ITT: Great moments in shit games

ITT: Great moments in shit games
Fallout 3
Coming back to Tenpenny Tower after picking the moralfag option and realising these monsters butchered them all, even Herbert Daring Dashwood who was very sympathetic to them

>great moments
>Fallout 3

Pick one

Good thing they killed him. Even “centrists” living among racists and supporting their system deserve to die

>anime reaction picture
Opinion discarded to be honest.

Someone at Bethesda was redpilled

>Kill a bunch of murderers after they slaughter an entire building's worth of people
>"You have lost karma"
>help someone date-rape a priest
>"You have gained karma"

It was a great moment though it just shit all over the games stupid morality system and even better you're never forced to go their again so you might never see it.

>starship troopers reaction picture
>opinion instantly respected

I hate Fallout 3, but that's some good taste in film you have there user.

She can't rape user... she's a woman

Well, it just shows exactly what happens when you take in a lot of "refugees"

Perfect analogy for real life.

Let in the subhumans and they'll turn on you the second they outnumber you.

After I found all that out, I just killed that Roy fucker on the next playthrough right outside the tower.

that quest redpilled me hard as fuck


And then you take a karma hit for killing the killers...

>Date-rape a priest


New vegas had literally nothing memorable, why do people still like it more?

>Posting the funny version

jesus, redditors are such unfunny cuckolds.

I haven’t played the game for almost ten years but I vaguely remember that quest. I think it was on the Aircraft Carrier city, where a woman was in love with the priest so she asks you to get him drunk or something so they can have sex

Because people think it has good writing, and these are the same people who watch capeshit and haven't read a novel since high school. And no, bus stand genre fiction doesn't count.

Without linking or quoting a video essay you watched on the game, can you guys explain why you don't like Fallout 3?
>in before "hi Todd"

A quest from the Rivet City area. Some chick likes this priest but he's looking to remain pure. You're tasked with finding pheromones so she could pretty much seduce/rape him and force him to marry her

Chance-based skill checks are fucking retarded in a game with a quick-save system

>He thinks you can describe everything wrong with Fallout 3 in a few sentences.
lmao go to bed, Todd.

Are you telling me that confrontation with Ulysses wasn't the finest piece of story telling you ever did see?

Doesn't New Vegas do the same thing? Sorry, I've not played this game in about six or seven years so you're going to have to refresh my memory.

Hahaha no man, just no.


I thought Fallout 3 was much more fun than Vegas but Vegas was undeniably better written. People who take Fallout seriously are retarded, it's always been goofy (Talking deathclaws and Riddick camo in Fallout 2 for example). Vegas did have some much better quests and weapons, but was very sparse and mostly too serious bar some standout moments (Fantastic)

Nope. New vegas has hard cutoffs. If your skill level is too low for a check you get some kind of one-liner that makes you look like an idiot.

Elijah was a much better antagonist

>can you guys explain why you don't like Fallout 3?

I like Fallout 3 but New Vegas is better. Fallout 3 just has more unlikeable things about it.

>no aim down sights
>longer opening section
>the main story is kind of dumb
>supermutants everywhere
>worse guns and ammo

Ah, I remember. Fallout 3 just had a percentage right? Still, is that really a make or break for the game? I remember the quests still having interesting stories.
Isn't New Vegas just orange though? I actually didn't mind the green. The game looked ugly and that aesthetic fit the tone and the vibe of the game. It was pretty bleak, something that 4 lacked in my opinion.

Can't really speak for the guns and ammo but fair enough. Didn't mind no aiming down the sights either just because VATS was used so frequently.

That's partially the problem. VATS was cool but it shouldn't have been needed so much. Gunplay was really tough without it.

I wonder if there's a real life parallel

Just preference then, senpai. I could tolerate the orange but the green was just so offputting to me.

>Doesn't New Vegas do the same thing?

Nope. Unless you meet the requirement, you'll fail the skill check. You do get a funny bit of dialogue in it's place however

the ghoul mask reward was the only reason to do it

That's fair enough. I didn't mind it too much but I could see it being an annoyance.

Memes aside, is fallout 3 any good? haven't played any fallout and was thinking to start with 3.

Yes, might be pretty dated by now though.

I'm looking for my father, middle-aged guy, maybe you've seen him?

It's alright there's some retarded shit but yeah play it to understand the memes and stay away from 4 because that doesn't even pretend to be an rpg.

I prefer that to looking for a fucking baby I didn't feel anything for since I actually like Liam Neeson.

Not necessarily a shit game, but this was the best moment.

I started with 3, it's my least favourite but it's still a very fun game.

Since you haven't played the others all the story/lore stuff won't bother you and you can just have fun with it.

Was that condemned?

Condemned 2. Not as good as the first game, but biggest problem was the full retard plot.

Refugees welcome


I started with 3 and can't play 1 and 2, they're too dated for me now. Take that as you will.

many thanks dudes, one last question and i won't bother you more, i bought it long time ago without dlc, should i upgrade to goty or the dlcs aren't worth it?

This is the future of Europe. Migrant crisis etc.

>hurr hurr Bear Bull Courier Divide
>I don't blame you (except I do)
>Imma blow up everyone coz I mad about stuff

This is what NVfanboys think is Hemingway-tier writing. Ulysses was Josh Sawyer's self-insert, and ultimately a so-what antagonist.

They're worth playing through. From the worst were average and the best were great. You get some pretty sweet guns and weapons as well. Enjoy!

Shit taste? That's all it is.

>mo caps fo dem broadcasts


Operation Anchorage is good just to get levels early on, The Pitt is pretty good, Point Lookout was the best, Broken Steel should've been in the game from the get go so it's necessary, and Mothership Zeta is dogshit but if you like Fallout 3 you'll swallow it down.

Dont be mean.

>Return to Ten Penny Tower
>Karma lost
>Karma lost
>Karma lost.

DLCs are really good, as all Beths DLCs beside Fo4.

Far harbor is the only reason to play fallout 4 mate

It's almost like it was a metaphor for marginalized groups in Western society!!!!

Yeah that was good, was more referring to the other shit.

Not that the settlement shit wasn't fun to dick around with, but should have been free.