Shin Megami Tensei 5 Announced for Nintendo Switch


>No PS4 Release
Why the fuck are they releasing it on the switch when Every Shin Megami Tensei game that mattered was on a Playstation system?

So are they finally getting rid of the Waifu bait from IV and Apocalypse?

Because the Switch will outsell the PS4 total in Japan next year.

Yeah I miss playing SMT IV on my Playstation Vita by Sony.

>SMTIV was a one-time thing! The next one will surely be on PS4!
o i am laffin

You literally see the MCs are a couple that gets killed and resurrected as Demifiends, and whoever you pick has to kill the other one at the end.

>that matters
I have nothing against it on the Switch but IV and Apocalypse are the worst mainline SMTs, except for maybe NINE, as I hear nothing about that.


>Every SMT That Mattered
You know, games like Nocturne, the Raidou games, Persona 3 and 4.

Story wise? Yes they are
Gameplay wise ? They are objectively the best.

Also SJ and DeSu are better than any megaten on PS2

Not in Japan, fuckboi. They're standard Megami Tensei fare.

So, the Raidou games then. Any others?

Not on PS4 not buying, sorry Atlus you've betrayed the true fans for the final time.

>better than Nocturne or DDS

Every mainline SMT cept for Nocturne and the spin-offs were on a Nintendo console.

>it's not on a sony console so it doesn't matter
stay mad
oh, so you're just a brainlet

SMT IV and Apocalypse were the worst MT games writing, art, and dungeon wise, at least in mainline. SJ is a phenomenal SMT game which you should have brought up instead.

>Nocturne is the lowest rated SMT in mainline on metacritic
>Every other SMT spin off except persona has less than 75


>SMT3: PS2
>SMT4: 3DS

One of these is not like the others. In a rather literal sense too, Nocturne's a fucking black sheep of the mainline games.

When did Sup Forums start giving a shit about Metacritic? Haven't we established game journalists have their heads up their own ass?

>Switch gets ANOTHER exclusive
How did Nintendo do it, Sup Forums?

>When did Sup Forums start giving a shit about Metacritic?
When it blows your stupid shit out m8

the ps4 has been consistently selling though, most of the market is ps4 and pc. Nintendo must have paid a pretty penny for complete exclusivity or this is just another instance of timed exclusive.

You're forgetting NINE, which according to the soundtrack contest is SMT and not MT.

>SMT was first released on the Super Nintendo

How does it feel to be BTFO so hard.

NINE and if... are considered mainline.

The PS4 is limping in Japan. Selling about 20k or less each week. PC gaming doesn't exist in Japan. LOL

My bad then. So that's an Xbox game and another SNES game.

I mean global.

Holy fuck just look at your initial comment
>Why the fuck are they releasing it on the switch when Every Shin Megami Tensei game that mattered was on a Playstation system?
And when you get fucking told you get pissy. Not to mention Nocturne ties in to no other SMT games, and the spin offs are standalone. So no, the PS games just don't matter.

What do the petals represent? Is Luke Iffer going to be fabulous or something?

>second row #3


Never liked Nocturne 2bh

How many people even played NINE? It was an Xbox exclusive and never released outside of Japan, right?

I'm not that guy. SJ is the best SMT game. Regardless, Metacritic is dumb.

>tfw will never play NINE or Metal Wolf Chaos

You're dumb.

Yeah, whatever, but are save points back? No more save anywhere bullshit, even P5 understood that.

Guess Lucifer's name.

The petals appeared alongside Odin in the original teaser for SMT HD

Is SJ actually good? I was turned off from it because it looks like the Etrian Odyssey games, which I hate, but I've liked all the other SMT games I've played.

Not that user, and I wouldn't say DeSu is better than Nocturne - but it's pretty great. I really like the grid-based tactics combat mixed with traditional SMT combat. The characters are entertaining and whereas the story is a bit tired/clichéd, dare I say it, it is fun.

And I'm glad you didn't contest SJ's status

Why use plural when the only SMT game you've played was Nocturne?

>That mattered
You people make me laugh

Lucilla Ferrano

Ayyvery Liamao

1st picture 2nd row with that strapless dress is 100% impregnation tier.

What do you mean? I've played Nocturne, the first Raidou, DeSu, IV, and Apocalypse.

Please no

SJ is fantastic. But if you didn't like the gameplay of EO then you may not like it, as it's fundamentally similar in many ways. Albeit with demons, summoning, fusion and an actual plot.

Why were people expecting it to be ps4 only? The only mainline SMT game that was on a sony console was Nocturne.
In fact Apocalypse was released last year on the 3ds.

Lucille Fierro.

It's pretty good.
Although it was pretty grindy for me towards the end because the final boss just shitstomped my entire team when it was doing fine before.

>PC gaming doesn't exist in Japan

Truly the country of filth. They don't even know the love of God.

I need the third one in the middle row

Aw fuck I need all of them

modders pls

Lucy Konakeno

Apparently it's because a large portion of Japanese live in small homes and PCs take up large space.

video was boring as fuck. pointless.

The original is a fucking slog with a good story and battle system, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. It is probably the most frustrating game I've ever played.

The remake seems to fix a lot of this shit though. So fingers crossed it delivers.

And the long wait for emulation begins.

>implying that PC is law/YHWH aligned


>The only mainline SMT game that was on a sony console was Nocturne


Raw Danger with SMT Battles

Yes. I also dislike the EO games, but SJ is my favorite megaten

Well in the scene it's obviously supposed to represent blood. But it connects thematically to the first teaser as well.

Eh, it was on SNES first, the Playstation version was a port.
Also it's easy to forget because it still hasn't gotten an English translation.

SJ is objectively shit


And 1. and 2.

Leave Persona 5 to me

What surprise is nintendo still paid exclusively for SMT

Dagda Nothing Personnel kid route is the only thing that makes Apocalypse bearable.
Rest is absolute shit.

Here we go...

>because it looks like the Etrian Odyssey games, which I hate
If you mean first-person dungeon-crawling, the first two SMT games and residual (or at least good) spinoffs from that era as well as even Persona 1 followed that format. Granted, SJ encourages mapping more than ever thanks to the way it works, but if anything Etrian Odyssey owes more than its fair share to SMT in that regard.

>bad ost
>story rehashed from earlier games only executed poorly
>character writing on par with 4A
>demon co op system is a boring and bland as fuck, just a little extra damage on attacks instead of something meaningful like extra turns
>have to grind material pickups to get better weapons instead of just getting access to them as the story progresses
>password system lets you bust the game wide open without even needing to put in any effort as long as you have the cash (and since there's hardly anything worth buying at the store and you only have to equip the MC, you're gonna have a ton and it's easy to get more)
>setting is cool as fuck but also completely wasted, if you reskinned everything to be generic dungeon walls literally nothing about the game would change
The dungeon design was just about the only positive thing I have to say about it, honestly. Never understood why people liked it so much, but I guess it was a lot of peoples' first SMT title.

>the entire comment section is just people going on and on about switch exclusivity

the marketing bullshit that is "exclusivity" has really worked like a fucking charm on nintendo fans

Oh also the fucking
>hurr you have to kill enemies a bunch until you can even see what they fucking are
system is pointless and unacceptably shitty.

Fuck exclusives, but it's time Sony gets to eat shit. Fuck consoles in general, so much shit wrong with the industry but at least one company doesn't get all the games exclusively.

I hate monopolies.

Games have been exclusive for ages, it's not like they're going and shoving "ONLY ON NINTENDO SWITCH" in your face. Besides, Nocturne sold like shit on PS2, it doesn't surprise me that they'd let Sony keep the massive moneymaking spinoff series while they try SMT on Nintendo systems again.

These are the four things required to make this game as good or better than the games prior to IV and Apocalypse.

>Save points need to return. Dungeon Crawling is pointless without them because it becomes a breeze. Since the Switch is portable, add a suspend function like EO
>Speaking of dungeons, can we get some actual dungeons again? Not expecting SJ tier stuff in a 3D game but I expect something better than the reason MT fare, like P5's lines with pretty colours.
>A real NG+. The game most guilty of this is DeSu1, which has you go through the same game nine times minimum in order to see everything.

only retards care about exclusivity.

What do you think of TMS' dungeons? Apparently people like them, although to me they're very bland and safe. Still probably a step up from SMTIV.

Exclusives can be a good thing sometimes, though. Bloodborne would have never existed without Sony.

A better example is pic related, which was a game which was designed for the DS exclusively. There were mechanics that were shut down in development "because they could do it on the PSP".

Of course, I doubt ATLUS has that much creativity.

I think it's just backlash to all the buzz going around since January about how it's got to be a multiplat.

>Dungeon Crawling is pointless without them because it becomes a breeze.
Shouldn't that be the other way around, that they're irritating without a save point?

I haven't played through TMS yet, because I never owned a Wii U. I'll get it when both are in the bargain bin.

But in PS4 threads all anyone talks about is "HAHAHAHA WE HAVE ALL THE BEST EXCLUSIVES" while posting le golden smiling man.

Lucina Ferreira.

When I meant Save Points, I meant as opposed to the "Save Anywhere" bullshit. Dungeosn without saving at all only works with games that are entirely dungeons; I.E EO.

Damn, those screencaps. Kek.

Actually the handful of people who repeatedly post spamming that shit are hated by most of us and usually told to shut up and fuck off.

if anyone still cares about exclusivity in 2017 fucking off yourself


What, you think that isn't just console war faggots? Sup Forums is a shitty board in general and it honestly has nothing to do with consoles.

then he's not actually Lucifer, just some poor sap all for Chaos and the real Lucifer is flat out Lucifer off to the side the entire time


translation of the trailer
>“Modern Day Tokyo”
>“The origin of the Great Abyss tears, and a path to Heaven is opened.”
>“From the remains comes an age of darkness.”
>“We are pursuing a new legend.”
sounds like 1 and 3 in that we're gonna be there for the Tokyo destruction again

>I will gargle my cat's penis and crawl around on the floor acting like a baby while shitting my pants for 2 days straight
Do you think he's doing it as we speak?
