Alright you memeloving fucks, it's THAT time again...

Alright you memeloving fucks, it's THAT time again. You're going to tell me why you don't think Dark Souls 3 is a complete masterpiece that surpasses the original, and I'm going to tell you why you are objectively wrong.


Tell us why DaS3 is an objective masterpiece.

DaS > BB > DS3 > DeS > DS2

Old Hunters > Iron Crown > Ring City > Artorias > Ivory Crown > Ariandel > Sunken Crown

anything else is a meme opinion

It had markedly better level design and boss fights than the other games in the series.

BB>DaS>DaS3>DaS2. I think we can all agree with this.

Dark Souls 3=Bloodborne>any other Souls game>colon cancer>Demon’s Souls

>iron crown over Ringed City and Artorias
Clearly it's Old Hunters > Artorias >= Ringed City >>>>>>> Sunken Crown > Iron Crown > Ivory Crown

I second this

>Makes a claim with no proof
>says SOTFS = DaS and DeS and then says they're all much better than DaS2 when SOTFS really didn't change that much
How can one person be this wrong?

DS2>DS3>DS1>Demon Shit>>>>>>(POWER GAP)>>>>>BLOODPOOP

I played it this summer totally open minded and was disappointing.

The game is a corridor making the world feel souless, the lore is a nothing burger and bosses are anticlimatic as fuck, same for the transformations.

The game feels like a fast food filler to get some bucks while they are doing the good game.

GOAT level design
GOAT bossfights
GOAT NPC invaders

if you don't appreciate Iron Crown, I'm really not sure what you like about the Souls to begin with

Kel, forgot about Ariandel?

Can't say I blame you. What an abortion

God tier individual level design, god tier gameplay, weapon arts, best pvp after DaS2, best movesets after BB, best girl, most kino boss fights From has made so far, god tier DLC, most viable and fun movesets after DaS2, literally everything except world design.

There's two areas with solid level design. Undead Settlement and Cathedral. Everywhere else is just a typical area with some illusory walls. The boss fights were also typically bad, like every other Souls game.

I disagree with everything you said. I thought the level design and bossfights were a highpoint for the entire series.

I'm sorry that you had such a bad time with the game. That must be frustrating.

>I thought the level design and bossfights were a highpoint for the entire series.
Well it's a good think that what you think isn't at all factual.

Iron Crown is the one with that one clown fucker that invades you on that one secluded tower right? It's been a while and I remember Iron Crown being one long ass annoying drop down fetch quest to some Dude-in-Armor bosses. I appreciate Sunken Crown because it had Sinh and I dig fighting dragons, and it was legitimately a hard fight. I appreciate Souls for the fluid gameplay, difficulty, and lore in that order, and DaS2 and its DLCs were the lowest point for all three of those things for me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion though.

Ariandel is the only Dark Souls DLC I haven't bought or completed. Saw a friend do it and fight Elfriede and I feel like there's nothing more to be gained from playing it myself. Although I might buy it just to support FromSoft and because I'm an autist when it comes to Souls.

I usually don´t talk about Dark Souls 3 because I try to pretend it never happened, but there are 3 conditions why you could have possibly enjoyed it:

1. It's your first Souls game
You started playing this series in the last years, you are ignorant about the previous games and what made them good

2. You only have a PC as a gaming platform and dislikes slow paced combat
Bloodborne is not available on Steam, so you have to content with a bastardization

3. You have low IQ
The extreme linearity is easier to your brain to handle, the presentation and corny ochestral music tricks you

That being said
DeS > DaS >>> BB >>>>> DaS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS3

This comes frome someone who hasn't played the DLCs, and I've only beaten the game once, but here's my input:
>too many bosses are anime dudes with swords.
>too many bosses rely on the old "fight many things at once" trope to increase difficulty
>even then, most bosses are easy as pie, even the harder ones such as suly shouldn't take more than a couple of tries
>combat feels like a cheap mix of DaS and BB

That DLC must be amazing because the fights in the base game are pretty meh.

>That DLC must be amazing because the fights in the base game are pretty meh.
Ringed City has one solid fight and one fight that's a damage sponge rehash of Kalameet and Sihn, but with meme lasers, shitboxes, and bad camera.

>Sprawling map that doesn’t link back into itself
>ability to teleport off start that removes any challenge once you get through an area

I think this is correct.

It's the best in the Dark Souls series but not revolutionary in any way. In fact, they had 3 games to perfect some mechanics but somehow there's still glaring flaws.
So it's fucking amazing but in no way a masterpiece, fuck you user.

Never played BB, but taking it out of the equation, still works

Nice photoshopped image. Dark Souls sequels don't exist

too linear

>iron crown that high
what a farce

Okay these threads are actually pointless if you're rating an overall product because they all have different strengths.

DeS has bar NONE my favorite level design in the entire series. I don't think any other Souls game has utilized space as well as DeS.
DaS for sure has the most satisfying world to learn about and understand. It's the least welcoming to new players, but it's probably the most satisfying to accomplish because of that (Also my favorite entry musically)
DaS2 has my favorite collection of DLC, and while context does help (it being margins better than the base game) I think it stands up just as well when compared to all of the other DLC. Also, the base game is actually pretty good, but certain aspects make me groan whenever I near them (I'm looking at you Drangleic Castle)
BB definitely has the best GAME design as a whole. It's way better at welcoming new players by having a clear play style from the jump, rather than inspiring defensive styles that in the end lead to a more stressful and less fun experience. It also has the most unique art direction when compared to the others (although DaS1's is my favorite in this regard)
DaS3, well, this is the game I'd put below the others. I really wish they did something different with it because It feels like nothing more than fan wank if you ask me. Not much has changed, the world is so linear it hurts, and the entire game minus a few parts has this brown, grey, greenish aesthetic which just tires itself out after a while. It makes me feel like I'm playing COD 4.

All in all, it's hard to compare them for the most part. I'd be happy to play any of them. As for best bosses?

They all have great ones, but the game that consistently has the best ones is probably BB, although Fume Knight never fails to impress me by how deceptively slow he seems. I'd say Bloodborne and King DLCs are at the top, DaS 1 and 3 after that, then DeS (even though I LOVE King Allant, Flame Lurker and Tower Knight)


Am I the only one thinking that the whole franchise is overrated garbage? I mean the it's not as difficult as people say. The story is almost non-existent. And the whole game doesn't feel like a role playing game at all.

>DaS2 has my favorite collection of DLC
Opinion Disregarded.

Jk because I agree with everything else you said, except that I think DaS has better level design than DeS. DaS3 did feel like a cash grab rehash of DaS, which is DaS2 because at least it went a different direction. It may have failed to be a God Tier game, but it wasn't afraid to try new things, unlike DaS3 before the DLC.

Halfassed references, feels like not a lot of effort went into polish (given all the mistakes), aesthetically bland, not enjoyable to replay (poor pacing), etc.

Maybe taken from an empty level perspective it kind of gets there. The actual enemy placement, bonfire placement and various other nitpicks ruin the levels. For the most part the levels barely get to the kind of levels that are good in DaS1 and several are equal to the more mediocre levels like Duke's Archives. Even DaS2 can sometimes teach DaS3 a thing or two about level design and those levels were mostly atrocious corridors.
Likewise the bosses (that aren't gimmick shit) only work from a boss alone perspective since almost all the levels are variations on "Huge empty box/circle with maybe some pillars in it" that reduces most of the bossfight to rolling at the right time since you don't particularly have to plan ahead with this much room to evade.

DaS and BB are not overrated at all. DaS2 is also really fucking good. I think it's DaS3 that makes the series feel really really overrated because it's just fan service for people who shit on DaS2 being so different.

DS1 > BB > DS2 > DS3 > DeS

DS (slightly)>Des > DS3 >Bloodborne = Sotfs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ds2

DA3 is the member berry of the franchise

Because it's not a roleplaying game. It's a slow paced action game with stats.

Xbro here, never played a souls game. Is ds3 worth it if I've never played the others? Also since im already here and don't want to make another thread is arkham knight a good game?

DS3 is trash. It tried too hard to be like BB, but still stay a Dark Souls game.

It''s all reused assets from BB and fanservice. And they ruined the lore too.

BB+TOH > DS1+AotA > DeS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DS2=DS3

But then why are there classes and attributes?

>Bonfires around every corner. Making it incredibly easy, and making it so you never have to retrace your steps
>Boss variety pales in comparison to Dark Souls 1. All of DS3 bosses are giant creature-men things with two legs and two arms. You can always just between between their legs and hit them
>The world isn't interconnected like DS1 and the levels don't have that same maze-labyrinth like feel to them

It's quite a easy and linear game, with only a few small optional decisions to make. Like, do I go to Cathedral of the Deep first? Or do I do Abyss Watches/Catacombs and then go and do Cathedral?

>with stats
he literally means it's numberbased

Dark Souls 3 easily has the best bosses but the world design is lackluster and the linearity hurts repeat playthroughs. Individual level design is pretty good however.

>best bosses
>best pvp
>best fashion
>best mechanics
>best story
>best graphics
>best npcs
>best npc quests
>best atmosphere
>world building almost on par with first half of ds1, but more consistent throughout the game
>best level design
>highest skill ceiling
>highest difficulty
>largest playerbase
>most influential souls game
>best soundtrack
>best looking enemies
>amazing hitboxes (webm related)

only flaw you could argue about the game is linearity which is still debatable because since when is linearity a flaw? By that logic, every final fantasy game would be trash. I think you could argue that first half of DS1 and BB as a whole could give DS3 a run for its money in some of these categories if you're a hardcore fan , but I think its undeniable that DS3 is at least top 2 in all these categories.

It tried too hard to be like BB, but still stay a Dark Souls game.
That's the whole point, add new mechanics to spice up the gameplay. DeS had nothing, DaS added falling attacks and charge attacks, DaS2 added powerstancing, BB added transforming weapons, DaS3 is a perfect mix of powerstancing and trick weapons. Every playstyle becomes viable and fun.
>It''s all reused assets from BB and fanservice.
From has always reused assets and made a shitton of fanservice. This is nothing new.
>And they ruined the lore too.
How exactly? They tied pretty much everything together.
And this is bad because?
Ringed City=Old Hunters>Lost Crowns>AotA=AoA

>highest difficulty
>implying dodge doesn't exist
the dodge alone knocks out half of your arguments.

Why not?

It has the worst story out of all 3. Which is too bad because that's a big reason why I play the series.

Aside from that, the areas themselves are pretty bland and sloggy to go through. I love the bossfights but I cannot think of a single area that I actually enjoy playing through, Irithyll included.

You could say that about any soulsborne game.

>best bosses
wrong. they're all giant men-like creatures that stand on two legs and have two arms. Hardly unique, original, or creative
>best pvp
Agreed. It's taken 5 games but they have perfected the DS pvp
>best fashion
>best mechanics
Debatable. Lots of OG Dark Souls fan prefer to slower paced gameplay of Dark Souls 1, instead of the super faced Bloodborne gameplay
>best story
Lol. Story has nothing to do with any of these games.
>best graphics
Sure. Because it's the newest
>best npcs
Again, debatable.
>best npc quests
Again, debatable
>best atmosphere
This isn't debatable. Because Dark Souls 3 doesn't have atmosphere. You're too busy warping from bonfire to bonfire to take anything in
>world building almost on par with first half of ds1, but more consistent throughout the game
>best level design
that goes to Dark Souls 1
>highest skill ceiling
Have you even played Dark Souls 1?
>highest difficulty
Again, have you even played Dark Souls 1?
>largest playerbase
>most influential souls game
Lol. That would go to the OG Dark Souls
>best soundtrack
>best looking enemies
>amazing hitboxes (webm related)
no comment

the fact that you put DS3 so close to Bloodborne really really upsets me and I hope you are baiting

Enemy design is complete ass.
>Boreal Knights
>Lothric Knights
>Irithyl dudes that shoot fire through walls
>Irithyl dudes with the curved swords
>those guys who reduce your health from looking at you
Also fuck cathedral. That shit is way too long.


>the dodge alone knocks out half of your arguments.
>le dodge meme
Shields in previous games were way more OP than rolls in DaS3. Now shields are balanced and the game isn't as easy, you can't tank 10 hits from a boss anymore because your stamina gets obliterated and rolls have less iframes, so now you can spam them. It just makes sense. Enemies are also faster, have more movesets, can delay their attacks and bait you into rolling, and Miyazaki doesn't want you to hide behind a shield, especially after BB, going back to braindead gameplay like previous games would have been terrible.

not him but
>they're all giant men-like creatures that stand on two legs and have two arms. Hardly unique, original, or creative
Humanoid bosses have always been the best bosses in the series. Giant monsters are complete garbage gameplay wise. DaS has three good bosses, Gwyn, Artorias and Kalameet, two are humanoid bosses. Gundyr, Gael, Friede, Princes, Sully, Watchers, Dancer, Nameless King, SoC are Bloodborne levels of kino.
>Debatable. Lots of OG Dark Souls fan prefer to slower paced gameplay of Dark Souls 1, instead of the super faced Bloodborne gameplay
It's not only that. DaS 3 also has way more combos (half the weapons of DaS don't even have basic R1 combos lmao), weapon arts, way tighter controls, you can finally sprint and roll in every direction while being locked like in BB, way more viable weapons, way better enemy AI, enemies aren't braindead like DaS, just compare the darkwraiths and silver knights of DaS to those of DaS3. DaS feels like a pre alpha after played BB and DaS3.
>that goes to Dark Souls 1
Individual level design is way better in DaS3. DaS has a good world design and interconnected levels. And that's only until the second bell, so 1/3 of the game.

>Bloodborne levels of kino

Stopped there. Bloodborne is by far the weakest souls game. Least class variety, least armour variety, least weapon variety, and it's basically just a bunch of assets from Dark Souls just reused. You putting BB on such a high pedestal tells me everything I need to know about your opinion. Pic related.

It doesn't have soul memory and I can't punish people for bad meta gaming by invading them with my min/max meme Hex build that one-shots scrubs

>BB > DeS > DaS > DS3 > being raped by an ogre with a barbed wire 12" dick >>>>>>>>≥ DS2

BB>DS3>DS1>DS2 for me

>Swamp Souls 3: Rollers of the First Chug
>the best
its so easy to tell DS3 was someone's first Souls game

>Shields in previous games were way more OP than rolls in DaS3.
No they weren't. You can mash roll and make almost every single encounter in DaS3 completely inconsequential.

>Now shields are balanced and the game isn't as easy
Blatant lie. Shields still make most encounters a joke in DaS3, they're not as strong as they were in DaS1, but there's a hell of a lot better than they were in DaS2.

>rolls have less iframes
Rolls have MORE iframes in DaS3 than in DaS1 and in DaS2 you need to invest considerably into a stat to reach the number present in DaS3.

This doesn't even take into account that DaS3 has a hilariously far roll in comparison to the other three Souls games and the iframes aren't affected by equip weight until you're over 70%, at which point you lose 1 fucking frame with Fat Rolling. For comparison in DaS1 you get 9 frames in a Fat Roll, whereas in DaS3 you get fucking 12 and it still doesn't cost shit for stamina.

So basically you're just full of shit, which isn't at all surprising.

>way better enemy AI, enemies aren't braindead like DaS
AI in DaS3 is fucking terrible. If any of them pat near a ledge, they'll just randomly walk off and die. They have no spacial awareness, awful pathing, and straight up comically aggressive combos to make up for it, which usually results in them swinging at the air.


What's wrong about the enemies you listed? The dudes that reduce your health are fucking cancer I agree, but all the others are fantastic.

The first time you saw a Lothric Knight and tried to just block and go behind him to backtab like in DaS but instead you got shieldbashed into oblivion was amazing. Just like the first time you see the pontiff knights and get baited by the weapon art and then comboed like a bitch, same for the outrider knights. That's the fun part, spice up the gameplay. Just like DaS was hard the first time and then you could speedrun it in 2 hours, DaS3 feels like unfair bullshit until you get familiar with the new mechanics. Then you speed run the game in 2 hours with literally every weapon from a dagger to friede's scythe to an ultragreat sword and never get hit by those enemies again.

DaS was fun because it felt new and made you learn new mechanics. Same here.

best post of all time

>linear as fuck
>scrub-friendly invasion system
>spamfest combat
>teleportation from the start
>nonexistent weapon degradation
>easy af bosses

the world design is not as good as 1, and the gameplay mechanic changes are not enough to really change up the gameplay. the weapon arts are not unique or have enough variety for them to really change the flow of battle in a pinch.

>best level design

no fucking way anyone genuinely belives this

DS1 has far better level design, its not even an opinion its an objective fact

also DS3 is just

>hey sunbros, member ANOR LONDO XDXDXD well its back and cooler (literallly lol) than ever

also firelink shrine is shit and was done in Demons Souls

what's your standard good boss fight, or your favourite boss fight from any videogame?

>you rike rady mria? werr here rady freed, she has 3 form for firthy gaijin to fight, and each form has furr hearthbar. you rike?
what did Miyazaki mean by this?

>god-tier individual level design
it's largely a mixed bag
>god tier gameplay
linear progression, spammy flashy combat, and an invasion that heavily favors the host and makes solo players almost never get invaded is what passes as gameplay now.
>god tier DLC
AoA is legit the worst dlc FROM has ever made and the Ringed City is average compared to AoTA, TOH, CotIK.

>Unlimited stamina
>Can deliver never end sweeping attacks
>Turns on a dime
>7 foot attack radius
>Frostbite damage
>Quick as lightening
>Reads your moves like he is inside of your mind

FUCK! Hardest miniboss in Dark Souls history!

dude just get a straightsword or a dagger and roll lmao

Anything in DMC3 is better than anything in DaS3, by a country mile.

really, he never killed me at all

those faggots who throw their pots at you just before him fucked me over more than him

Worst replayability, and really missed what made DS1 lore and storh-telling interesting; it's not being 'convoluted,' that's BB's strength and it did it millions of times better.

>undead settlement/hemwick
>untended graves/abandoned workshop

What's funny is I thought Aldrich was going to be blatently Bloodborne but him and the Deep were rounded out decently. The rest of these blantant BB.

That dude in the library fucked me up a couple of times in NG+, fun enemy.


Aldrich was too busy being one big and nonsensical DaS1 reference to be a BB reference.


How the fuck can people like DS1? It runs and looks like complete shit. Yeah good lore and storytelling, doesn't make me want to play it though. The HUD/GUI are shit. Literally every game from then feels better to play.

>bb above anything at all ever

bloodborne is the worst game out of all of the souls games
shits so horribly designed it hurts to play
the enemies literally attack nonstop so you never have a moment to strike, and yet its casualized by the fact that I constantly have healing items given to me so much that i end up throwing them away
not even mentioning the fact that the game never tells you how to level up, meaning that you need a point of insight (an unexplained game mechanic) in order to
t. idort who owns ps4/xb1/switch and has played and completed every souls game besides BB
official ranking here

>runs like shit
Liar and/or consolebabby detected.

>not an Old One reference

Play DeS. Regarding DS3, his implied history/relations with Gwnydi and Sullivan weren't too bad.

DaS > DaS 3 > BB > DaS 2 > DeS

>Contains a boss from DaS1
>Uses a weapon from a completely different DaS1 boss
>Uses a spell from another entirely different DaS1 boss
Yeah that makes a ton of fucking sense.

>DS1 has far better level design, its not even an opinion its an objective fact
>putting DS1 this high
I don't give which was your first game, because mine was actually DS1, but it's shit just as DS2
The best ones are BB, DeS and DS3
Go fuck yourselves

>bb first instead of dead last
obvious troll is fucking obvious, bloodborne is by far the easiest and most casual souls title

I play on PC user. It's literally one of the most unoptimized PC game I've ever played. A game from 2011 stuggles to stay at 60 fps on modern hardware because its code is shit. Without DSFix it's fucking 30 fps, for an ACTION game. Even 3 runs better lmao

Not only that, multiplayer absolutely fucking sucks in 1 and barely even functions.

It needs and deserves a remake.

>linear as fuck
Bloodborne is also linear as fuck and yet it's the best soulsborne game. Nothing wrong with linearity.
>scrub-friendly invasion system
Even Miyazaki thinks your cringy invasions are pure cancer. Now it's just balanced, it's not easier for him, it's harder for you, you have to earn your reward. You're just assravaged you can't ruin new people's games anymore with memeshit havel builds.
>spamfest combat
And DaS is a shieldfest. spamfest>shieldfest
>teleportation from the start
Just like every other soulsborne game including DaS after the anor londo, so half of the game. From blew their entire DaS budget into muh interconnected world, realised it's kinda pointless, quickly stiched together the rest, and never did that mistake again. Then they focused on what actually matters, gameplay, bosses, dialogues, animations, combos. T
>nonexistent weapon degradation
It was always irrelevant as fuck except in DaS2 60fps were everyone bitched about how fast it was.
>easy af bosses
Still the hardest in the series. If you want a difficult game just play bullet hells.

>hardest in the series

>look at me, my opinion is so important because my first game was the second one!
You just have shit taste, kiddo. DS1 was my first one too and it's still the best. Demon's Souls is too dated and the others are too flawed. I'm not saying Dark Souls is perfect, but it's the best of the lot.

what makes ds1 as bad as 2?
the world design, story, and character interactions were top notch

>talking about shit taste
Lmao, gtfo waifunigger
DaS1 is as dated as DeS and DeS is much better overall

Being linear hurts replayability. Lack of build variety does so too. BB is fucking fantastic but it's got no replayability.

what the actual fuck are you on?

If you count the B-team, the blue smelter one was worse.

Locations mashed into each other without any substance, "good" interconnected world as many say
Only "top notch thing" was Artorias dlc but that's it

Buckle-up lads, you're in for an explanation from the master, Reddit spacing too.

The reason Dark Souls 3 is shit and Dark Souls 2 is receiving more oraise lately is simple:

DkS3 is an objectively better game than DkS2 to be sure, and possibly even DkS1 if you compare the games in a vacuum. However we don't evaluate games in a vacuum and Dark Souls 3 is essentially a shittier Bloodborne in almost every meaningful capacity besides bosses, which could go either way between BB and DkS3 if you take into account superfluous shit like "boss atmosphere", which heavily favors Bloodborne.
In a nutshell, you have Bloodborne, which has the best-in-series music, atmosphere, combat, narrative, weapons, beast/kin forms, enemies, level design, 2nd-best world compared to DkS1 and 2nd best bosses compared to DkS3. It's the measuring stick of the series in terms of quality in every way but build diversity and equipment.

Then you have Dark Souls 1 which has the best world interconnection. And although Dark Souls 1 is a broken-down piece of shit, it's world design is a feat that's never accomplished by any other game in the series (although BB came close) and this is actually a massive asset to a game that feels shoddy compared to even Demon's Souls.

And then there's the piece of shit that is Dark Souls 2, but even it has a few assets; it's the biggest game in the series, has a great NG+, and people consider it to have the best PvP.

Where does this leave DkS3 itself? Well, despite being 2nd in a lot of the categories I've mentioned, it only really is arguably the best with it's bosses. The last puzzle piece is how dull and uninspired DkS3 feels as a sequel, which makes you appreciate the zaniness of Dark Souls 2 that much more. Playing Dark Souls 3 makes me want to play Bloodborne, while playing Dark Souls 2 practically feels like a different genre. And despite DkS3 being a much much better game then DkS2 in a vacuum, it's harder to appreciate than DkS2.

Have you done the chalices and DLC? Bloodborne is BY FAR the hardest

>Best movesets aside from BB.
>Best PvP aside from DkS2.
DeS is runner up in these categories.

>incredibly linear
>boring medieval setting, again, instead of dark souls 2 retardation
>boring locations (castles, graveyards, swamps)
I like how polished it is but I would rather play DaS1/DaS2 again just because there are different ways to complete these even despite them being so flawed in different aspects