It wasn't wasted it's a great game. Easily among the goty contenders.
Other urls found in this thread:
The mimics are probably my favorite enemy in any shooter
I'm not sure I ever understood what kind of angle they took with it.
Kind of interested, but not enough to actually have watched very much.
Guess I'll play it if it comes out on Switch.
Too bad there's only 4 kinds of enemy not counting the "boss".
>goo with legs (come in different element flavour)
>floading goo crystal
>headcrab goo
>invisible goo
The design itself is cool, just needed some other kind of variations with different behaviour and using the environment more.
I put 4 hours into it a couple weeks ago and haven't picked it up since I got to the first spacewalking section. I kept fucking dying from mimcs that seemed super OP.
I also expected the mechanics to be a bit more smooth. It felt like I was playing on the half life engine. Slight exaggeration. But still.
Is it worth picking back up?
I think it was ok
Mimics were a crazy amount of fun
>Looting rooms, minding my own business
>Walk up to an overturned table
>Two coffee cups
>Mimic springs up and takes a bite
>Spin around like an idiot swinging wrench
>Mimic darts out of the room
>Give chase
>See it turn into another room at the end of the hall
>Zip into room
>It's an office with tons of the same chairs
>Just start hitting each and every chair with wrench
>A box leaps up and takes a bite
>Spin around like an idiot swinging wrench
>Mimic darts out of the room
>etc etc
Shit was yackity sax as fuck. I had fun.
Combat was so fucking tedious and dull
>very low amount of weapons
>no ammo types
>awful ending
>boring enemy design and fighting them gets old
>level design is hit or miss
>setting is boring, feels generic
>enemies have no weakpoints so it's always shoot the center mass which gets dull
Resident Evil 7 was a better Shock-like game in this year. Multiple types of weapons, each one with ammo types, this one really shows how Arkane's games are just average-okay. They should stop making games similar to Looking Glass games, LGS didn't make notable games by copying something old and presenting it in a boring as full package.
Prey 2017 made me think Bioshock got many things right while this didn't, it was more satisfying to fight in Bioshock, Rapture is better than this stock_space_station, it does have an inventory but it's not enough. I wanted to like Prey but it reminds me of Dishonored, the game simply isn't great but it is trying hard to ride the coat tails of truly great games. I know one of the guys in Arkane cleaned toilets at Looking Glass and Ion Storm but still, they really don't make games that stand out, instead they make copies of old games and manage to make it still simplified and really lack something of their own.
You better have a webm of that
That's funny cause re7 wasn't a shock like game.
It's not only that they really have a low amount of fighting AIs. The phantoms fight the same way the nightmare, the fuckhuge enemy does, run around, shoot sometimes and melee you. Then all biped-types fight like this, it just gets old after a while. All flying ones do the same, shoot shit from far, it needs something better than just the same AI, the same fighting behavior copypasted for shitloads of enemies.
Fire Emblem Warriors
I liked the twist. Phantoms were spooky. The Nightmare was a faggot pushover with dumb AI and Weavers are fucking annoying.
You should try to avoid the Phantoms in first couple of hours of the game because they're OP in the beginning.
Game could have been so much better if the nightmare relentlessly chased you and if the technopaths and telepaths actually did anything outside of shoot gay orbs at you
>>very low amount of weapons
>>no ammo types
Its not a shooter.
RE7 had exploration, the atmosphere is better, enemy variety is better, it has ammo types Prey lacks, even Bioshock had ammo types. The progression in RE7 is much more simple but it works, meanwhile Prey has some boring as fuck upgrades, usual fire/lightning/telekinesis.
Even with the boring and tired RE7 universe, I cared more about what was going on in it than anything about Prey. I don't give a fuck about Alex or the black goo.
System Shock 2, the game it is trying to emulate had them. Bioshock which is the same genre, had them. It just feels lacking, because this game doesn't exist in a bubble. Also what is it then if it's not a shooter? Cause the melee combat is nothing special and same goes for the powers.
>Has guns
>Main weapon is guns
>Game is full of combat
>Not a shooter
What the fuck are you talking about?
You're trying way too hard to sustain your shitty thread you mongrel
>ammo types
>exploration driven
>a little progression
beats Prey which is not very immersive, and bland as fuck
hey go back to cleaning Looking Glass Studios toilers, Arkane dev
it had some potential. the exploration being its strong suite.
started off so strong too with the first "reveal"
I don't think it's bad, it's just okay/average and lacking in general. Some areas of the station are pretty nice to explore while others aren't, and the issues with combat/weaponry/enemy design/setting just weigh it down. It just makes for a forgettable okay game.
>Too bad there's only 4 kinds of enemy not counting the "boss".
if you want to count them corrupted operators and mind controlled humans too.
Phantoms and Nightmares fight the same exact way, it's just a bigger phantom with more health that does more damage. Telepath and Technopath are similar in how they fight too, the difference is that you might want to stun the humans if you're moralfagging it up, same for Weavers. There isn't a lot of variance in how the enemies fight, and they also have quite the boring design.
it was a solid 7.5/10
I actually enjoyed it unlike anything else this year
>same for Weavers
Weavers just spam cystoids and run, which is another enemy I forgot.
there will never be a bigger instance of wasted potential than Nosgoth
and Shadowrun comes close second
This thread
stormnigger pls
I just said this year's though
>ammo types
>exploration driven
>a little progression
Is BOTW a fucking shock like you mongoloid ?
+ cystoids
>third person game
Also both RE7 and Shock-likes are shooters.
High quality bait.
is that the best you can do? I've stated nearly all the issues the game has, come back when you have anything besides memes
And its try to appeal Biohock retards gets me. Still Arkane is dead after Raphael left.
Harvey Smith is a hipster of the highest degree and should be on something like Ubisoft, all style no substance to the fucking game.
Was nice to hear Garret in there however.
I fucking hope Ascendant pulls it off.
>the best you can do is point out the truth?
Yes, because unlike you I don't lay upon a bed of lies
>... and the wasted potential of the year award goes to...
PREY was great
>any statement I don't like is a lie
It's not how it works though, the weapon variety, enemy design, combat overall and so on were quite mediocre in this game.
to battlefront 2
It was a good game. Huge amount of player agency. So many ways to approach just about everything you do in the game. The skill trees actually made a difference in your playstyle. Ending was a good twist, as well. Yeah, you could tell long before that you were in a simulation, but the extra twist on it was good and getting judged on your behavior was great, too.
Disliking Prey is an example of cynical nu-Sup Forums's herd mentality.
Yeah, so the gunplay wasn't amazing. Like that's supposed to be the only thing to judge a game on.
I think by far the game's biggest design flaw was how stupidly early they handed the mimic detector to you. I played the game very slow and meticulously, so I don't think I had a single mimic surprise me after that, since I just scanned my surroundings every couple of feet.
Completely regret using it at all, in retrospect.
I agree it has its problems but the metroidvania backtracking and overall system shock feel was there.
I just dont like the game in terms of style. And suffers from a lot of triple A design decisions.
After all these years they never went into a game with the same passion as Arx Fatalis.
>See a pond with 3 water lillies.
>Scan it.
>All 3 lillies are mimics.
>Trying to be efficient and just chuck a grenade at them, so I don't have to run after 3 fleeing mimics in an open zone I haven't cleared yet.
>Throw nade.
>The pond was actually a Looking Glass thing and the nade crashes through it into a maintenance room below, detonating uselessly.
>Mimics run off, presumably laughing their ass off.
>I kept fucking dying from mimcs
>It felt like I was playing on the half life engine.
>Looking Glass
They were too good for this world. It kinda irks me these faggots think they are the torch bearers for it.
>different ways to approach
Not at all, level design had 2 routes at best.
The fact you could always detect an enemy before they detected you also made them way less threatening, it gives you choice but it also makes the game more dull because you can easily crouch walk away from pretty much all encounters. Also the twist was shit.
Also the skill trees felt like some basic shit, fire attack, lightning, telekinesis, theproblem isn't just gunplay/lack of weapons, it's everything. Monster designs are boring, they often fight the same way, the setting is uninteresting, the issues just pile on and make it okay.
I enjoyed other games this year way more than Prey, it is quite the bland experience.
>Wasted potential
Nigga what the fuck did you even expect out of this? I got all i expected. It was fun. It was good. The entire fucking station rotated and lighting changed with it. Looking glass was some serious technological wankery. Intro was great
I expected more than 5 weapons
interesting monsters/enemies
interesting combat
interesting world/setting/characters
good powers
consistently good level design
good atmosphere
good ambient music
The more I played the more it made me think it was just an ok game trying and failing at being a great game. I can blame some of you here for saying this is 10/10 GOTYAY when it was not even close to how much the game got its dick sucked around here.
Other thing that is underwhelming is the shit controls, you have multiple PSI powers yet you don't get a second hotkey bar for the powers, we got F1-F9 for that, ie. the Deus Ex control scheme. Having to keep going back to the selection "wheel"/spiral is annoying.
What fucking games have you been playing that do every single one of those things better than Prey? And don't you dare say System Shock or Bioshock because that's bullshit.
Bioshock's world was more interesting than Prey 2017's. It also had more weapons and 3 ammo types for each weapon. No inventory was shit but inventory alone doesn't make a game. They basically trade blows, and it's underwhelming as fuck compared to what people said here WOW SO AMAZING. Nope it is just okay and has plenty of flaws.
Also System Shock 2 had pretty much most of that list. I don't get, is it impressive how they manage to rip off a 20 years old game and make it worse on so many regards? It isn't.
I'll also say Resident Evil 7 had some of those things, despite being a really short game.
I said every single one, not "some". So I can only conclude that you hyped yourself up to impossible standards like so many other idiots. You probably post in "tired gamer" threads too.
It's a shame this actual GOTY will be overlooked in all the awards because Nintendo released something this year.
I don't post in those threads, and I still haven't seen you make a proper rebuttal to any of my points. I enjoyed Resident Evil 7 a lot, my only complaints is how short the game was and how the stealth section in the beginning was sucky, but it's still a great game.
Now Prey was underwhelming. Its world is uninteresting and so are the characters and the enemies, all the variations of black goo shit, and they often fight the same way which is boring. They have no weak spots, no headshot to deal more damage so it makes combat boring. The game has a low amount of weapons and no multiple kinds of ammunition. Overall the game is a very bland take on System Shock 2. I don't have a perfect game to offer, yet better than Prey there are plenty, the point is that those small flaws pile one and make it underwhelming.
Developed by Arkane, you retard
LGS dying is so fucking unfair.
Can't let facts get in the way of being outraged.
this game is top casual bait. its "immersive sim" mechanics are actually pretty bad because games like that are not made anymore any normy fag loves the game because of its "deep gameplay".
deep gameplay like bullet sponge enemies that can only be outplayed with a token lure item that you have to throw somewhere in their general vicinity, which makes them walk towards it, look around stupidly and then go back to their old spot. or object lifting mechanics that are gated behind high level talent unlocks, but which are useless anyways because for any obstacle that would make that skill useful, there's always a trivial to find way around it. deep gameplay like "branching complex rooms" meaning some locked room with two immediately obvious alternatives into it, and that repeated 100 times.
this game is the result when a pretender wants to make a deus ex like game but has no understanding of the gameplay mechanics or no talent to implement something of similar quality.
level design in this was utterly attrocious too, by the way. looked pretty but was pretty much non function in terms of creating interesting and varied gameplay.
>normy fag loves the game because of its "deep gameplay".
Except "normy fags" disliked it
literally whomst
the people behind ultima underworld, system shock and thief
there's also the little known terra nova that was fantastic
If you don't think Prey had good atmosphere, then you clearly don't have the required mental capacity to have a valued opinion on the game.
If you think Prey had good atmosphere, then you clearly have sub50 IQ
oh, looking glass
last game I got from them was some xbox arcade chess game
If you didn't get alien neuromods the game gets boring fast since you run out of perks that increase your gun damage. I used the shotgun for the entire fucking game.
Even games like Deus Ex, Bioshock and System shock had shit like rocket launchers, sniper rifles, etc. Those kind of heavy end game weapons was what was missing from Prey and would have made the end game so much better.
Everyone shut up and groove.
Arkane making a game with wasted potential? Nonsense!
>this game is the result when a pretender wants to make a deus ex like game but has no understanding of the gameplay mechanics or no talent to implement something of similar quality
I feel like this applies to Dishonored too. The game's stealth and combat are so-so. Overall the whole thing felt mediocre to okay.