Explodes like a grenade when reloaded

>Explodes like a grenade when reloaded


fuck you tediore was great

>Uses Pepe when shitposting

>reloads like an explosion when grenaded

>Gatling gun
>semi automatic

>Guns are randomly generated.
>Developers too lazy to at least prevent retarded designs from popping up.
>End up with a gun that shouldn't work in any reality
Good thing I got Borderlands 2 used for 10 bucks and got all the DLC for free, I wouldn't want to give Gearbox.
Still regret the purchase.
Well, daily reminder that at least you aren't Anthony Burch

what's the problem with that one?


the barrel is not on the same level of the firing pins and cock mechanisms
it shouldn't fire at all

The gun is materialized out of pure energy and shoots ice bullets.

Pins and barrels are not the issue here. Borderlands guns are exclusively rule of cool


Yeah, that's pretty retarded but considering it's a gun that freezes people I think that's much worse. I saw that "winter is numbing" and "freezes enemies solid" so I thought the gun was supposed to have contradicting attributes or something like that.

How do you know the bullets aren't fed into the chamber before the barrels and the explosive action travels down into the chambers?

It's a magic gun. It doesn't have to make any sense.

This. Balance your bullets and grenades faggot.

This is literally the most typical vladof AR you could ever think of. Which, again, makes sense, because while they advertise the game technically having 1 billion zillion guns, in reality it has like 30, from which all the other ones are built with next to no difference from the original one.


it's just a cartoon gun

youre dumb mate

Look where the hammer is retard


the thumb thingy is the same as a regular revolver but the striking bit is much lower