>Dark Souls 2's hitboxes are broken!
Ummm no sweetie, you just didn't put any points into adaptability.
Dark Souls 2's hitboxes are broken!
>needing a crutch like adaptability
>wasting points in ADP or ATT
if you can't dodge with 85 agility then you need to git gud
Normally i would agree, but those hammer huge knights are the biggest motherfuckers in the whole game.
Aside from frozen deer unicorn aids monsters.
>the hitboxes aren't broken, you just need to put points into a stat that makes the shitty hitboxes not matter
this is your (lack of a) mind on DS2
I mean you could use a shield
inb4 hurr only retards use shields I only roll because I'm better at dark souls git gud lol
As if it was a good decision to put adaptability there in the first place
Making invincibility frames a stat is a terrible idea to begin with.
But 100% block shields being free is ok? Why is putting points into some defense, that isn't health anyways, suddenly such a terrible concept?
If you think the shit in the OP webm is acceptable then you're just a brainlet and arguing with "people" like you is like trying to teach a dog calculus
Because it creates situations like in the first segment of the webm where you clearly dodge the hitbox of the attack but due to your adaptability stat you somehow get hurt anyway. It betrays the visual representation of the games mechanics.
>Dark Souls 2 hitboxes are not broken
This is where you are wrong, Agility should not have played any part in the fact that you can dodge or not, it punishes good players and favors shitty players who sent points into those stupid stats.
Fromsoft has a history of throwing the baby out with the bathwater when something isn't perfect.
Armored Core is full of shit like this, where one game would introduce a couple of new systems, some of which were great and others that suck and maybe a few that were mostly good but could use some tweaking, but then the next Armored Core wouldn't build off what worked or tweaked the stuff that didn't but instead would start over and try entirely different things. You ended up with a series that while constantly trying new things never seemed to get anywhere and felt stagnant. A good franchise builds and grows as it goes on, you can track where elements were introduced, when they are refined, and each game is mechanically richer as a result.
Souls, regrettably, ended up like Armored Core.
So get a shield. If everyone can ninjarolltelleport through hammer hits then theres no need for a shield.
Except there is need for a shield if you want to parry or if you know that an i-frame wont save you from a miscalculation.
Ugh parries, i forgot how gay that shit was. Ok no need for a heavy shield.
So get a shield is not the proper response to the game lying to you. Adaptability is a stupid stat. It's borderline arguing to turn dark souls into a turn based strategy game.
Well theoretically equip load would prevent you from ninjarolling everywhere if you have a heavy shield assuming you also have something akin to Havels equipped. I know that isn't exactly how it plays out, that is another gripe I have. Having an adaptability stat is just a redundant stat that was brought to DSII to try and make it different from DS1.
But isn't that an issue not with rolling/invulnerability frames but the hitboxes being shit?
This IS Dark Souls we're talking about here. None of them have been perfect about connecting the visual aspect to the actual hitbox.
Meant to quote
DaS2 was my favorite souls just because of the weapon build variety but the ADP thing was shit
Are you me?
I suppose, but I still think adaptability is a redundant stat when equip load is a thing. I know I'm contradicting my original statement of . And yeah, none of them have been 100% with equating the visual representation vs. the actual hitbox, but I just found DS2 to be the most egregious example of it.