Why is Butters so good? He's not the unstoppable rape machine that he was in Stick of Truth...

Why is Butters so good? He's not the unstoppable rape machine that he was in Stick of Truth, but I can't help but smile at ever scene he's in.

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I've never really watched south park, what's a kino episode?

None of them. The games are better than the show.

Scott Tennorman must die
Butter's very own episode

Is that the one where he's a tranny?

I think that's the one where he finds out his dad's fucking men on the side and his mom tries to murder him. The one you're thinking of is Marjoline or something.

That one where the fat kids eat the parents of some bigger kid.
That one with the dancing contest and butters.
Anything Pre season 9 can be good.

The rainforest episode, very early SP but a great example of why South Park was so good and why it's so shit now.

>That one where the fat kids eat the parents of some bigger kid.
I beg your pardon?

The Fractured but Whole is an overall inferior game to the Stick of Truth.

Scott Tenorman Must Die


Cause he is the best character.

Still fun though

Yup that's the general consensus of everyone whos completed it, myself included.

How is this possible

Are you underaged?

Yeah, I'm glad I've played it. But honestly, I'm also glad I pirated it, it's terribly bugged, and there's just too much "smallish" issues with ergonomics that did chip away at my enjoyment (buddy system being retarded, for one). I also felt like there was a lot of padded gametime, with no actual gameplay going on, just added barely tolerable boredom, like going around and around the city because of bullshit lava, which doesn't even block your way, only prevents you from circulating like you want.

Was he badass in stick of truth?

How so? He's my favorite character.

I found this game to be better than Stick of Truth by a longshot. More actual strategy and less brainless picking strongest skills. I can't fucking stand Tolkien-esque Medieval fantasy though so there's some bias there.

Yeah, but why do people hate Mitch Connor so much? Is it because he cheats?

he was the best companion

People usually agree that the gameplay was improved but almost everything else was done worse so based on that it's rated worse than SoT.

Because hes one of the best characters from South Park. Of course hes going to be top tier in the games.

"Awesom-O" is a great Butters/Cartman episode.

The episode when Garrisson tried to get fired so he can sue the school for homophobia

make love not warcraft is still the best south park episode

Seriously stop with this fucking episode, what's so special about it?

Yes. This.

how come none of the allies set burning status? or am i missing something

Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants

Nothing. It's basically a lost episode at this point so naturally that's made it "the best" for no good reason.

What's the best butters ep? They're the only ones I enjoy

He's probably the worst though. He's boring as fuck and acts too "cute".

The korn scooby doo episode is without a doubt the best guest star role in any show ever

>not George Clooney as Sparky the gay dog

Honestly aside from cartman all the kids are cute

>everyone knows, it's Butters!

South park season 5 was GOAT

>not cute

Butter's Very Own Episode
Professor Chaos
The Simpsons Already did it
Butter's Bottom Bitch

Breast Cancer Show Ever, not a Butters episode but it's amazing how Wendy fucks up Cartman.

I just finished it. While SoT was good with great story, this was fucking boring about the fucking hand of cartman. I was very disappointed.

Does this game have nazi baby zombies too?


No Canada either guy

What are the best Cartman episodes though? Feel like rewatching some SP and those were always my favourites.

Same here. I think they could have still added more though.

>forgetting Awesom-O

Fatt Butt and Pancake Head
The Death of Eric Cartman

>a lost episode
I saw it on TV like a month ago

Good Times With Weapons

Which is a fucking shame.
I cracked up the moment I heard the vending machine, and really looked forward to exploring Canada only to see whats essentially an slightly funny jab at trump supporters.

>no Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs

Canada is in it, you just can't see it fwend

It was removed for DVD releases though.

came here to post this. excellent taste

I don't agree. But I expected the final act to be more climactic like in sot, also the final fight sucked.

That's more of the boys trying to get at Butters than a Butters episode.

Also I forgot to mention Mantequilla

>makes a fun kid
>makes a fun paladin
>makes a fun villian
>makes a fun trap

Stick of Truth had more of the humour from the earlier seasons where it was a lot more ridiculous and less focused on pop culture (giving Randy an abortion, going inside Mr. Slave's asshole)

Fractured but Whole is more like the later seasons.

or there's going to be a Canada dlc locking the entire country behind a literal paywall

that said Canada was only fun in the first game because it was unexpected, doing it again would just ruin it

It's revealed years later that Cartman's real father isn't his mother, but actually Mr. Tenorman, meaning that Cartman is killing and grinding up his own dad in this episode.

After learning of this, Cartman is absolutely horrified, not because of the above, but because it means he's half-Ginger.

Mecha Streisand

>Cartman's real father isn't his mother

Ain't butters a faggot?

He was but then he got that Canadian girlfriend

He is Bike-curious.

Nah, it's combination of both older and newer seasons. But there are lot less references compared to stick of truth, I doubt that they make another game unless they are willing to recycle shit or less likely put new shit in.

nah he always has been straight, the gay kid's Cartman or possibly Kyle

i bet you like rick and morty do you?

it's because Butters is us.

unironically, the kid who wanted to be people's friends only to become something of a jaded outcast, by combination of either overbearing parents, neglect, unjustified mistreatment from peers and otherwise.

he has anger issues under the skin, he's been through some of the worst shit, you know why you smile? you like seeing him happy, it's that he's so relatable to so many people that they want to see him succeed, so having any semblance of it, enough for him to be happy, it makes us feel good, deep down.

High Tier:
Wonder Tweek

Mid Tier:
Call Girl
Super Craig

Low Tier:
Prof. Chaos

I think we can all agree with this. Poor Butters

Kyle liked that black girl though, the one Cartman locked in the gym with Token until they started dating Token

Butters is not a jaded outcast, he's simply aware of how shitty things are but doesn't let it affect him

p r o j e c t i o n

Nothing. This episode marks the point of no return of cartmans character. He went from the fat kid who just tried to be cool to the ultimate mastermind unstoppable evil character.

Is this a how useful combat wise list or a design wise? For combat Call Girl was pretty powerful and Kit was pretty shit, Wonder Tweek was a better healer and ranged attacker

Yeah, I'd say Stick of Truth is the far superior South Park game and in fact, from a gameplay point of view. I thought you couldn't get a more simplified leveling up system than Stick of Truth, but they managed to prove me wrong with the new game

I am in no way saying the new game is bad. It's amazingly fun and definitely represents South Park. The entire time felt like I was watching my very own South park episode rather than playing a game, but it just didn't capture the magic of the better times of South Park. It's undeniable that the earlier seasons of South Park were its best. But unlike some people in this thread, I still enjoy the shit out of the newer episodes.

All in all, I'd give Stick of Truth a 9/10 and Fractured But Whole an 8/10

Also, Craig x Tweek super move and the Jared fight have to be some of the funniest moments I've experienced in a video game

I have that season on DVD and it's on there...


who of the kids are actually cool?
The only non-scummy kids I can think of are Scott Melkinson and Butters, Kenny is cool too but he can be an asshole too at times.
Who else are actual bros?

I pirated the game and loved it till it crashed 6 hours in. Worth it.

I'll agree with this. I would say that Fractured But Whole is necessarily worse than Stick of Truth, but it's different. It's just that Stick's writing feels better. It's clear that they had fun making it. Fractured has it's moments, but it feels like less fan service. Both are good, and worth playing.




Trapper keeper
Chicken lover
All of season 3
Cartman joins nambla

People saying the Scott Tennerman episode are objectivley wrong. Thats the Armin Tamzarian of south park episodes since it changes cartman from the fat douchebag kid to the twisted fucking psychopath kid. The best parts of south park are where they make you remember that they are kids.


Butters half-caused their little super hero civil war in the first place. He covered half the town in lava, and planned to cover it all. He hired a bunch of extra help though fraud. Butters deserves to be grounded.

Mine crashed when I was fighting the mutant Human Kite (cousin) and I was about to win.

That fight was bullshit

I hated that it replaced tweek's ulti after that.

I think they're confusing it with 200 and 201 (though I'm not sure if those were removed from the DVD).


Craig confirmed to have great taste.

Nah, the Civil War was over the Coon & Friends franchise, Professor Chaos had little to do with it.

every time I do this super an enemy stands in the way as if to censor them holding hands

Cartman is basicly the devil at this point.

The water park one
Almost any episode with Cartman as the main main character.


The thing I could never figure out is if they're actually gay or if they're just going with it since everyone thinks they are because Japan says they are.

Are Captain Diabetes, Call Girl, and Mysterion the strongest buddies?

I feel like they've mellowed him out in recent years. Even in FBW he's a lot less hostile, even to Kyle.

It started out as a misunderstanding, but then they kept up the charade, because everyone became super sad when they broke up, but I think they are genuinly gay now after pretending to be fags for so long.
Or they are really deep in this pretend stuff.


It started that way but it turns out they're pretty damn gay for eachother.

No, they're really gay.

Craig even says "SUPER CRAIG IS GAY" or something like that

>it doesn't subtitle the WAAAAAAA