whats the best Harry Potter game Sup Forums ?
Whats the best Harry Potter game Sup Forums ?
OotP for the best explorable castle. Gameplay's shite though.
the gameboy color ones
Philosopher/Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets for the Gamboy Color.
Herminies Vagnini: Anal Gape Express.
Witch trainer
When I was a kid I got philosopher's stone GBC for I forgot which birthday.
I couldn't figure out what to do after the library so I restarted a bunch of times. Eventually I just stopped immediately before the library and spent hours grinding to max level.
Years after I figured it out (or read a walkthrough, I don't remember) and blew through the rest of the game instantly.
Her face was punchable even when she was a kid.
Garry's Mod Hogwarts RP.
that one
Chamber of secrets
every other answer is wrong
As unfinished as it was this is the correct answer.
which one? every single platform had a different game for Chamber of Secrets.
Why would you want a game from the dullest franchise in movie history?
>played parts 1-5 on computer
>they became worse and worse
The first three were alright, had nice riddles and such. Even though they were a bit easy they were great for kids. I loved playing the duel in part 2. They gradually became worse and worse though. That mouse-move->spell mechanic never really added something to the game, just took away focus from every other aspect of the game.
Because wizard school is an underused setting.
Quidditch world cup
Quidditch World Cup was cool, if a little easy
I liked the Prisoner of Azkaban, too
As of 4 they stopped making PC-specific games and just ported the console versions instead.
that makes sense. Thanks!
ps1 harry potter and the chamber of secrets with rachet hagrid
Chamber of Secrets GBC and the Quidditch one.