What video game characters do you invite to your wedding Sup Forums?

What video game characters do you invite to your wedding Sup Forums?

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Mah waifu.

White people are so fucked in the head

Why do people define themselves by the media they consume so much?

>why everyone always listen to Ugg around campfire?
Storytellers are a part of human culture and the stories we enjoy becomes a shared part of our narrative. You recognizing these characters lends brevity to your personal language, as you can describe to someone "That boy thinks he's Harry Potter!" and people instantly have an internalized, mental image that would take you paragraphs to otherwise describe.

Hello racist. Do you dare wager that all other races don't do even worse themed weddings?

> that hulk grin

All the senrans and no one else

>Having Frodo and not Aragorn as one of your groomsmen.
Shit taste
Also, why the fuck would someone make this?

You're white though, ya damn goof

frodo is obviously the ring bearer

Or even Sam literally the best friend in all of fiction

why are americans so obsessed with pop culture that they have to include it in everything that they do and create?

Me on the left.

Do I need a better reason to hate other white people, especially when they do retarded shit like this? Fuck it, let the niggers have it

I make fun of them, but I also waste too much of my time of shitty disposable media like video games, anime and american movies and tv shows. Not the same garbage taste like them, but the end result is still the same.

Such a soulless life, consumed by shitty media. Is this the end result of human evolution, pure delusion? Even the Islamists have more meaningful lives.

>hulk has to stay outside with the pokemon
fucked up

Pop culture it's the American culture, outside of a few states with real tradition it's everything they have.


Why didn't he just go as Bruce Banner?

Are all Sony games the purest Reddit kino


>your wedding

Fuck, I was just thinking of playing TLOU. Now I don't want to even touch it.

Imagine having to look your parents in the eyes and thank them for that.


>entire room full of trash from weaboo games
That's the Sup Forums wedding, this is the reddit one

That was commissioned by a real marvel artist? Why does the bride look like she belongs in a fucking wikihow article?

Data isn't even looking at them. He knows this is bullshit. I bet he doesn't even want to be there.

It is culture, just because it's not folkloric or ancient doesn't make it less culture
Take in mind that American was founded by immigrants and its culture a mixture of all of those.

>white people have no cultur-

Uuum sweetie, try again.

Meanwhile, at the Sup Forums wedding...

The artist was commissioned by the guys parents

That fucking Hulk got me.


well, black people killing their own offspring and chimping out on the street without reason are not so sane either.

>video game themed weddings

Implying the room wouldn't be cooler filled with Nintendo, Sonic and early PSX platformer charrs

At least this is fairly subtle. Normie guests would leave thinking they both just really like keys

Is dumping trash all over the streets Sicilian culture by chance? What about getting mugged by niggers? Is that Roman tradition?

>tfw you know who all of those are

I feel like I am part of the problem and should kill myself.

Where is DC at?

Guess they are actually doing their job instead of attending some pathetic wedding of a beta and a slut waiting to be fucked by a Somalian refugee (Although she probably prefers men from the Democratic Republic of the Congo) .

Zanthia. Captain Valerian and his crew. Toriel and the brothers, and maybe Undyne and yellow fatty if they take a bath and behave.

Mario and Luigi too, maybe, if they put on something nicer than overalls.

I wouldn't need to invite Daisy or Peach, as I'd be marrying both of them.

to be fair that cake is not as cringy as a Kingdom Hearts weeding cake could be

I'm drawing a blank on the names of most of the Doctors, X-men, and Game of Thrones characters, but that I know what they're from is bad enough.

I never new the PD stood for pig disgusting


Holy shit, has Marvel REALLY LOW standards now, or what?


At least Ugg the storyteller had a pivotal role in his community. His tales were closely related to daily exploits, usually featuring the community's ancestors and their relationship with the natural world that surrounds them. Its purpose was to give people greater perspective and appreciation of their struggles.

What sort of perspective does capeshit offer? What kind of life lessons does it teach? How is it related to one's community?

>there are people who would still defend capitalism after seeing shit like this

>knowing who a bunch of pop culture characters that are shoved in your face 24/7 are is bad/strange
I don't even watch/play most of the shit those characters are from and I can at least recognize who they are/where they're from. Don't feel bad about yourself.

Grandma, grandpa what do your tattoos mean?

>posts a game which wanks all over lovecraft

since when has capeshit ever been well drawn?
>sterile funny papers for kids
>rob liefeld
>that fucking squirrel girl comic

Capitalism is merely the tool. A somewhat efficient system that's great at wealth generation. The problem is people themselves and their priorities for distributing that wealth. It's like blaming a screwdriver for making an assault rifle instead of the producer itself.

I don't know the solution to this problem though.


why the fuck are normalfags so intent on latching on to the cheapest fucking manufactured mascot characters?

Those are the people who came up with the Porgs/are marketing them.

this shit is so corny and awkward
how much of a man child do you have to be to think this looks good in any way

The science of money making is rapidly giving capitalism the face of raw human greed with no redeeming qualities.

>Captain. We appear to be inside some sort of holographic projection featuring late 20th and early 21st century fictional characters.
>play along Data! We don't know who, or what, we are dealing with. Any one of these characters could be our captor.
>very good Captain. I am detecting elevated levels of cringe from the pulpit.
>Ok Data, I'm growing tired of this childish facade. Set your phaser to stun. I'll take the one on the left.
>Now Mr Data!

yes i agree fellow dsa member, i would much rather starve to death than deal with people making money off of retards

>Captain is that Captain James Kirk and Dr. Spock?

I think he wants to rape gollum

>Doctor is there multiple times, casually

Why is Hulk watching on the outside? That is racism man!

Why would the artist give two shits to how a wedding drawing ends up?

This is a bizarre question...

Quite, fellow Trump supporter.

Yeah, I actually don't mind this one. If it doesn't have people dressed in costumes as ring bearers and shit, it's not as cringeworthy

He doesn't fit.
No Ridley in Smash ever

Hah I don't invite, I hire them. Ezio and Solid Snake for security, cooking mama to cater, Dohvakin to sing us songs of the dragon, overwatch girls to walk around with platters, Cuphead and his family to be the dishes, Sackboy on decorarions

I mean, Zelda is in a gamer culture meme status, while Sony's characters aren't that iconic enough to be memed.

Otacon and Sunny because Snake is already dead

> Everyone who thinks communism isn't a good idea is a trump suporter

>they even invited the fucking night king
Also why does her face looks like shit? The other character's faces look fine.

>sticks all the black people in the back row
like pottery


>the current state of white americans
Its like you don't care about real people anymore.

He's just mirin Vader

If you want to equate this with "capitalism" then the picture would include a main rival company that is being left out do to prejudices.

An inherent bias yes, "capitalism" (However Marxists/Douaism want to falsely describe the free market) no way in hell.

Capitalism is the art of providing the supply where theres a demand thus profiting from it, its responsible for all the modern conforts and technologies we have nowdays, they woudn't be possible without equally ambitious companies outcompeting with one another.

These two idiots are pandering to other idiots, its not their fault they get high on their own supply.

without capitalism the computer you are using the internet you have and the site you browse woudn't be possible.

Is this, like a hypothetical situation where game characters are real and I'm marrying one?

>fucking buzz and woody in the back row?

yeah, well there are some demands that should just not be met

>she said she would wait for me.

is not the capitalism problem, more likely people problem, for example lootboxes, people are stupid and buy them, so companies will milk from this shit . normies are mouthbreathers so no surprise they love pop culture

severely underrated

>all those normie "lol im such a nerd" characters

do they just watch and play whats popular?

How embarrassing

It just shows your priorities and values in life. Not that both can enjoy something, but it feels like ignoring the focus on celebrating each other or not considering the rest of the family by throwing away the idea of a traditional marriage.

They're probably two relatively normal, nice, and well-adjusted people who really enjoy media, and now they're getting happily married.


lol I love pastoral-romantic nationalist propaganda

We're all fucked up in the head.

This is more accurate.

This guy gets it.

what sort of normal person would create this monstrosity for their wedding

who is that on the brides front row