It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

that doesn't look like elex

that's not dragon age 2

it actually does

that isn't Fable

How could Square Enix get so out of touch with coherent writing? I mean Tidus kicks a blitzball bomb and it blows his fucking head away.

How it's possible that FF XV earned so much? I remember when they announced the change in name and logo only from versus XIII to XV and people raved and screamed like it was the second coming. What is going on?

I love Bloodlines

>worst Dragon Age

I mean we've already discussed NV to death. I bet there are several threads up right now


That is not Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

>thinking oblivion is the best game of all time or at all good

pic related

How do I get into Gothic II in the year 2017?

There is a Direct X11 addon for Gothic 2 around,the game is perfectly playable even without it though and only need a bit of patching.

shining force 2?

Is Gothic II janky as fuck like Risen? I want to try it but I don't have the patience that I try with Risen.

Rpg's are generally boring as fuck

Never played Risen but it and the first game are some of the jankiest games I've ever played

damn dude for how many months have you been making this thread

it's a bot, user

that's not Daggerfall

Care to repeat that?



Bloodlines is genuinely one of the best games ever made.
It has no place in a joke thread.