So many leaks lately, so many fakes

So many leaks lately, so many fakes.

Tides of Vengeance?
Azshara and Naga?
Old Gods, N'zoth?
Kul'Tiras and Jaina?

How do we filter fact from farce? Why don't we have more this close to Blizzcon?

Other urls found in this thread:

I would honestly bet that the next expansion being South Seas related is a large possibility. There's just too much evidence. Blizzard are lazy fucks basically. They would NEVER give something or someone a model if they weren't planning on using it in some way, shape, or form, and Gallywix's new model is one of the most obvious factors in him being apart of something in the next expansion.

>That rumor about faction war being retired for void vs light war
>There is a chance Papa Bolvar will just be a faction leader instead of a new raid boss

I want to fuck a Night Elf

>Azshara and Naga?
>Old Gods, N'zoth?
>Kul'Tiras and Jaina?
These are basically all confirmed anyway. They pushed Old God stuff so hard they made a replacement Sargeras before the expansion was over.

Legion is less "hey guys we're defeating the Burning Legion finally" and more "hey guys we still have expansion fodder once the Legion is finished"

Why even have Alliance vs Horde at this point?

The datamining and "sub" races are also intriguing. Specifically that they deal with elves and draenei, and with the potential to finally have a reason to move Quel'thalas and Azuremyst into the proper Azerothian worldspace and off the TBC map. Aside from Argus and Timeless Isle which were intentionally no-fly zones, I think both areas remain the only non-flying outdoor zones.

Azshara and Naga seems valid because of their activities in Legion.
Old Gods and N'zoth makes sense because of the Void Lords coming after we imprison Sargeras.
Kul Tiras comes from datamined gear.
Faction subraces being datamined as a few of them have character creation backgrounds identical to other races

It's probably all true. But not 100% in a way we expect because lolblizzard.

I just want the time passes faster on Argus so Azeroth gets hit by timeskip wish to be true

Who the fuck gives a shit? You gotta be a huge loser to still play wow

I'm guessing within a few expansions that Wrathion will be a main bad guy.

>Baine and Wrathion got removed from Legion altogether
Fucking Blizzard and their goddamn lazy fucking attitude

If I'm understanding the timeflow shit based off Turalyon and Alleria's 1000 years of war stuff, it's more that time doesn't flow properly/correctly in the Twisting Nether as it does on Azeroth, and less that it flows at a measurable increased ratio.

Why did you waste your time responding ? Are you retarded ?

The Horde vs Alliance story line has run its gambit, if the rumors are true that shit is getting axed. Which is a good thing

>he takes the time to enter a thread he doesn't like just to shitpost

Thanks for the bump m8

>Azshara and Naga?
>Old Gods, N'zoth?
>Kul'Tiras and Jaina?

This will probably all happen since Legion started the 1 year cycle and we got a fuckton of story just from that expansion alone

>He doesn't know Baine was removed because the alliance were bitching about him

Brb doing an entire argus update with nothing but preening alliance characters.

I think refocusing the Alliance v Horde conflict into a Light v Void one wiuld be a welcome shakeup to WoW's 2 faction formula.

Only real problem I see would be its implications on older content and on guilds. Wtf do you do if half your guild wants to join Light and the other Void?

Even if you make this new divide only in the new zones, the guild thing becomes a problem.

Horde having relevant characters is Horde favoritism. The Alliance never get any of the limelight, the game should be called World of Hordecraft because Blizzard gives the Alliance second rate everything, especially cities and settlements.

Kalimdor and EK need a fucking update. It's ridiculous. Also make it so every zone has the Broken Isles version of things scaling up with you so players don't have to go through the same content over and over again.

I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not, and that worries me more than anything.

Its a non issue. Raid guilds dont care about lore they will all role together. RPers have seven thousand alts fit for every kind of mood, cesspool (that means all those casual, family friendly) guilds are the only ones that will suffer and they are frankly irrelevant

>Spend the last 4 expansions murdering the Horde warchief, destroying established Orc lore, raiding both Undercity and Orgrimmar, killing every last major Horde hero then going back and killing them again. Then legion slaps an undead elf as warchief who instantly gets bodied by a literal who were wolf
>meaning 99.99% of Legion is Alliance heroes doing Alliance things

"Wow all this Horde favoritism"

Please let sub-races be real.

PLEASE give me Amani Trolls.

>second rate cities
>even post Cata Stormwind got a massive update/upgrade/expansion
>Argus ship is purely Draenei
>Entire story arcs on Argus focused on Alliance characters (Magni, Turalyon, Alleria, Khadgar, and Veressa/Arator to a lesser extent)
>Jaina likely big focus for next expac
>Legion cinematic and Broken Shore focused on Varian and his death
>Special model and cinematic for Anduin
>pre Argus quest all about Magni and him getting earfucked by Azeroth
>Legion post-Antorus Sargeras imprisonment all about Illidan's that emo feel letters to Tyrande/Malfurion

You can kindly show yourself out.

Would it just be any race can join either faction?

Yeah but the park in Stormwind got destroyed. Horde get all the attention and dev time, it's unfair and Argus was a good first step into correcting the last decade of blatant favoritism Blizzard has had for the Horde.


I'm tired of playing Hunchback: The Faction.

>Alliance v Horde
>complex conflict of political interests and cultural differences

>Light v Void
>dude so epic lmao

Shittiest thing that can happen. Every tiny bit of satisfying complexity has already been butchered, dunno how they can make it worse.

Preferrably? I know a lot of people would like to play their Horde characters alongside Alliance friends or vice vesa in some respect or another.

>last 4 expansions are nothing but Alliance shitting on the Horde
>"Wow all this Horde favoritism"

I don't even have to make an argument here, you're proving that Alliance players are absolute retards.

I agree with everything you said except for Khadgar.

>All the orcs and trolls stand upright
>They're all hunched over all the time

>He says as the park got rebuilt as a memorial to Varian, who actually gets a major grave, while characters like Cairne (ESPECIALLY cairne) and Vol'jin got jack fucking shit
Alliance players love to complain.

>Alliance v Horde
>complex conflict of political interests and cultural differences
There is none of that shit, they may as well be the same fucking faction at this point

Who the fuck is Vol'jin?

Horde vs Alliance had its time in the sun, its time to retire that plot line. Doesn't even make sense to have it on going during literal apocalypse tier world events. Also, Argus made strides to paint the light as not all that good and the void as not necessarily evil. So its a more interesting story to tell

>TFW no Archeus vs Light's Hope BG


>>Alliance v Horde
>>complex conflict of political interests and cultural differences

Another... Ugh... HORDE Character. Because Blizzard can't stop with their HORDE obsession.

Zul'jin da only Troll dat matta.

Literally nothing matters. At least not if we don't get playable ogres.

Other than that, it's WoW. Just let it die already.

Unfortunately the horde vs alliance is gonna stay. Though instead of giant faction war it's mostly Greymanes Gilneans vs Sylvanas Forsaken and a side story at most.

I like to think players would just be like mercs helping out each faction

>Tfw your favorite races are Trolls and Taurens.

>the park got rebuilt as a memorial to Varian
After saying they might rebuild the Park after "a certain boss is defeated" back in Cataclysm, we finally get a giant grave. Great.

I was happier with the crater

>Go back and level through TBC
>Those old school Horde structures made of bone, hide and wood
>Get back to current content
>All Horde structures are big steel towers with steel spikes and no identity

What did you do when half your guild went Scryer and the other half went Aldor. Nothing, because it meant nothing. The horde/alliance divide is hard coded into their spaghetti code engine in a thousand places and trying to change it would probably break everything. If they wanted to do a light vs. dark thing they'd just take the easy way out and make two factions that at most maybe unlock some separate but mathematically equal content.

Reminder: Tauren fit the class fantasy of a Paladin better than any other race

>Being a Tauren fan in current WoW

The horde should have remained as just orcs trolls tauren and maybe goblins but idk.

Not really, they were actually ready to implement cross faction dungeons as early as TBC but rolled back the changes because of players being mad as hell

>no identity
>iron horde

Humans are the quintessential paladin race in all fantasy fiction. Including WoW.

Which class/race/spec is best for pretending to be a girl and getting free loot/carries?

>Blood Elves are actually a cool race with a lot of cool themes
>Lor'themar is my nigga
>But Blood Elf players on the other hand quite literally ruined the race for many people

which wc3 did you play for trolls to stand upright?

As a Trollfag I still stand by what I posted here:

just let it die guys, stop with this....

It will be another Island with 5-6 subzones, 1 locked endgame zone, like always. I don't know what you guys expect.

In WoW, Paladin's worship this abstract sense of 'the light' as a force of energy rather than an actual god. The closest they have are the Naaru which are embodiment of the light but not actual gods. Meanwhile, Tauren Paladins channel the light through their faith in the Earth Mother (Specifically Anshe, the right eye of the earth mother which is the sun itself)


Non Tauren Paladins = Light Jedi
Tauren Paladins = Traditional fantasy paladins

Male undead rogue

This is the plight of Roleplay servers. Most people love Blood Elf lore but the Blood Elf players are unanimously hated and often not let into guilds.

They are not even paladins in lore lmao

I'm not sure how to feel about this. I always expected an epic expansion that took place on an Argus consisting of varied interesting zones, instead we got generic islands and bootleg Broken Shore Argus as a bonus thing.

The Horde had practically all of Cataclysm as the dominant faction. Grow up.

You forgot about the human's worship of Tyr. The name of "The Silver Hand" is a reference to one of Tyr's hands that was severed.
Tyr is the primary god worshiped by all humans, including paladins.

When can I have sexy Pandaren Paladins?

Just wait, holy shit. What does it matter? We'll find out eventually.

Horde wouldn't stop crying about "muh mud huts" so they updated them

you guys are pathetic lol

I still get the feeling this won't be a normal expansion. Level scaling and exploration are going to have a huge impact.

Sorry but that has been retconned

Man I'm just happy I won't have to see DUDE NEON FUCKING GREEN overtop of dark green for a little while.

so have sunwalkers :^)

H-have they?

If The whole world Level Scaled and the quest rewards level scaled we might have an actual fun world to explore for once

Replace this Lootbox shit with fucking High Ilvl quest rewards

Yeah they're just normal paladins now. I guess it was too cool for blizzard or something.

>jabba the pimp
is blizzard even capable of coming up with an original thought anymore?

>The final expac: The War of Azeroth
>all the big bads are dead
>titans/demons have all fucked off
>only the alliance and horde remain to fight one giant war against eachother for control of Azeroth

How likely is this?

>Second rate settlements
Yes, because it's Razor Hill people remember, not Goldshire, nor Darkshire, no its definitely the Sepulcher people get nostalgic about, fuck out of here. "But muh Barrens." For every Barrens story, you have a Westfall story.

Nah. the Paladin order hall welcomed in all denominations but not all Sunwalkers left to join them and no point of their scripture changed to fit the Silver Hand.

>go inside the room you rented at an inn
>see this
what do

He's actually not fat enough to warrant such a giant chin. Must be a medical condition.

Pure bullshit.

The legion is invading Azeroth, home of the alliance races, not the refugee races who once tried to invade. They deserve no spot light whatsoever.



He's been that way since WoD at least




anyone still playing WoW in 2017 is a literal addict
no exceptions

I ordered the room with the thick worgen dick, not this shit.


>not mutated monsters that were once alien automatons

>not literally a refugee race

Let's make a compromise, you can have the orcs and blood elves on the Alliance and go live on Draenor.

>being so bad that you can't live of carries

lmao @ ur life kid

Only leak worth a damn

>Void elves

and none of them will deny it

I don't get it, how can people enjoy ERP? Do they just not care that there's a gross fat man on the other end? Do they just accept that goldshire is a mosh pit of smelly neckbeards pretending to be girls? Is it some sort of repressed homosexuality that causes them to look for ERP?

I hope this is the timeline in which the sequel to WoW is an MMORTS sandbox game. I will cum.

trolls goblins taurens and trolls all joined the horde and made the wrong choice way back when. they should be purged.

undead obviously shouldn't even be treated as more than zombies, and should also be purged.

>you look to the left and see this

Night Elves(Natives mutated by aliens)
Worgen(Aliens mutated by mutated natives)

Undead(Aliens mutated by aliens)
Goblin(Possibly native)
Belf(Mutated natives that mutated again)

And before you even try, yes, Titan Forged races and offshoots of titan forged races are both Alien.


Alliance native races: 1
Horde native races: 6