Post yfw it gets announced

post yfw it gets announced

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No way. They would need to buy license to use all the actors again. Literally never ever.

I fucking wish user.

A man can dream

Can't they just change the character models face?

I mean... Who really gives a fuck?

>that little hint of pubes
always gets my rock hard

They would need to change both faces and voices, and at that point it would be quite shit desu senpai.


At least you can play most of the series in emulation or on pc.

I would eat a shoe if they actually went and did it.

>I mean... Who really gives a fuck?

Capcom when they realize they have to pay to use the actors' likenesses for every onimusha game. I wonder if Jean Reno would approve though

I understand that it's near impossible but it would be fucking amazing if done right

That's why I asked why can't they just change the character models face?

I agree. Onimusha is such an underrated series. Even Dawn of dreams was ok, it had just right amount of fanservice.
And I think intro cinematics should get special notice, I remember watching first Onimusha cinematic and being blown away by it.

Not a chance, they'd have to renegotiate all the contracts for the actors.
And one of them is fucking dead

Way of the samurai > Onimusha


What, who died?

jubei is modeled after yusaku matsuda, but he was dead like more than a decade before they made onimusha 2. kinda related the japanese character in zombie revenge is also modeled after him.

>Playing 2 after finishing 1
>That noticeable drop in quaity
This shit ain't onimusha or survival horror.


Literally only the first game is survival horror. 3 is just a time travel movie with John Reno and Samurais and 4 is just straight up action.


Remember when FFX fans went into an autistic meltdown when they changed characters' faces?

I remember seeing the Onimusha 3 opening cinematic in a movie theater. That was mindblowing.


that requires effort

Because take away Takeshi Kaneshiro and his face on the front cover, you lose most of its sales, defeating the whole purpose of doing it anyway. He was pretty much the only reason that the original game actually did half decent sales-wise; Onimusha sold notably less and less with every instalment.

China even got an exclusive PC port at the time (Remember that consoles were illegal in China up until fairly recently) to cash in on his popularity there.

this guy knows what's up

Onimushi 1 & 2 were pre-rendered backgrounds no? I doubt Capcom kept the original assets handy, so all you'd get is 1080p (1800p checkerboarded) widescreen visuals of zoomed in denoised 480p backgrounds with characters on top smeared with post-process to try to not make them stand out so pristine against the background.

Hey, moron, you forgot dawn of dreams and blade warriors to complete the collection!

>TFW boner for Samurai games
>All I really have is Nioh, Way of the Samurai and occasional Dark Souls runs as a Samurai build.

Kenshi looks kinda cool, I might see if its any good

I remember DoD revealing Tenkai was Samanosuke at the end and thinking how the fuck I didnt realize it sooner. I blame it on being 17 year old back than but it felt really good.

Add 4 and I'll buy it for every console, PC, limited editions and yaoi fanart.

They even introduced Samanosuke from different timeline in 3 and to be honest the new actor while good, couldnt hold a candle to Takeshi.

>Unironically believe people give a fuck about some literally who gooks face

I'd rather just have a new Onimusha game. I mean I'd take some kind of HD remaster but I just want that series to come back.

Uhh voices?
Get fucked nigger they were horrible.

He was the biggest actor in Asia during the early '00s and the majority of Onimusha's sales came from Japan, so you know. He's in John Woo's Red Cliff, which is really good, so you could give that a watch if you haven't already.