Why do people like asymmetrical sticks so much?

Why do people like asymmetrical sticks so much?

Nobody actually likes them. The 360 controller layout just got memed into popularity through marketing to dumb kids who regurgitate console war shit.

Their thumbs are fat

what is the gif meant to show??

I like both

i still think ds3 is master race

in my
they are comfortable for shooters meanwhile symetrical is good for platformers

>Why do people like things I don't like
Gee, I dunno.

I can't use a dualshock anymore. So fucking small.

Your thumb rests on the face buttons and analog stick when you have asymmetrical sticks (common pattern). This makes constant joystick manipulation more comfortable. This is less needed for the right thumbstick as constant camera manipulation (especially in one direction for a sustained duration) is not as common, meaning that the face buttons can take the primary position.
I dislike other things about the 360 controller (Like the triggers, though the DS4 triggers also aren't perfect) but for most genres that accommodate analog input the 360 layout is simply better.

Sometimes I find my thumbs bumping if the sticks are next to eachother

this gif makes no sense, why is the DS4 stick+face buttons fine but the X360 dpad+face buttons not when your hand would be in the same position?

The DS4 is bigger than the Xbox One controller.

that is just my opinion

Where your thumbs are is more important than where the sticks are. In any given game you're more likely to need your left stick to move and your buttons on the right to do whatever in the game.

no controller is good for shooters...

Because bunch of pussies with carpal tunnel.

because there are other genres besides FPS

that's why it is in spoiler i actually would never touch a controller for any shooter but the xbox controller seems better for that matter

>This is less needed for the right thumbstick as constant camera manipulation (especially in one direction for a sustained duration) is not as common, meaning that the face buttons can take the primary position

This totally negates the argument that it's better for FPS games

DualShock layout is best for 2D games. Xbone/Switch layout is best for 3D games. WiiU Pro layout is best for console FPS.

I don't like how your thumbs can hit if you move both of Sony's sticks towards eachother, the Xbox controller just feels more natural.

Dualshock has always been a bad controller and you know it. At least with DS4 they finally made the stick tops concave so I won't slide off all the time again. But yeah, having your preferred manipulation on the left thumb is the way to go. Which means all Playstation players still use the D-Pad all the time.

No you retard, the 360 rose into popularity because 6 - 8 years ago there weren't many other controllers out there that was PC supported or didn't require some retarded workaround.

I even have a 360 controller only because literally every fucking game in the past few years which was controller supported were basically in XBOX inputs. I mostly play on the PS4 and WiiU controller now, but when I go back and play old games like Enslaved Odyssey with those controllers I still have to deal with the fucking X Y A B input layout.

>Xbone/Switch layout is best for 3D games

It's very hard to use the stick and dpad at the same time with that layout

>Camera is above you, therefor its higher than the stick you use for movement which is your reference point for the ground.
Works for Skate, Works for Platformers, Works for any Third Person or First Person game.

Besides that, its just more comfortable for the hands. The only people who try and argue it are Sony fanboys.

not him but when would you ever need to do that?

How do you hold the controller?

>At least with DS4 they finally made the stick tops concave so I won't slide off all the time again

How sweaty are your thumbs?

I'm not trying to be a dick either, these just sound like strange things to me

I find it way more comfortable. Left hand is less dextrous so it's nice to leave it on the movement stick in the primary position.

Changing weapons while running in Dark Souls, or calling pawns in Dragon's Dogma, stuff like that where the game has functions mapped to the dpad. I also feel like I did that in GTA V while driving, zooming out the map or something? Again, sounds like small things, but it just hit me one time when I was trying to play games with a different controller like oh, I can't really do that thing now

>I don't like how your thumbs can hit if you move both of Sony's sticks towards eachother
Learn how to hold a controller.

Your main input method should be up top, the PS controller was originally designed that way as well, but then they slapped on two analog sticks on the bottom.
Having the main analog stick low makes no sense from a design point of view, and that's why no one except Sony does it.


Shooters are some of the most played games though.

Where'd the keyboard go?

The dualshock was designed for those tiny nip hands. Xb controller is for alpha westerners.


>What is the actual point of the original pic?

The Wii U pro controller has the best layout.
The symmetrical sticks on top are better because that's where your thumbs naturally rest when holding the controller.

There is no strain from your thumb from using the right stick like in the Xbone controller.

And then you have the symmetrical d-pad and face buttons for platformers and stuff.
It's overall the best ergonomic controller.

The only flaw is that is bluetooth only.

>memed into popularity

Xbox brand/Halo in a nutshell. Microsoft has a lot of money so they basically convinced people these products were good (they are not).

And you play those with M+KB like someone who isn't a subhuman.
And even with a controller you won't be constantly tilting the right analog stick in one particular direction, unlike the left analog stick which might be engaged in walking forward constantly. But I don't really know how to play console shooters since every time I've tried to play an FPS with a controller I've handled it like Polygon's Doom review.

fuck you

I don't get it. The only things symmetric sticks are better at are done even better on PC anyway.

Does anyone here has experience using a DualShock3 on PC? how easy is it to set up, how's compatibility and input lag?

Ooga booga fuck off nigger.

The left stick juts out of the controller unlike the d-pad, so it isn't uncomfortable to reach.

Just buy both, you stupid cuck.

The SCP drivers will make games see it as an Xbox 360 controller, so there won't be any issues with compatibility. I'm not sure about input lag.


Easy to setup (though, don't do it thru bluetooth, just use a cable)
Compatible with everything the xb360L2R2 triggers on the PS3 controller is trash


>having to need to learn how to use such a simple device makes it the worst pad

Because they're ergonomic. Bottom stick layouts place the thumb under a constant state of extension. This isn't noticeable with asymmetrical sticks because the right thumb fluctuates between the stick and buttons.
I'm sorry your taste is objectively bad

I didn't really like the layout. I imagine it's be good for shooters, but playing Mario or Bayonetta or Smash feels awkward. I don't like how far you have to reach for the Y button, which is used very frequently in a more traditional layout.

i despise asymmetrical sticks.

they're super shit for playing any games that actually needs the d-pad alongside the sticks EG dark souls

because it's hard as fuck to hit the d-pad on the PS4 pad

How many fucking times do you retards need this explained to you? Symmetry or lack thereof is irrelevant. The top and outer position on both of those controllers is the primary, natural ergonomic position. Most every game uses the left thumbstick for movement and not the dpad. Ergo, that position is preferred for the left thumbstick.

It's not fucking hard.

It's ass for shooters because you can't claw.

xbox one controller is comfortable

It is hard if you are amd edge lord thats used Sony products your entire life and can't possibly have an objective opinion because the school bully played xbox.

I don't get it

No, it makes you an idiot.

what do you do when you need to change items WHILE running in dark souls

>thumb on facebuttons
>index finger on stick
>middle/ring finger on triggers
Its actually pretty comfy.

how small are your hands?

How do you possibly move the stick steadily with your index finger?

Halo 1 is a god tier game. The gold standard of FPS. Xbox was the most powerful console of the 6th gen, the best way to play multiplats.

Sooooo, you would rather have a difficult time controlling the camera?

Pull your other hand over and hit it if you absolutely must do it WHILE running. It's still easier than trying to pull off some retarded claw shit on the fly. And you're retarded if you think it's a situation common enough that it requires doing that.

Ok faggots, you sold me on the DS3, i'm picking one up today.

Practice, though honestly most times when i claw like that its a 3rd person action game or platformer where acuracy isnt as big of a deal.

how are you going to roll if you pull your other hand to it?

Get fucking cucked.

if you never knew ps3 actually did won over 360 both in term of sales and number of games

>what about when I need to roll, switch weapons AND sprint at the same time
You're right, there's no reasonable layout for doing that on a controller. Welcome to the flaw of a controller designed around using only your thumbs and therefore an inherently limitation console games are designed around.

>he has never been chased by a dark phantom
run, look around for path/enemy/phantom chasing you, change items to estus

not even that rare of a situation

A situation where you can't take your thumb off the stick for the couple of milliseconds it takes to press the button? Yes, it is that rare of a situation.

And point remains, at the end of the day, claw isn't a solution. Not playing on a gamepad is.

Its harder to use the D-pad with the same grip when its that low and far away.

dont tell me you've never been chased by a red, needing to change item to estus because it's currently on something else like firebombs, and rolling from his constant running attack

it's not rare at all.

Breddy Gud

I just don't understand why they just don't have all four options on each system. Fuck they could probably even make a pretty penny selling the other configurations.


But then what would console kids argue about?

they do.

why is 2 okay when 3 is not? What games even use d-pad and right stick?

the entirely of souls series and armored core

Actually, they do sell alt pads.

How does this make it any less comfortable than being further away?

does that thing work? i remember mad catz 3rd party controllers were dog shit.

A fair number of options exist now to let people use pads on other consoles. I just got one for the switch off amazon that works with WiiU/ps3/ps4 pads.

>there are actually people out there that actually pretend one of these two nearly identical controllers is "good" and the other one is "bad"
You can't be serious. It's fine to have a preference, but come the fuck on. It's the same shit. Moving your thumb a fraction of an inch in one direction or the other is not the end of the world.

Except all multiplats ran like dogshit

The lengths you autists will go to make it seem like you're right

Sonygroes. That's the answer desu

Took me a second. Well played

It's Hori. It should work.

Has anyone bought/tried the Steam controller? It's fucking awful, hard to control, and expensive. Highly recommend staying away from it unless for whatever reason you really need a controller to play certain games and can't get x-box/ps4 to work with your setup. By far worst controller on the market.

It's Hori. It doesn't work.

Almost like the natural rest for the thumb goes over the primary inputs.
>muh symmetry
Literally form over function. Go learn how to properly use a pad.

I don't care. Ii'm used to either.