>EA wants to release more games with “monetisable” open worlds, ex-BioWare staffer Manveer Heir has hinted in a 90-minute interview with Waypoint
>“They are generally pushing for more open world games. And the reason is you can monetise them better. It's the same reason we added card packs to Mass Effect 3: how do you get people to keep coming back to a thing instead of 'just' playing for 60 to 100 hours?”
> “The problem is that we've scaled up our budgets to $100 million-plus and we haven't actually made a space for good linear single player games that are under that,” he continued. “But why can't we have both? Why does it have to be one or the other? And the reason is that EA and those big publishers in general only care about the highest return on investment. They don't actually care about what the players want, they care about what the players will pay for.”
> “I'm not allowed to say the number but I can tell you that when Mass Effect 3 multiplayer came out, those card packs we were selling, the amount of money we made just off those card packs was so significant that's the reason Dragon Age has multiplayer,” Heir explained. “I've seen people literally spend $15,000 on Mass Effect multiplayer cards.”
i love the video game industry!
EA wants to release more games with “monetisable” open worlds...
>“I've seen people literally spend $15,000 on Mass Effect multiplayer cards.”
We need an insider to leak the details of the whales funding this shit.
Sure, if the game is free. But paying $60 and then buying that crap. Crash can't come soon enough.
>$15,000 on Mass Effect multiplayer cards
We need to burn it down. Burn it all down and start over.
it's well documented already
I'm ready to abandon videogames.
I hope that Bioware game will be good.
I seriously forgot what it's even called.
If the whales get named and shamed, there goes the publisher's meal tickets. This would be a good thing for gaming.
This will be their undoing
Because I hear funding cancerous shit like this can make you exponentially more likely to falling down flights of stairs. The people need to be warned, in person like.
It's called Banner of Hymn or something.
Like ea would come out with a good game in this timeline
EA doesnt make videogames
They make gambling simulators
this wont stop them from selling millions on marketing alone and milking """whales""" for all they've got
Capitalism improves everything they said. Capitalism doesn't just exploit certain aspects of human addictive psychology instead of creating something of worth they said.
no one said that
The irony is that Titanfall 2 and battlefield 1 are easily the best multiplayer shooters of this generation and there's nothing anyone can do to deny this
You're right! This would never happen under communism, people would be starving to death instead.
So true.
you retards will never learn
You're right, let's try communism instead.
>ex-BioWare staffer Manveer Heir
I love how all the shittiest people in video games tend to cluster together
>Manveer Heir
> shitskin child rapist
fucking hate the whales and the concept that they mean
>instead of creating something of worth they said
>what is all the technology created by private companies in the last four centuries
Also, since when are fucking videogames something of worth?
FUCK hope
I see your game just automatically posted Positive Reviews for our game. That'll be $1.99 fee incurred per social media networking site, thanks for your patronage!
>$10 has been deducted from your bank account
>“monetisable” open worlds,
>Open world
Are we actually gonna be cutting out massive parts of the world and selling them for 30 bucks apiece on top of a 60$ game?
No, this is the "exploitation" bit, user. Thought that was obvious.
>15000$ on ME card packs
I guess that's it then, the 1% and addictive personality problem people ruined AAA gaming for the rest of us
Wrong answer. Devs need to put out massive advertising blitzes with these guys and flashing lights and crazy hilarious memes. Make them psuedo-celebrities.
What, you want in on this crazy new hobby? Make more money and pony up like a real man.
Manhater Queer still in the gaming industry after ME:A
>Titanfall 2 and battlefield 1 are easily the best multiplayer shooters of this generation
I fucking told you people it wouldn't get better after Evolve and that we should do our part to support original game concepts; because the jewry would only get worse.
capitalism lets you have video games in the first place you dumb fuck. The markets already responding to AAA bullshit you're just too thick to notice it.
>Manveer Heir
Stop giving this cunt attention.
>gamble on getting skin for my digital character
>gamble on getting sent to the gulag
the entire idea of pay $60 for something that only works online AND have to also pay a different fee to play online is complete retardation
If you have bought any AAA Ubisoft/EA/Activision game in the last 5 years, please leave this board.
>Literal Toll Roads
I miss him, Sup Forums.
>Titanfall 3, if it happens, will most likely have a season pass with loot box cancer
implying that most other AAA companies not doing the same
But he about faced and is now calling out the jews on their schemes, that means he's okay now.
Still better than people spending $15k on ships in Star Citizen. At least they can play the game they pumped their money into.
please shut up those sneaky japs are even worse than joos
I work in a vidya store and we have had meetings about publishers shitting their pants because no one buys season passes and dlc anymore because they are sick of it.
is the 1999 example supposed to be age of empires?
>Whales ruining gaming
Called it.
if no one is buying them why are they still making them?
Every one man, gamers are so fucking pathetic and never learn, it's so disgusting.
Even moviegoers will eventually demand something not shit, unless they're chinks.
we should have known from the moment people were buying the $30k star citizen completionist packs
Because they're desperate and still living in 2010
It's just hope, man. You can always have hope. The mech Advent whatever game just has way too many red flags for me to have any real hope, though.
A pretty significant amount of gamers are genuine addicts, they're the NPCs of the world who just go through life as mindless zombies buying the next AAA shit to shovel down their gullet while shitting themselves with hype over it.
They need their fix, and they'll put up with literally anything to get it.
Fucking moronic ass whales.
Ruining gaming because they are too stupid to realize they're being scammed. Most mobile games don't even offer game play, just progress bars, yet people pay thousands and thousands of dollars to feel like they are winning little battles against f2p players that stopped playing months ago.
It was pretty obvious tho.
Likely the Turning Ox. It takes more effort to turn an ox than it does a horse. Basically the bigger the company the more resistive it is to change. It's why department store giants like Sears have fallen from grace; their size makes them too slow to adapt.
AAA gaming is dying.
>It's just hope, man.
The fact that you have hope for a fucking product is what makes you pathetic man, especially if you buy it based on that hope.
That's genuinely fucking pathetic, and makes me think that corporate fanboys are the modern-day religious fanatics, but without the principles.
daily reminder that blizzard earned 3.6 billion dollars of in game purchases through 2016
AAA gaming has been dead since 2007
pic also related
Man as much as i can't stand the greediness activision EA always seems to baffle me for how greedy a company can get.
I never buy based on hope. And why wouldn't you hope that something good is made? Who the fuck hopes for garbage? The key is not be blinded by hope.
hes right about titanfall at least
>And why wouldn't you hope that something good is made?
I don't have hope for anything that's unreleased, I wait until it's actually out and judge it then.
The main problem with gamers is that every single time they say they *hope* something is good, they are indeed blinded by that hope.
They'll ignore all warning signs surrounding a game, because like says, gamers are addicts.
>>what is all the technology created by private companies in the last four centuries
But the biggest boosts in technology have all been from government endeavors.
See: WW1, WW2, the Cold War and the Space Race.
It should be one of these not a slot machine.
Gaming is going to be divided into two camps. Some games will be played by a handful of whales, these are going to be made by mega publishers. Then smaller-scale more authentic games will dominate the rest of the market.
As "AAA" games become more like gacha-like mobage consisting of pay-to-skip and QTE cutscene garbage for smoothbrains the real gaming industry will thrive. This already exists to some extent, but the division will become sharper.
Eventually the "AAA" market will collapse as the revenue base is too thin and tall, and some new form of entertainment will capture the attention of the whales. Meanwhile real games will be firm on a broad and short base.
>knowing EA is also allowing some devs to work on SP non episodic games on an alternative business model
feels good
Guess Konami is going to start making games again.
>Thinking they won't shove this shit into their SP games
>Actually planning on giving EA ANY money
Kill yourself, none of that money goes to the devs they contract/own.
both the devs and EA confirmed 100% control is on the devs regarding content with EA being involved only for quality control regarding censoring.
The business model hasn't been confirmed yet, sure, but its terms are and yes, EA won't shove this shit into this specific business model for SP games.
Clearly not, as Visceral was axed for being too single player focused
This. It's how Roller derby is still popular while the NBA hasn't existed in 50 years
>regarding content
Who gives a fuck? You're still giving money to EA nigger.
Gamers man, they never fucking learn, here's hoping they shove this shit into whatever AAA singleplayer cinematic experience they release next.
Visceral has nothing to do with what i'm talking about and the business model i referred to
They do this I give EA a year or two before it closes fuck no would I buy any games from them
Sorry man, if I like a game i'll buy it, i'm not gonna avoid playing a game i'd like to play just because "wah EA is shit"
Manveer Heir was partially responsible for Andromeda being fucking garbage so fuck everything that comes out of that cunt's mouth. Way to state the obvious you fucking dork.
Why don't they just give devs a smaller budget?
Then I look forward to laughing when they add loot boxes and other mobage-tier business models to whatever shit they still produce that you do like.
I know you're an addict, but somehow your addiction is accompanied by even more delusion than a crackhead (and an equally negligible amount of foresight).
>15k in card packs
Ok, now let's see what muricans and their "free" market supporters have to say against regulations for that shit.
No regulations, we just need to kill all the whales.
What do you have to say for them?
"Oh no we should protect stupid people from themselves"?
Fuck off faggot.
Kys socialist cunt
funny, considering I'm referring to SP games for which they confirmed the business model includes 100% dev control on game content.
I'll laugh even harder when these games will be released and they'll feature none of the shit you're talking about.
I'll even screenshot your post to laugh at it when it'll happen.
So you think that someone in wheelchair needs to help themselves up the stairs? Or someone retarded shouldn't have anyone go check on them once in a while? Alcoholics should just drink themselves to death?
>funny, considering I'm referring to SP games for which they confirmed the business model includes 100% dev control on game content.
Yea yea, they also said the wouldn't charge for any of the DLC in Bad Company 2 and that Mass Effect Andromeda was a success, and that they wouldn't include microtransactions in Dead Space 3.
In case you can't tell, EA lies a lot, and I look forward to bathing in your crackhead tears when you don't get your fix.
It's okay though, you'll never learn, so I'll have a steady supply of tears.
>"Oh no we should protect stupid people from themselves"?
Yeah, it's called civilization you mongrel, to run properly a country has to keep individuals from being dumb degenerates, same for drugs and gambling, those are a burden to society and benefit nothing, more so today where that shit follows a scientific process of research testing and design, it's exploiting a glitch in the human mind at that point and can't be tolerated.
you know what's the worst thing about this?
in 2010 I didn't think the trend could actually get any worse
Oh you stupid, stupid simp.
Things will get even worse in a few years too, which is the best part.
>we just need to kill all whales
Yet another thing Japan has been outpacing the West on
The worst part is that what EA is planning to do here isn't even as bad as it will get.
I haven't played an EA game for years and I haven't looked back. I suggest you do the same, you won't have to worry about all this then.
It was killed due to "close observation of market trends" and being "too linear". What the fuck else could that possibly mean?
>f2p edition
>Oh we should protect people from themselves
>War on drugs
It doesn't mean it's illegal it won't happen faggot, even if you send people to prison, IT. WILL. ALWAYS. HAPPEN
I'd argue that drugs when controlled by goverment could prove to be beneficial at least financially. See Amsterdam and pot. Of course hard drugs would have to be controlled and their users monitored so that they don't start using copious amounts, maybe by only allowing them to use them in pharmacies and so on. Obviously there'd be lots of problems before you could even get to that point but it'd be away from criminals.