What the fuck happened?

What the fuck happened?
>no nerd
>no bootsy
>no fun games anymore
>james is almost never on
>its always mike and his stupid fatfuck virgin friend

Other urls found in this thread:


Lets Play = Money

Who /10inchezclub/ here?


ryan and mike decided that bootsy was no longer needed. it was a simple business decision, and james knows better than to question Mike or Ryan

Ryan's married and has a kid

you think Mike fucks that fatboy thats always with him?

I would too if my girlfriend looked like a tranny.

That's the only possible reason that Ryan is still around

Where can i get this videogame?


More fucking e-celeb shit yet people can't discuss NeoFags. Get a real job, mods


Watching the James & Mike mondays and other times where James is involved with video games, it's just amazing how much James could not care less about video games and it's just Mike trying to keep the channel alive

I love building bricks with Mein Kampf.

Polybius experiment is a little too heavy handed and predictable but I am enjoying James' take on a found footage project during Halloween.

What do you guys think about the polybius shit he's doing? might have been a good idea if he actually did it well and in a subtle way over the course of 10 days, played it completely straight and have a very slow build and din't have 'over the top' shit, and had the nerd just disappear at the end- either a video of him saying he quits, or some kind of in-lore disappearance- and just end AVGN forever because he's clearly run out of ideas a long long time ago and should move on.

the way he's doing it sucks

I fucking love the polybius episodes.
His spooky stuff is always entertaining, like dreamphone, mr bucket etc

Thought by the end of playing Polybius he would start finding positives in all the shitty games he has played up to this point. "Maybe they're not that bad, I see the merit..." but I'm enjoying the series so far anyway.


Yeah. I think it would be a clever way to end AVGN. Him, completely straightfaced, telling the camera that he honestly has changed and he's at a different point in life and it has nothing to do with Polybius, and that he's just done with it.

Board James ended in a neat fashion but this would top it by far.


Worth checking out: