>One of the most inventive, fun indie games ever made is obscure weebshit that noone will ever play
>One of the most inventive, fun indie games ever made is obscure weebshit that noone will ever play
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Sup Forums loves Recettear, dumbass.
If you want to post in this thread you need to pay me personally 300pix.
Also: try my brand new Recette Mystery Boxes, only 1000pix each!
Shitloads of people played it, dumbass. It sold gangbucks on Steam and was actually one of the first "Japanese" titles on it. Most stuff before it was westernshit.
Too bad carpe fulgur squandered their luck and had their main dude nearly commit suicide.
That has nothing to do with the fact that it's still obscure weebshit that nobody will ever play.
>go to dungeon, thinking if i get far enought, Dosh will roll in
>get to endgame after rerolling with all my cash twice
>later watch someone just stay inshop, buying everything thats at high price and selling it at an even higher
>tfw he beats the game easy
Steamspy shows owners at 533,409 ± 22,442. Doesn't seem like "no one" to me.
Recettear is like the Call of Duty of doujin games
You really don't know what obscure really means if you're using it on Recettear
I was considering getting this game. Sell me on it, Sup Forums.
The general public only play moba, fps and sport games anyway. Why do you care?
It's well known and enjoyed by enthusiasts.
Just try the demo and see if you like it or not
What fucking demo
I'm gonna fuck your ass for 300 pix, thats what im gonna do.
Bend over
I'll sell you this game at a 15% discount, wow! What a deal! You're buying, right?
Is it $500?
The demo of the fucking game?
Funny thing is the japs never gave a shit about Recettear, it was just another moeshit indie game to add to the pile for them. Try looking up fanart of it, you'll see like 99% of it is done by non-jps.
I know that feeling.
That's too high. Lower the price.
Are there any other games with dungeon crawling like Recettears? The cute 2D sprites and the realtime mystery dungeon style combat was really fun, especially with the different characters you could play as.
It beat fucking Civilization V on sales during the release week. It's niche but it's not unknown.
Hmmmmm, I'll go to... 17%! How about now? Think about it, the market stalls will only charge you the base price, this is practically a steal.
I'm not going to sell you the game. It's easily pirated. Go play it and decide for yourself.
i had it with these mother bunking little girls, in my mother bunking shop!
Threads of Fate and Chantelise.
Sorry, Duo Princess based off Threads of Fate
>when you sell overpriced gear to your own mercenaries
Put this in your address bar with steam open.
Lemme just dig up this ancient Sup Forums scroll, it might be of use to someone.
Hey user. Want to buy a dolphin wallpaper?
You don't know what niche means.And stop using "weebshit" like a 12 years old.
>magic sword in window just for Louie
>he buys a fucking cheese
I will eat you alive.
"Look, bitch. I'm going to buy this girl's school uniform and force my brother to wear it, and you're going to sell it to me for 60% of the wholesale price, capiche?"
It's not 'overpriced' if they voluntarily paid for it.
It's hard to explain why it's fun, it just is.
There's enough variation in the repetition that it becomes addicting. At it's core, all you're doing is buying/finding items and selling them, but how you go about this is up to you. You can go for a massive stock of cheaper items, a smaller stock of expensive items, abuse the local economy and stockpile specific types of goods and wait for them to go back up in pricing, etc. Something I really like is how the dungeon crawling isn't forced on you. You can do a playthrough of the game where you don't step into a single dungeon, or never buy a single item and get all your stock from the dungeons.
Also, just as a friendly warning, a lot of the content in the game is unlocked via secret cutscenes that only appear under certain circumstances with certain characters, so keep that in mind before playing the game.
I did three new game+ playthroughs and 50+ hours just to save her.
It was all worth it.
I play this all the time
>Indie game
>Pushed 533 k sales
Huh Huh
are you retarded?
it is a literal meme game. and was such a commercial succes that the studio still lives of it to this day.
That is like saying EYE or STALKER are obscure.
But this game is the main reason we get a lot of japanese games on steam
>all these plebs who can't into price discrimination
>stop using weebshit like a 12 years old
It's weebshit lol.
It's a really fun game don't get me wrong, but it's literally as weeby as it gets.
>are you retarded because you didn't know this thing about muh favorite vidya?
You can tell this guy hosted an anime club in highschool
They really do need to make a sequel
>He thought this WASN'T how you were supposed to curbstomp the weekly payments
the series is called Carpe Fulgur
wtf, what category are vending machines in that people would want them?
I meant a sequel to this.
Carpe Fulgur is the Western publisher's name.
What's in your loot crates, Ms Recette?
Literally the best strategy in this game that isn't full autismo is just buying things when their prices decrease and then reselling them as soon as their prices normalize.
Or just go into the endgame dungeons and get godlike endgame loot, although you probably wont unlock those until your 2nd or 3rd playthrough.
maybe because buying games with little girls on the cover makes you look like a pedo
Pretty sure they count as Metal. You can also stock vending machines with vending machines, so you always get people randomly buying them.
>literally over 300.000 copies sold
Fuck those little Jew girls. They will always ask you to lower the price. Just quote the same price 2x and tell em' to fugg off.
Metal objects likely
You only get out to dungeons for rare materials to fuse into items and only once you have your weekly goal covered.
Read the filename, fag.
It's been a few years, I don't remember people buying vending machines, let alone them going on sale.
I guess this is good to know for my next playtrhough.
this one
Trying a little too hard there.
Oh you know, wooden bracelets, apples, wooden bracelets, it could be anything, even an apple!
koreans actually
>literally over 300.000 copies sold
In Europe, the usage of ',' and '.' are reversed for numbers.
>people still sell at 105% price for the perfect guess bonus not knowing that threre's actually a 125-130% perfect guess bonus
>people still bitch about a little girl being unable to buy stuff when they haven't leveled her up
You people don't know shit about REAL profit
>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't understand why they're fucking up with the little girl.
Newsflash: Unless you're a retard who always asks for potentially combo-breaking percentages, that's not the problem. You're presenting things she can't afford. Either you suck at levelling your customers up, or you're showing them something worth more than 60,000 pix (only 2 books and absolutely nothing from the merchant's guild exceed that)
Also, if they ask for something off the shelf, they don't have a price ceiling ever, so shit like this literally cannot happen. Now quit sucking ass at capitalism, you commies.
Any good games similar to Recettear?
I had no idea
The game is literally Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana & ESG's previous game Chantelise put together.
And Chantelise is literally Threads of Fate, Zelda:OoT, and an idie game budget put together.
>Day 23
How many times was I suppose to have filed a pay deadline? I felt like shit failing the first time, and haven't got back on, since, even though shopkeeper level stays the same.
>Louie's max is ALSO 60k
>Base price of best sword is 1.2 million
>Even if he places an order for like 5 weapons, you'd still sell it at a 900k loss
Fuck this poor ass piece of shit.
Try again, it's not that hard.
What I didn was stocking up on items when they were cheap and putting them on display when prices were better. Adventuring is fun but not very profitable, if you want to dedicate a lot of time to dungeon crawling I suggest you pay off the debt first, it doesn't take long, most content is in the dungeons and adventurers anyway.
not to be that guy, but you're supposed to fail the first couple of times. The game teaches you mechanics, progression, and then ramps up the difficulty to put pressure. When you inevitably fail your first time (most people do if you aren't using a guide and going in blind), you get to keep your level, items and dosh so you have an easier time on the second go- with both you game experience and starting bonus.
They were always wearing towels. This pic just made part of them show above the water. This is the most retarded thing in the world to feign outrage over.
It's pretty damn popular for an indie game.
You can easily do it without failing a single time once you know how the game works, but I'd highly suggest playing the game normally and finding these things out for yourself rather than relying on guides and such.
>post best girl
>nobody cares
Man, it hurts.
Don't go into the dungeons
I didn't fail once because I enjoyed the gameplay loop of buying and selling shit more than going into the dungeons. I didn't know that was how you're supposed to play.
But how will I ever get a mage to have fun in dungeon with?
You can still go into the dungeons after you finish paying off your debt.
You know what's even more retarded?
Changing it at all, or even thinking it needed a change
Has anyone tried territoire?
Is it even finished yet?
>dash Nagi into walls
>dick hurts
Nope. They also hardly update their blog, but they did post about Comiket or whatever recently.
I went through the whole game not understanding what combos were just jewing people by cranking it up to 10% - 20% every time
>popular FotM game is obscure
I want to shag you.
Good, I like normans far away from my games