Does Sup Forums like obscure games? What are some particularly unknown games that you've enjoyed?

Does Sup Forums like obscure games? What are some particularly unknown games that you've enjoyed?

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What is this daemon depth, are those even games?

What are some obscure classics I could play on a decade old laptop with extremely limited graphics power/

K I recognize the MUDs, Ive played a DUNE mud that was pretty neat. Didnt last very long though.

>that kid
In the 90s maybe.

Look, I fucking love Starsector, but that shit should be at least 1 tier up.

Weird Guy is about the limit on how much bullshit I'll accept from a game

daemon depth is real. i know a few things down there. same for pioneer
the elder is games that i know dont exist, things that arent games, or things that i somehow havent heard of and cant find info on

I nearly had the fun of playing Lostboy, dodged one hell of a bullet there.

Drowned God is an interesting point and click game with an odd plot. Worlds is a chat room that has a tendency to fuck with new people, so much so its garnered a reputation for its absurdity. Thats all I really got on the daemon depth.

Where would Thief fan missions fall under?

Ooooh my now I remember, the picture on daemon depth is that freakazoid who has been on worlds for like over a decade or something right? Fuck its all coming back...

I don't think I've played anything that obscure. Probably about the most obscure stuff I've played is a couple more obscure PS1 JRPGs, For the Frogs the Bells Toll, and some anime-based RPGs and VNs.

Looking at that list, I have played a few RPG Maker games, and once played a bit of LSD before.

>Murder Dog NES

pioneer is saint

I've dipped as far as gregor with rape simulators but I'm mostly in the weird guy range

What's a daemon or lower game thats actually fun/easy to pick up and play

Who put himself there just to shill his own channel

The Gamer and Weird Guy categories should be merged. Those games aren't "weird" at all.

what is ?
I cant find any games. I think it needs some kind of code

>not the tip of the iceberg

Goblet grotto has a killer soundtrack though

If you are interested in interactive fiction, Porpentine is a god-tier writer. You can check out her stuff at
I really enjoyed Neon Haze, but I think she got a lot of recognition for howling dogs

are there any video games about interracial cuckolding?

I don't know how obscure it is, but Legend of the Red Dragon was hella fun back in the BBS days of the early 90s.

Dorf Fort with no graphics pack or therapist reporting in

Where does Bemani fall under?

>Mass Effect and Skyrim more obscure than Undertale
This chart is really out of touch.

its an old chart

Yeah, but there was never a time when the general public knew more about Undertale than Skyrim.

>Dorf Fort with no graphics pack
Understandable, a true patrician
>or therapist
This shit is right down to daemon tier

there was a time when v sperged about undertale so much they thought the whole world cared about it

It was before bethesda re-released skyrim 20 times. And at that point playing older shit instead of the new hot meme game was absolutely deeper.

Where does SS13 rank on the list?

>home in oldfag tier
>dip down to gregor not too infrequently
>play shit all the way up the the surface semi-regularly too
More and more I get the feeling Sup Forums isn't for me anymore. Like everyone else somehow managed to escape this shithole. It's been so long since I've seen shit that far down discussed.

Like I've been playing Heat Signature a bunch lately. I remember Sup Forums absolutely creaming itself when the early development footage was shown off. Come release? Not a single word heard about it. I didn't even know it existed before it showed up in my steam recommended list. Or dusk, the preview of which was absolutely stellar. Genuinely the best FPS in a while. Saw maybe a couple of threads on it when that hit and nothing since. Absolutely nothing that isn't AAA marketed and astroturfed trash or hyper popular meme games like cuphead gets any traffic here.

Some of the best games I ever played were on StarCraft custom mode through battlenet. I swear to god I played tower defense in 2002 on a custom map. Everyone has been cloning that game since. Lots of other good concepts like SMASH TV and COPS and ROBBERS and lots of story based RPGs. Which was trippy with little sc dudes.

I just remembered this game from when I was little. For some reason, it creeped me out but I still played it all the time anyways. What level does it go on Sup Forums?

Where would runescape be?

Depends. Runescape 3 is probably gamer tier. If you're still playing the original release, probably Gregor.

>If you're still playing the original release, probably Gregor.
I know a few people who play it. They're all nostalgic normies who never experimented with other games and just want some mindless grind to click through while they do something else. It's pretty heavily in weird guy tier.

Perhaps. I didn't think anyone was still playing the original at all.

The Kid tier these days. Too many youtubers are making SS13 videos now, it's become a fucking mess.

It depends on what you mean by the original

Theres 07scape and RS classic

This is not the place to be to talk about niche/indie/obscure games, just because of the transient nature of discussions here.
It's a shame because as, I'm assuming, fans of video gaming, everyone is really passionate about at least one weird-ass title that no one has ever heard of. I wish it were easier to bring those kinds of games up and have lasting conversations about them.

Depends what you mean by the original. The literal original RS 2 is gone. Characters from it were moved over to RS 3, which is the official continuation of it. A few years ago they implemented RS 2007 which was a new development forked out of the 2007 build but was different. iirc 2007 is more popular than RS 3 at this point.

I did play G1deon, actually. It was pretty shit, barring quite excellent soundtrack. Pretty much typical St.Petersburg-ian artfaggotry.


Where would Funny Pizza Land fall under? Surely no higher than Gregor.

pew die pie has played it on his channel so not that low

But at the same time it is. Anonymity means less of a need to suck the dick of whatever's popular and more ability to talk about whatever. This led to Sup Forums's classic counterculture and love of obscure shit. Even up to a couple of years ago you'd have plenty of discussion about obscure shit here. It's absolutely gone off the deep end in the last couple of years, and it was in a pretty bad spot before that.

>tfw nearly exclusively play Grand Strategy
Im not even old. just autistic, i guess?

fucking kek

If its Bad Dream its refering to then I saw saw some pics of it here last month.
After learning of it I cant even begik to imagine the absurd and unsettling shit that can be found here.
I mean its just a rare game, but I cant shake off this feeling off.

Who else would you put on there? Some scary looking tentacle monster? Not even sure what the last tier is, looks like some old dude

some puzzle website like notpr0n, i bet


life is strange and strange in the same line

I recognize Saint from this picture, but for obscure games they're only appealing to those weird autists and I play games like TF2

and starcraft*

The list has no bearing on the quality of the games. It's the obscurity level. Both LiS and Starcraft are well known.

Maybe I missed the golden age! There is definitely a counterculture here, but I see it manifest more often as a license to be an edgy contrarian. Even our love of obscure shit is buried under so many layers of irony.

Porp is a cute

Jesus... Is it a bad or a good thing I don't know almost any of the games below oldfag

Fun game by Magicdweedoo, "Daemon"-tier

You should have at least heard of, if not played The Void, Dungeon Crawler and LSD

Will googling these games make me awake at night?

There was an obscure RPG rouge dungeon crawler I played a while back, I took a few steps and got killed by a some hydra/dragon thing. Does anyone know what the game is called? Game was old.

>Get nam flashbacks of the hat guy
>never actually played the game

Never have heard of any of those.

doesn't belong above farmville, but yeah it should definitely be in that category

The Void is made by the same guys who did Pathologic, LSD is a weird Japanese PS1 game, Dungeon Crawl is an RPG subgenre.

Does anyone know the name of two games I played?

First one was a volcano simulator, where you made your volcano, type of ground through ages and then erupt it, there was "Hasta la vista, baby." spoken when you quit the game.

Other one was game where you explored Mars with a rover, it was pretty slow, as it was also some sort of simulator, and you could knock the rover on back if you drove it into a crater.


And I'm currently waiting for いたずら淫魔と願いの塔体験版 that will be released in december

What exactly is 14/? and 14/????

& &&?

>indulging in anything because of how obscure it is
>implying the majority of "games" listed halfway down are even games anymore
Tired of looking at this shitty bait.

78641 is genuinely amusing to play.

Not that user, but petty sure its meant to be DC as in DCSS roguelke, since the title is yellow and not white.
Anyway the chart is very biased, the void and lsd are fairly popular on vee and crawl is probably the most newbie-friendly real roguelike there is.

What's the point of this when most of the titles on this list aren't even video games?
You can put Photoshop or Blender on the list, too.

Most iceberg shit can be found here for those who are curious.

One would definitely have misplaced sense of pride to brag about playing obscure games, but no doubt it's the weird indie games that challenge our expectations of design and gameplay the most.

This creeps me the fuck out

Was Polybius real?

This is probably the most obscure game that I truly enjoy.
Its a fan game of Gun Griffon and is just a blast to play.

I've played bat castle and it was a good kek. I unironically enjoy roguelikes like DCSS too.

yes, covered up CIA op

How so?

my kind of guys, thanks

>autistic monkey screeching at the bottom

Who /gsg/ here

>Cosmology of Kyoto, one of the most obscure things I could think of, is basically only mid-tier
The true depths of vidya must be a strange place

/gsg/ pride worldwide

I never heard of this and it looks awesome. DLing now

what? zelda isn't even that popular compared to other games below

>TFW I've played Scrimmy Bingus and The Crungy Spingus
>Also The Wired

Why's Starsector in Gregor? Should be in Weird Guy IMO. And Marathon ought to be in Oldfag. Who made this? A smokey pothead toking big joints??

kys yourself

>playing shitmod

have fun in there

What in the fuck is this lab.serotonin shit?

The website is still up and it's like...the most fascinatingly bizarre thing I've seen in a while...

Move New Vegas to "the weird guy". Most normie fallout players only played 3 and 4. People get confused when I tell them I still play New Vegas with mods lmao

Anyhow I go down the The Oldfag, although I played too.

I can't open it

>TFW "the gamer" I always lad a feeling I was Reddit

>hotline miami is near the top
opinion discarded

Where do PS2 fall? I'd assume Weird Guy/Oldfag since it's not the most mainstream game in the world.

RS3 = Gamer
OSRS = Weird Guy/Oldfag
OG Runescape = Gregor