Mediocre platformers thread

Mediocre platformers thread.



you've never even played the game, stop being a faggot!

I thought this was supposed to be goty??

Mediocre attempt to provoke angry reaction thread.

In the truest sense of the word mediocre, aka average. This game.

I bet you loved yoka gaylale or whatever its name is.

This is now OP's mother is a cunt thread

I bet you desperately post about the game's sales in the HiT circle jerk threads.

You seem upset

You didn't answer the question my dear neogaffer.

So this is what Sup Forums is going to become? Newfags screaming gaf at everything? This is going to become worse than retards screaming "Go back to Sup Forums" at everyone.

You still didn't answer the question my dear neogaffer.

How’d you get the game early OP?

Your mom works at nintendo.

>let's make everything as cluttered as possible!
>let's make everything as empty as possible!

The difference is that one was made by "pros" and the other was made by some randoms not even in the same country.


Don’t you mean bad platformers?

Name one thing wrong with Mario Odyssey.

>game isn't even out yet
>already gives Sup Forums spergs anal fissures
nintendo did it again, who can stop them the absolute madmen

It isn't on my preferred platform

A Hat in Time

Neogaffer detected.

A hatin tiem

A Hat in Time is painfully mediocre, it took forever to make but I only judge the result.