Why does this game so much hate when Witcher 3 gets 10/10s from everyone?

Why does this game so much hate when Witcher 3 gets 10/10s from everyone?

Because it's a bad game and Witcher is a better game?

Real question is why that South Park trash gets good reviews.

Witcher 3's combat may be your average shallow unplanned Western garbage that makes you forget the game after finishing the main story but outside of that it transcend eurojank because it is very polished.
Not joking, play some real eurojank and be amazed at how fucking rought it is, imagine W1 but 5 times worse.

you answered your own question

Isn't it from piranha bytes? Let me guess, most enemies at the start oneshot you and you actually have to talk to NPCs in the town and figure a smart way out to do quests instead of steamrolling everything.


The reviewer is a braindead normie.

>Things like having to constantly buy potions from vendors to heal yourself while also dealing with the constraints of a stingy, gear-focused economy are throwbacks to the bad old days when your survivability was based on the size of your wallet.

>why do bad games score worse than great games

I remember spreading gothic 2 in 6th grade and my classmates told me the game was too hard because they got destroyed by wolves. Only one guy even made it into the town and when he got the quest for the orc axe from the blacksmith he thought the game was bugged because the orc in the forrest was almost impossible to kill. Guess nothing really changed.

I've played for like 6h now and have encountered no game breaking bug yet, no crashes, no fuck ups, nothing. The worst I've seen was a rock where I could see under it and there were no polys, that's it. Where does it start getting buggy?

>average shallow unplanned Western garbage

This argument is blatant horseshit. The problem with TW3 combat is that there is really only one way to play. Most open world RPGs have a build your own character setup where you can pick and choose from many skills. TW3 has quite a few skills to choose from, but because they don't work in every situation people assume it's poor combat. They combat options are incredibly effective when used in the right context, and you can fimd that by using the bestiary.

Just using adjectives to describe something in a negative light without qualifying your statement is lazy, stupid, and discredits any words you decide to put in the same post.

Learn how to fucking argue.

Right. People are dumb as always and try playing PB games like any ole RPG when that shit don't work

Because Elex is literal shit and might as well be a 2001 game.

>the bad old days when your survivability was based on the size of your wallet.
I thought normies liked microtransactions though. They only like it when paying real money?

Skyrim fags can't handle the fact that some enemies might be to powerful for you and you need to get good and maybe even the help of a companion to beat them.

How the fuck is it fun knowing that you'll be able to kill everything in your path? Don't you want challenge? Don't you want to feel some danger when your exploring?

I played it for 2 hours and it was an awesome RPG experience. What did you not like?

Yes. Didn't you get the memo?

maybe if the devs didn't constantly shill this game with multiple threads per-day in the weeks leading up to release, then it wouldn't have gotten so much hate

I'm dead serious, I didn't care about this game until they shilled on here, at which point I hated it to fucking death and will openly badmouth it to anyone who might be interested in buying it

>Bug and bad balance make it hard to recommend
But it's ok when Skyrim is buggy and imbalanced to the point when it's disgustingly easy..

Witcher 3 was janky too until a ton of patches.

But I agree on production value, CDPro made a polished game.

Yeah to me Skyrim is what he described. Boring, no role-play shitty gameplay.

Because it is utter garbage

Because ELEX is dogshit, you German shill

>the game is good because my normie classmates couldn't play it

>Witcher 3: one of the best games ever
>ELEX: some random dog shit indie """game""
lol simply epic bait

It's possible it's because Elex is trash

>game can only be good if it was published by some jew company


>not Jews
They actively pandered to the console audience with TW3 to maximize how much money they'd get and lied outright to their fans about it until the game came out.

Not to mention that TW3 was basically made with slave labor.

Maybe because console sales of W2 saved them from bankruptcy retard

Gothic and Risen were never good, really

For real, how do you land a job shilling shit games? I could go for a side-gig.

What does pandering to console players mean?

Releasing the game on Consoles

Majority of Witcher 3 sales are on console woah mind blown huh?

>make content that comes shipped with game
>call it DLC and say you release it for free
CDPR is so amazing guys! I can't believe they are so generous, share and like.

It wasn't shipped with the game at all, yikes that must be embarrassing to be so wrong lmao

Yeah but the PC sales make a very very large chunk. Like a figure that would be unheard of for most games available on the major 3. We also have zero information about the GOG numbers and there was a very huge push before launch to get it from there specifically.

Well hopefully other companies learn to pull gullible idiots like you in on how nice they are. Just release game content as "free DLC' and the saps will suck it up and share it on social media on how awesome they are as developer.

Yeah, it's so much better when publishers release paid DLC, that's far less evil

DLC costs money to make...

Neck yourself.

who said anything about paid DLC and how it's less evil, don't bring up other subjects

70% of sales are on console

Dumb normie reviewer expects enemies to be scaled to the player's level so they can steamroll everything on babby mode

Eric simply eric for the win bait lol

yeah i agree they made a Polish game

Yeah haha
They really polish-ed the game

>They actively pandered to the console audience

They made their game for consoles AND low end PCs. I mean sure they could have made a game with high system requirements like the original Crysis but instead they wanted to make money.

Now if wanting to make money is Jewish we're all circumcised, no?

shit looking like an empty 2006 MMORPG made with random unity assets.

Witcher 3 has supermodels that you get to fuck when you self-insert as Geralt.

Honestly, it's not even a competition. How can you people not see this?