Do you play your games in Fullscreen, Borderless Fulscreen or Windowed?
Do you play your games in Fullscreen, Borderless Fulscreen or Windowed?
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Borderless fullscreen if the game allows it. Otherwise fullscreen.
I watch other people play games
What is the point of borderless fullscreen?
what's the point of regular fullscreen if you can use borderless? it's almost like you hate alttabing
fullsceen borderlands, because I alt-tab a lot
Borderless fullscreen
But nowadays I mostly play stuff on console.
alt tab instantly
Fullscreen only. I never liked windowed or even understood why I'd use borderless fullscreen. I assume thats for people with multiple monitors or something.
so you can quickly alt-tab to shit post in a Sup Forums thread
Move your mouse to your other monitor without alt tabbing.
Depends on the game Fullscreen if it's a competitive multiplayer game. Borderless Fullscreen and windowed add latency and frame delay and even lowers framerate marginally.
Otherwise Borderless.
Never noticed the difference and I tab out all the time from games tbqh. Lately been playing Witcher 3 and I can't notice any delay
I only have one cause my desk is too small for two of these
what are other advantages of regular fullscreen other than some vsync issues? I see no reason to use regular fullscreen these days
>Never noticed the difference and I tab out all the time from games tbqh. Lately been playing Witcher 3 and I can't notice any delay
it's because you never actually used borderless, it's night and day
Higher latency apparently, something negligible like 5ms and even then i don't think it's true as long as the game is in focus
There has to be performance loss though. I can play TW3 at 1440p with everything maxed just barely (drops to 55-56 in heavily forested areas when its rainy). Not sure if quick alt tabbing is worth fps loss
My bigger question is...
Do you prefer the sasao or the habao.
HuhBOW is best quality
SuhSOW is for better performance
Fullscreen exclusive.
The rest are for plebs.
i tip my fedora to you, pc master race for life bro
I heard they somehow fixed it in Win10 but couldnt find anything on that
Performance wise: it's better.
QuaIity wise: I noticed some games it actually looks pretty disgusting and unrealistic, adding grainy blurred shadows around the edge of the model or when they're close to a wall. Sometimes the shadowing is pretty soft but it's just not always realistic, makes it look like all the characters are emanating some sort of fucking dark energy shit out of them. Nonetheless you get used to it after a while and don't exactly notice it that much anymore, so it's fine.
Performance wise: it's worse. eats up more memory and kills your frames if you don't have a good cpu+gpu combo
Quality wise: It's barely noticeable, it adds the same effects as SSAO but it does some kind of shit where you barely notice them as they seem to blend in more with the models. It gives more of a realistic feeling to the scene than the other option though.
Windowed because its comfy
I'd be prone to believe that if I have ever had any even remotely noticeable issues from windowless border. There are way too many variables involved with latency before I would blame it on borderless especially considering most multiplayer games are extremely low tickrate and american ISPs are Jews that offer subpar products
Almost always fullscreen. in 2011 I had three 27 inch 1080p monitors so I would window/borderless. But SO MANY FUCKING GAMES would not display properly that way. I switched to a more simple solution (and still use it to this day) as one larger 65 inch UHD tv. Or a Asus PG34q ultrawide.
The issue is that most games do not do proper chroma or take control of things like saturation or color balance unless actually full screened. In fact HDR looks wrong on mostly every game without fullscreen. There is also issues of added delay when not full screen, but that issue is hard to come by.
This is more for people with 10bit panels or better that want the best look for their game. You can guarantee fullscreen looks the best, you can't for borderless. If you don't notice then you probably have an 8 bit or lower monitor and/or just can't notice and shouldn't worry.
I agree but I was interested nonetheless. Appearently the difference between fullscreen and windowed is that in first picture goes straight from your gpu to your monitor and in the latter in must go through Windows gui manager or smth. And I read that Win10 after update can detect if a program is a video game running in borderless fullscreen and give the monitor space exclusively to gpu when it isn't alt-tabbed so there won't be a delay.
I'd really like to know how much of this is true and how it affects multiple monitors setup.
exclusive fullscreen
fuck faggot devs that switched to only borderless
Only correct answer
Literally no one
Could you try comparing fullscreen/borderless on newest Windows 10 version and answer ?
>reinstall dying light
>it doesn't have borderless
completely forgot it didn't have that, what the fuck were they thinking?
windowed or fullscreen on second monitor (only rarely supported)
Only fullscreen.
If You want input lag on mouse, play on borderless or window.
word to your mother
sonic lost world has mandatory borderless and vsync, to make it impossible to play at a higher framerate than your monitor refresh. it's gay and feels like they didn't want anyone to benchmark it.
But it does affect the overall gamma of the screen. So the scene might look a bit darker with one compared to the other.
Easily adjustable, but the difference isn't really from the precision, it's from the brightness difference.
Full screen. The performance loss in borderless fullscreen is too much. Not to mention I have multiple monitors, and borderless window just doesn't work with it well from my experience.
Just set it to windowed, then download Borderless Gaming.
I can't actually run the game in fullscreen at all because it fucks up with my monitor settings or something and goes over the maximum refresh rate i have. Like i still have a 60Hz monitor, the game requires a 75Hz monitor to work in fullscreen mode, it just makes my monitor unable to play it without windowed mode.
If you have fullscreen optimizations enabled (which comes enabled by default) then some games have no extra lag when in borderless mode which (i think) means DWM is bypassed and there's no vsync, therefore you get tearing just like in exclusive fullscreen. Sadly there are still a lot of games where this option doesn't work. One of them being The Evil Within 2.
HBAO+ is far more accurate and looks really good. SSAO is to ambient occlusion what FXAA is to anti aliasing.
2 or more monitors
mostly borderless
sometimes fullscreen
never ever windowed
This is my favorite thread on this board right now. Very civil discussion ITT.
quick alt tab compared to fullscreen.
fullscreen usually has a delay when entering / exit alt tab.
desu i always turn off AO regardless of which kind
I can only find recording and some game mode, is that it?
It's here. Like I said it's turned on by default. You only have the option to disable it.
Overwatch is one of the games where this option works. You can check this by checking for screen tearing when in borderless. If you don't have any tearing than that means DWM is imposing tripple buffered vsync which means input lag.
>exclusively play fullscreen
>can't play KotOR 2 TSLRCM
Why? It works perfectly windowed at 1080, but when I go fullscreen it throws a shitfit. Flawless widescreen and .ini editing didn't help, plus I thought the update was supposed to add native high res support.
Thank you, I'll try this.
Borderless fullscreen unless it's an FPS/TPS because of the forced v-sync/triple buffering. The input lag is unnoticeable on any other genre especially games I use a controller on.
By the way, don't know if it's related but I noticed when I play Fortnite and take focus to other screen the fps drops dramatically.
The fps always drop immensily when you take focus of another window no matter the game
This, except some games that are light-weight and not as engaging (Hearthstone, FTL) in windowed.
Didn't notice it as much with other games. I didn't mean it as a bad thing, I think it's a great sing of optimization
Borderless windowed is good if you alt + tab often. Fullscreen to desktop is slow.
>Patrician = Fullscreen
>Pleb = Windowed
>Full retard = Windowed Fullscreen
It forces your video card into '2D Mode", literally getting less flops
Call it autism, but I almost always refund a game if it doesn't have borderless fullscreen support/ability to mod borderless support in.
There's no excuse to not have it in your game, it makes multitasking easier if you're a single monitor pleb like me.
In general - does fullscreen have advantage in performance in comparsion to borderless?
HBAO+, on modern hardware it hardly makes a performance difference and looks miles better than SSAO
Read the thread. It did but Windows 10 maybe fixed it or maybe not
Always, exclusively fullscreen. Otherwise i have to deal with windows vsync, which sucks major dick. Although that does cause screen tearing. Its almost nonexistant on my end due to the high hertz rate
Additional input lag due to aero.
>using aero
Yes due to DirectDraw
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update changed this a bit and now runs fullscreen games in some weird fucked up mode where it tries to be borderless full which makes alt-tabbing faster but can ruin shit like g-sync and cause screen tearing. If you click on the exe you can check "disable fullscreen optimizations" to get rid of it
Windows 10 makes borderless run like exclusive. Obviously you're going to have screen tearing unless you using some sort of vsync. It didn't fuck up anything.
Before FCU Street Fighter 4 ran perfectly on my 144hz G-Sync monitor.
After FCU it had major screen tearing until I disabled "fullscreen optimizations" which is forced borderless
It's not forced borderless. You can still pick fullscreen exclusive if the game supports it
Who the fuck plays games?
Are you a faggot?
>he says that while posting on videogames oriented board
what are you a fucking polak immigrant
Na zdrowie, my name is Pan Kenowski
I'm a 27 year old American hussar (winged knight for you bydlos). I charge tanks on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting plumbing techniques and playing superior Polish games (drinking, drinking and Witcher series)
I speak Polish fluently, both Kurwa and Silesian dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Polish history and their mustache code, which I follow 100%
I hope I can become a programmer for CD Project RED or a plumber!
I yell kurwa at my elders and seniors and speak Polish as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
multi screen