I think almost everyone can agree that GameFreak is nearly completely incompetent and only stumbled upon a successful...

I think almost everyone can agree that GameFreak is nearly completely incompetent and only stumbled upon a successful formula with Pokemon. The question is, what dev could do the most with the property if they had a chance?

post more jailbait

Here, you deserve this.

how old is Misty supposed to be now?


Pokemon is shit because Satoshi Tajiri stopped being involved with it after G/S.

>What dev could do the most with the property

You're one of those people that wants a "mature" Pokemon game, right?

Pretty sure she's older than Ash.

Not at all, even a game that was just properly optimized would be a good start.

I just want Pokemon Warriors, shit would be so hype

The Disney corporation, obviously

nah, she's 10

>Stop being involved after GS
He was the designer and director of all the games until FR/LG, after which he's still actively involved with every game as the executive producer, and oversees/approves everything in the games.

He's still the producer of the series. I just don't think there is anything one man can do when his childhood vision turns into a megacorp. We'll always have RBY/GSC.

I agree that GF should really get help from other devs, especially when they're making the new Switch title.
But I have no idea who would be a good candidate, though.

user, you don't know how Japanese corporations work. "Executive producer" is often a functionally meaningless term in this case given to Tajiri as recognition for his idea, and the fact that they don't want fans to think that Tajiri has jumped ship with the franchise. Dude is a shy autist who likes to collect bugs and game vending machines, he is not overseeing the development of multi-million dollar games.

Well it can't be argued that her S/G design is at least two years older, so we'd be at 12 there.

I've been working on a more hardcore version of Pokemon based on the Nuzlock challenge model for a while now. I always thought Pokemon had a lot of untapped potential that they keep ignoring to be more accessible to a younger and younger audience with each release.
The last game was still giving you tutorials fucking 80% of the way in.

Iwata's last minute coding saved Pokemon Gen 1 & 2. Gamefreak never really learned anything from it and the 3DS games really show it.

>tfw a bored japanese kid's love of catching bugs and shit turned into this globe swallowing phenomenon
I wonder if he likes bug types.


I'm glad Misty is accompanied by a tentacle monster, makes imagining things more easier

>you will never /ss/ with officer jenny
>you will never /ss/ with all of her identical sisters

They are good at hiring talented artists to design their pokemen, and that is apparently enough, the power of good art is THAT strong it seems.


I've never seen a game with as much dialogue as sun/moon and at the same time such little story.

t. never played persona or pokemon mystery dungeon

Practly any other dev who has worked on side shit for pokemon has made a better game. GF is a TERRIBLE studio. Horrible art direction, incompetent with code, and have no sense on how to innovate their IP's, utilizing pointless gimicks over actual changes to gameplay. Any smart ass dev would have made a game follow three way battles, or only double battle. They could have incorperated nonliniarity at this point. fucking anything. They are out of touch with the community, to a point that it doesn't even feel like they like the work they make themselves. They only know how to masturbate gen oners at this point, and nothing else about dedicated fans. gens 6 and 7 were and are terrible.

The game is very edgy, yes.

best main girl