Nioh PC

how much will it be? why can't i pre order it?

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It doesn't have denuvo, so it will be free.

like all koei games

Because they don't want to announce that Complete Edition doesn't include the preorder bonuses and must be purchased separately

>last denuvo game got cracked in literally 10

It's always free

around $85 total.
60 for game and 25 for season pass.
it's all included in the complete edition but still same price

>not paying for good games
>not playing multiplayer
>The digital release will feature five new weapons, while the physical release will include a mini soundtrack CD and a strategy guide for the game's beginning.

is this a good game? what is it about?

I'm hating this "mini soundtrack" thing that's become prevalent in CEs the last few years. Just jack the price up twenty bucks and put in the full OST, some a bloody EP that's basically saying "Hey, buy the real soundtrack!".

Denuvo doesn't mean shit anymore

it's diablo loot + dark souls

dark souls with an irish samurai going through japan fighting mythical creatures

it's nothing like dark souls

It's pretty good, but it's not as amazing as Sony fanboys made it out to be, it isn't the next Bloodborne/Dark Souls

>mfw I'm going to buy the Steam version even when I already own the PS4 one and put 270 hours into it

I know I shouldn't trash money like that but
1. Nioh is my GOTY 2017 and I think it deserves support
2. I feel the duty to support games released on PC so I can ensure that more games will be released on it.
3. I haven't played the DLC. I was waiting until they released a complete pack or something.

On the other hand now I have an excuse to try a Ninja build. My only build was a generic Strength based sword + axe without anything ninja or onmyo related.

Suck it console cucks.

They made us wait almost 1 year. I think it's gonna be free for me.


Nobody's going to wait to make sure the port isn't shit like every other Tecmo Koei game?

Yes it is.
It's basically a medieval japan Souls-inspired game with a lot of unique gameplay mechanics.


>2 hour refund window
But yes.

It is on a lot of surface levels though, some of those things are generic things people associate with Dark Souls because they're idiots sure, but some are also actual similarities.

Now those things are more structure and interface relevant than actual gameplay, and Nioh definitely isn't Dark Souls, but the fact that people say "it's nothing like Dark Souls" really is just as dumb as the retards who say "it's just Dark Souls".

DS3 was fine on PC.

>Modders might be able to give us the open beta Nioh that was 100x better

>Dark Souls

Alright Sup Forums is this game actually good or is it another Dragon's Dogma situation?

Berserk, Dynasty warriors and Attack on titan are all fine?

Those are all terrible games though.

>They make shit ports!
>List some good ports
>Doesn't matter if the game is shit!

>moving the goal posts
>not enjoying attack on titan

Why not watch some gameplay footage?

It's actually worth playing multiplayer for all of those sweet geared revenants, especially in NG+ and beyond. But strictly solo could be fun too. Every piece of gear you will know for certain you earned.


Oh fuck off I'm so fickong sorry in norhdlanfbf down d nerd who knows sorry eifnele ducmcing developer and df and their dmesfe.

>pre order

You alright there, senpai?

>you will know for certain you earned.
Dang, you just made me remember the prevalence of cheaters in darksouls games, and this will probably have 0 anti cheat during its lifespan.

Revenants have shit equips though, at best you can get divine equips with no levels around the time regular enemies drop them as well, but with levels already on.

that's correct

Why would you want to pre order?
Seriously what is the fucking use.

>enjoying screech on gay shit

so i can download it the instant it comes out

Unironically this. Any game without DRM is free. Throwing your game onto the market without DRM is like giving your wife away to niggers, which is why I never buy games without DRM, I pirate them instead.

There is exactly 1 benefit to pre-orders in an age where digital-only distribution is a thing:
>Pre-loading so you can play when it drops
>Inb4 "being an impatient fuck" or "too poor to afford good Internet"
Doesn't matter, if you're day-1 buying, pre-orders with pre-loads are an objective advantage to purchase at launch only.
That said, the best choice is buying physical if you can.

Yeah. On PC that's a high possibility. The game's balanced well enough that going through offline is perfectly fine.

They're excellent if you collaborate with a bunch of people at the same time to circulate the best non-upgraded gear with specific starting stats and attributes. Basically people would share best in slot gear that could be maximized with the least investment.

But if you buy it the moment its released you can instantly download it,i gues it makes sense if there is a pre load and you got relative slow internet.

It's Dark Souls with better combat and no interesting exploration or atmosphere.

I don't even care about this game but it makes me happy the ps4 gets 1 less exclusive.

>instantly download it

So how does the multiplayer work in this game, just an exact copy and paste of dark souls?

No I can't I have to go through the payment optoins

>not connected to an OC1920 line with 8+ TB of ramdisk available

What are you, a mere millionaire?

Nah, you can directly call people before stages to coop, and there are no invasions.

I now have no intention of playing this game.

once bloodborne gets ported will sonybros be finished forever?

you should do the reverse fuckhead

bosses are rly easy and theres only like 4 enemy types but yeah its a cool game

If BB gets ported I will legit have no reason to turn my PS4 on anymore.

>once bloodborne gets ported
As much as I'd like to see it happen it's never going to.

If I know I want/will like something then I want to preorder it and forget about it, I feel like a mongoloid having to wait till it comes out to go through and purchase it then download the whole thing without a preload.

>they still havent shown price

you can

D/l using steam at max speeds than just refund it and apply crack.

>it's diablo loot

>paying for free shit when the creators literally give it away for free

where's that?