Wii U

How many consoles would've gotten sold if Nintendo had Switch-tier marketing for it instead of the retarded announcement and advertising they did for it?

The Wii U had some excellent games, it's just too bad that so many thought that it was an accessory and not a new console.

It's going to become a Dreamcast in 20 years desu

It would have been guaranteed to sell better if it wasn't named WiiU.
This also goes for the Switch, it would have sold worse if say it was called "WiiU2" or had Wii anywhere in its name.

Also a better launch lineup that was lacking made the WiiU sell less.

WiiU is still my go-to porn machine tho

not if they keep porting every single wii u game to the switch

desu I think they're done porting.

>underwhelming 3D Mario
>No Zelda until the very end
>No Metroid or Fzero
>third-party support sucked
>despite being Nintendo's next-gen console, was filled with unambicious, smaller games like Captain Toad Kirby Rainbow curse(these weren't bad games, but they belonged on a handheld)
>bad marketing
>Gamepad was cool, but ultimately kind of gimmicky
>very underpowered

Thank heavens that the WiiU era is over.

Honestly i think it was a flawed concept to begin with, you cant look at both screens at once so it breaks up the game play. The only good thing about it was inventory management and multiplayer.

Switch sells because it's designed well. WiiU wasn't

yet it probably has the better library compared to xbone and ps4 baka

Nintendo is my favourite vidya company, but it really doesn't dude. Third party support(and yes, multiplats still "count") alone leaves the WiiU in the dust compared to the Xbone and PS4.

Good marketing couldn't save it. It was confusing enough hardware-wise. The poor marketing and confusing name was just the icing on the cake.

not really, the strength of the WiiU's exclusives beat out AAA manufactured crap any day.

and I can play those multiples on my PC

Just because you live in a Nintendo and AAA vacuum doesn't mean every other system is like that.

who said i only played Nintendo games?

But that just makes the WiiU look worse, because you have to supplement with another machine.

You did, when you completely ignored the AA market.


no, it makes the ps4 and xbone pointless

Marketing sucked but honestly the biggest problem with the Wii U was the Wii U itself. It just wasn't an appealing device.

The Vita is already the dreamcast. The wii u is just an abortion

It will become rare and popular because of that