ITT:characters who you thought you would love but turned out to be shit


Obligatory Shitkah.

I love her even more than before the announcement.
Rinkah is cute!

Victim of being in a game that overshadows secondary characters gameplay and storywise. If it was any other FE, she would've been integrated better.

FE14 cast is bloated as fuck because "muh huge army"

She'd probably end up like bord with one line and then dropped.

At least she was useful in my Birthright run as a unit. There is no redeeming her in Rev however

ignore the forcast, the enemy always lands the hit on her.

She's only victim of being a cunt to other people for no reason.

Dodgetanking isn't viable in Fates because of the system it uses for RGN. Shit sucks.

It's the best build on Corrin however

She was great as a weapon master or whatever that class was called.

I still like her
I thought it was unviable because HP was generally low as fuck in this game for some reason

I've noticed that, an enemy is guaranteed to land a hit on anything more than about 15% if the hit will deal enough damage to kill your unit

Yeah I always liked her better as a weaponmaster.

It's weird how the games have no "intended" promotions (like unique textures/models) for the new hybrid classes like weaponmaster or mechanist, even though the game has so many characters (seriously there are 3 1st-gen swordmasters, come the fuck on)

Victim of nothing, just another contributor to Hoshido's half of the cast being mostly complete shit
Only Reina's worth a damn

Orochi is actually the best girl in Hoshido

What about characters who you thought would be shit but you loved instead?



Her design is pretty fucking good too

Can I post the inverse?

feeling insecure, pindick?


Best girls in both sides of Fates are the furries.

Literally zero issue to me considering I'm the coal she's burning

sucks to be you, pencildick

why is she eating shit

Velouria would have been so much better if she switched personalities with her father

>literal retard

stay mad

I mean, I am not sure why it surprised me that it turned out the way it did, but there you have it.


Actually, it is the black niggers that are upset, actually needing artists to draw them fucking da white wimmenz since no one wants nigger dix lel


Watch some gameplays before the PC release and loved her. When I've finished the game I feel nothing but disappointment in pic related.

How is this tread still up

>it's a support about food/cooking/sweets
Instantly disqualified for S rank

i thank you for reminding me to filter CUTE.

f*ck ni*gers and fu*k w*ite people

Only reason I went through one of these was Sakura/Tsukuyomi so I could spurn totally-not-tharja with pink hair

I can't believe how hard I fell for Felicia. I hate almost everything about Fates but Felicia is the sole reason I'm willing to give any attention to Fates related shit. Too bad she isn't Corrin's sibling, or else maybe I'd actually have a good reason for paying attention to Fates related shit.

Not only is she best girl, her and her father carried my ass during my noob days of Conquest.
Couldn't really get into FE once I decided to play it, but I was glad I at least suffered through Conquest Lunatic w/ dlc.

i feel that way about fates in general

I want to use her, but I can't deal with glass cannnons in a game with permadeath and she is always one wrong move away from death.

Peko Pekoyama looks cool as fuck but god damn she is retarded.

Unless you throw her against mages, she can survive a couple hits with her bloated HPs.
And once you get her going she shouldn't worry too much about getting hit with her 80%+ crits.

>mfw I married Charlotte and made her a Swordmaster
best decision of my life


>Post ends in 0

I think her best option is Sniper but it just feels wrong not making her a Berserker.


On-screen Azura is a fucking retard damsel, but she's really funny/charming is nearly all of her supports. She gave me whiplash.


Literally me. The voice acting made her even worse. FE Fates really pissed me off because I bought Birthright due to her and others and I ended up wanting the Conquest characters more.


That's true for all story characters, especially Xander.
Fates had a good cast (Conquest al least) but the story ruined them.

Hopefully the inevitable enhanced edition tones down Makoto's overwhelming presence (or, better yet, increases the rest of the party members' so that everyone really feels involved) and either brings in Haru earlier or gives her more time with the group/MC some other way.

Yusuke doesn't do shit, neither does Ann either. Makoto and Futaba hold the crown together for overbearing plot exposure and taking the spotlight from other characters. The game practically jerks off Makoto and Futaba right around the September mark and never lets up.

>not keeping her a berserker and giving her vantage and vengeance
You're doing it wrong

Right, but the first three party members are all pretty heavily involved right until Makoto joins the group, then she takes the spotlight away from all of them. Earlier in the game Ann would pipe in during plan formation with good ideas but once Makoto is in she is the brains of the operation 100% of the time. Whenever anyone would contribute something of worth to a discussion it used to be pretty split between the party, but once Makoto is around (and later Futaba) they take over because they're the "smart" ones.

I'd prefer if they made some changes or additions to the script to balance things out in the later half of the game though I doubt the re-release will be anything other than a couple extended sequences of full party events like Golden had.


I thought I wouldn't like Chie and I would like Yukiko but it ended up being the other way around.

I don't really mind any of that, I think some characters could do with more time to shine, especially Haru, but Makoto and Futaba being the ones doing the most talking during plan formation is just sensible, especially for Makoto seeing as she double as both being the smart member of the group and Joker's mouthpiece. The game could definitely benefit from cutting down the dialogue here and there, but I'd say that as a general thing rather than it just being an issue with Makoto and Futaba.

I don't know if that is 100% true. I just finished the DLC chapters in Fates last week and in the last one I had a character at a few HP dodge a move with 80% accuracy. I was pleasantly surprised, since I assumed I was going to have to restart, but I was instead given a second chance. Are you sure that isn't just confirmation bias? You use start to skip battles or even full enemy turns so you skip over all the times you dodge an attack that would otherwise kill, but the ones you don't dodge you remember because it stops the skip and you have to reset.

I didn't end up so much hating her as just not being as interested as I thought that I'd be. Don't get me wrong, looks-wise she's still the best but other girls like Sensei-chan and Futaba ended up being so much cuter overall.

From the trailer when she first appeared I thought she was going to be a character, like Henry, who always had her eyes closed. I don't know why but I love characters like that. Unfortunately when I saw her eyes opened she dropped a few spots to me.

Holy shit are you me?

I went in thinking I'd hate her because of "WE'VE GOT TROUBLE" and she's archetypal as fuck.

It took a year but she grew on me and now I adore her.

Like many people before me until Jam came in GGRev.

Ram's pretty well liked, though.

It's the playstyle that kills me.

Oh fuck off. Old Fire Emblem games are just as awful if not worse about handling their secondary characters. If this was one of the old games she'd get two things to say and then fuck off forever.

I don't really like playing her either, but I think she's fun to fight against and I like her design, which is fine by me because there's plenty of GG characters I would never play but I like having them around anyway, like Johnny. Ram's definitely one of the better new characters in Xrd for me.


more boring than the P4 cast
le tumblr

even though they were stock anime tropes, I did like the Awakening cast. These guys suck though.

I hate Hana so much.
>that Corrin support

I don't like this meme. I'm not the biggest fan of Fates' cast, but older FE games weren't much better in regard to most characters being boring, one dimensional characters. Hana is basically just Mia with MORE development and a shittier design.

>le tumblr
Are you sure about that?

>le tumblr
Kill yourself.


take your pick

How come Hinoka is the only one that's not accurate to her ingame character at all?

cause she is so boring that you forget her personality or the lack thereof

Her design is boner inducing and she gave me some good vibes early on, but for some reason I remember her kinda grating on me over time. I'm not sure if it's something in her personality or if it's because I felt she was being shilled too hard.

>tfw like the character designs in Fates
>like the new mechanics introduced
>hate that most of these secondary characters are overshadowed by the royals in both story and gameplay
There's just no winning. I've tried so hard to like Fates, but shit is that terrible design. Even Awakening is better in this regard.

>Camilla is a nohrian bicycle even though she's all about Kamui outside of other S-ranks
>Elise has fake drills
>Selena is fat
>Chrom doesn't exist in Fates
>Hinoka is the only one

That's how pretty much every Fire Emblem is though, except then it's "random person/small ragtag group we picked up."

>not fat

I can understand when it comes to the narrative, but I think that shit is beyond redeemable otherwise. The idea of Conquest endgame on the higher difficulties being so heavily dependent on those Royals makes me gag and just wanna go play some other SRPG. Maybe FE in general is like that, I haven't played all of them, but Fates, much to my dismay, isn't for me.

All the sisters in Fates. Elise was fairly alright, but the rest are terrible.

It's really only dependent on Xander and Camilla unless you count Corrin. Leo is alright but not all that great, and Elise requires much more investment. And even then they aren't practically invincible like Seth in FE8 or anything.

But yeah, FE always has some units that are just plain better than most everyone else by a fair margin. That's just how it goes. Seems like it really only bothers you if you hate them that much.

Elise is arguably my least favorite.

Guess I'll stick to Disgaea or Tactic's Ogre, then; even if they're both practically dead.

What about this?

The Hoshidan sisters are boring as fuck, and I just prefer Elise's wholesome cute pandering over Camilla's sex appeal. They are all pretty dull though.

>Liking Elise less than Sakura

>not gay

fuck this shit made fire emblem shitty

>Elise's wholesome cute pandering
Oh, sweet naive user.

All little sisters are great!

Yeah I prefer beauty and sex appeal to being cutesy myself. Camilla is the only one I find that appealing overall, though I do think Sakura has more to her than Elise.

Well of course, Sakura is a thirsty slut.

Is this actual dialogue?


This. Her design is 10/10 but her personality and social link were more bland than oatmeal