Battlefront 2
5/6 +Mario Bros 2, Ocarina Of Time, Sonic 2, FF7, Megaman X -Combat Evolved (feels incredibly dated compared to the sequels IMO)
3/4 +Dead Space, ODST, Metro -Fallout New Vegas (love the artwork picks btw)
you didn't like bf2, wtf man?
still 5/5 nice j&d
you have good taste, it's just a shame that you're a weeb because that will limit it
hopefully one day you will get that Taro is a hack
3/3 +K7
7/7 +Kotor2, NGB, P4
2/3 +SR, SH2 -MH
4/5 My man. -FFT tho
6/7 +Castlevania, Halo, Sonic 2, FF7 -Mario 2
4/5 +DeS, Dead Space -GR
3/5 -for 2 zeldas, pokemon
Out of curiosity, what's wrong with putting two Zelda's? Unless you just don't like those games. That's fine.
>White 2
-Smash 4
thanks, bummed you didn't like FFTA though
that game had an engaging story, amazing art+graphics for it's time, enjoyable job + ability/skill unlock system tied to weapons, interesting card law mechanic, secret characters
+shadow run, dmc, theif, MediEvil, theif, quake
6/6 curious about folklore
2/2 FFX and FO:NV
5/5 sell the xenoblade games to me
I'd swipe AAI2 with AA1 or AA3
I want to play Catherine so badly
Mah man! I thought I was the only one who played Wrath of Heaven.
(I hate tetris even though I'm good at it)
1/1 nice pso
what's the middle game?
careful fella thats some heavy can of worms u got there
Wipeout 3 is the dark souls of racing game.
Gravity rush is a fun game were you can manipulate gravity and fly around in a cool city.
Deathsmiles is horizontal side scrolling shump.
>sell the xenoblade games to me
Basically my man OG Xenoblade is a fucking awesome JRPG, definetely one of the best of its generation in my opinion. It has all the stuff you'd want like great combat, one of the best soundtracks in vidya, and a decent story, but what really makes the game so great is the incredible environmental design and the British VO.
Xenoblade X further improves the battle system, and exploration, however suffers from a weaker story, and thanks to Sawano a weaker (but still pretty good) soundtrack. Also X has giant robots. The two games ARE unrelated (despite what some autists say), but it is best to play them in release order since X is faster and generally a bit more fluid than OG-Blade.
>being pretentious enough to use the japanese title of a game
Most hilarious
1/1 starfox 64 was very close to going on my chart
the 3 on the far right are honorable mentions.
1 game per franchise, no?
The tactical grid games such as those are such a slow burn for me. Not sure what it is.
>curious about folklore
Game where you capture mythical creatures and use them as guardian spirits. The world looks amazing and is so damn fantastical, is hindered by some hallway designs however. Story kinda plays out like a 2-sided murder mystery.
thanks guise got some new stuff in the pipeline now
>1 game per franchise
This, anyone with multiple games from the same franchise has their post tossed in the trash.
S-Shut up the Japanese title sounds better
1/2 + GT, - MGS3
1/5 + 3D World, - MGS, DaS, NieR, and ALTTP it never clicked with me
0/1 - MGS fuck you guys like MGS
3/4 + Wipeout, Dead Space, Metro, - DeS I find it boring
3/4 + SOTC, RE4, Smash, - Pokémon
0/1, not sure what you see in MediEvil, even more unsure how you had Maximo on your 3x3 but now have MediEvil considering Maximo is better in every regard
1/2 + P5, - Pokémon
0/2 - Cave Story, Kirby is okay but too easy
1/1 + Shovel, need to play a lot of these
well at least it's the genre and not the game that deterred you, I can respect that
Etrian Odyssey III
what didn't you like, Hoss?
SotC, Maximo, LM
I thought you were just meant to pick your 9 favourite games?
Midna, Chun, Splatoon Girl, Samus, May, Rosalina, Cammy, Sheva, and Wii Fit
eh, i got 5/9 at first glance
6/9 if you consider peach and rosa are the same fucking person pretty much
you are but you try to cast a wide net in terms of genre and franchises. I really like survival horror but I'm not going to make 3/3 all re and sh titles.
I really wish he's replace sheva with juri han or something she just seems so forced
>not sure what you see in MediEvil, even more unsure how you had Maximo on your 3x3 but now have MediEvil considering Maximo is better in every regard
You must have caught the one stray time I put Maximo on my list, and even then I still had MediEvil on the 3x3 as well. All I can say is I disagree, and it's not down to nostalgia being I only beat the first MediEvil a couple years years ago.
>peach and rosa are the same fucking person pretty much
Im sorry user, but i cant let you get away with this. Rosalina is much more CUTEr than the over used washed out "damsel"
well yeah, I was speaking in PHYSICAL terms
He should have used Elma if he wanted delicious brown.
4/4 I've alway wanted to try sakura wars... There's no translation right ?
I need to change some of the games in my 3x3
>meant to be a thread of your favourite games
>"don't actually pick your favourites for the sake of diversity"
I'm not lying about my 9 favourites for the sake of Sup Forums cred.
So you just have extremely limited taste, it's fine dude. Keep rockin those zeldas, maybe put 3 next time.
There's a rough english translation guide on gamefaqs for all of the games.
There's an ENG patch in the works for the PC verison of 1 that's about 40% done last I checked.
no one else?
For a group that is known for being a bunch of contrarian snowflakes, you guys sure have the most mainstream blockbuster taste in video CHAD CHAD DUDEBRO FUCK FUCK CHAD games.
Not necessarily. Zelda's my favourite franchise and I think those two games are excellent.
Sup Forums is extremely hypocritical.
>story isn't important it's all about gameplay!
>nier automata, yakuza 0 and persona 5 are GOAT!
wtf I have Sup Forums now
>Zelda's my favourite franchise
Can someone explain the scoring? I’ve seen these threads for generations but the scoring always confused me so I never joined in.
Games liked/played
Thanks friends.
I thought Automata was absolute garbage in all fairness.
you can't be this retarded, right?
Sup Forums isn't a person, how can it be hypocritical
it's an image board consisting of thousands of people's conflicting opinions, ideals and values so of course there's going to be shit like this argued about forever
Oh sorry, is that too mainstream for Sup Forums? I meant Suikoden.
np, now post yours and get scoring fren
So did I, and I really enjoyed Yakuza and I'm loving Persona 5 so far, but I'm also not a faggot that shits on Naughty Dog for having a lot of cutscenes.
Just calling it as I see it.
Made this quickly, will probably change out a few later on.
really need to buy Metal Arms already, only heard good things
Neither am I, I'm also not someone who thinks a game has to be hard to be good.
My Bretheren
see harder then, where people group together there will always be conflict - there is no utopia
4/5 -factorio sorry user i can appreciate that people like this game but I can't deal with the conveyor belts infesting my dreams mkultra/10
Exactly. Challenge can be fun but each game is different.
Only frustrating thing I can remember is the driving segments. That and finding all of the hidden chips/washers.
never got into the DKC games. seem cool tho.
havent played Spyro or CTR. good taste tho
DMC1 is the shit
havent played Deathsmiles but its next on my list after I master mushihimesama
Tenchu Wrath of Heaven was so dope
excellent taste
should really get around playing ghost trick
What game is the one in the center?
>should really get around playing ghost trick
Not him but you should drop everything you're doing and play it now, played it for the first time a month ago and I can say it's one of the best games out there. The unique gameplay alone was refreshing and was always engaging but the story, characters and OST are all god tier as well.
>Spyro or CTR
Man you need to fix that and soon. CTR is literally the most patrician racing game ever.