Leisure Suit Larry thread

Leisure Suit Larry thread
>Best game
>Best girl
>Best scene

the girl with the hyper ass that hid it behind the desk for the whole game.

All in one webm.

From any game I should add

I only played 7/the cruise one. Are the others even worth playing?

It brings me nostalgia cause I played it at my clueless aunt's house when I was really young. It's really a 90s time capsule.

All of them except Magna Cum Laude are good to play, they're super charming and funny

Could we discuss a game that is not as problematic as this one?

>All of them except Magna Cum Laude are good

You are forgetting something.
What the fuck were they thinking?

>you only played Magna Cum Laude
>You thought it was ok
>Everyone hates it

jews were a mistake.

You're right, I COMPLETELY forgot about that one holy fuck

>game grumps doing a full playthrough of Magna Cum Laude


Are these games any good? They look funny, but not good at all

They are good, try Leisure Suit Larry 6, is a pretty good point and click game

I agree with other user. LSL6, Shape up or Slip Out is really good.

the fuck is a magna cum laude?

You cum to manga and then do your laundry.

Samefag. "aw, its a point and click game..." Oh well, I dont know what I expected, but Grim Fandango was nice, I'll check Leisure Suit Larry 6, thanks.


Koko is best girl.

Barbara Jo ending scene perfect fap bait.

Now, if only there were more actual sex scenes, as the dialogue screw ups were half the fun, I wouldn't mind another game like it.

Why do they bar you from viewing the tits, I will never know. I swear nothing can beat 3 and 2 as being most lewd and most nudity. 5 barely has any.

kings quest for the lascivious

That one had no hands from original sierra, and din't have any romance bits I think until partway in.

7 had a lot of nudity and probably the most explicit sex scene of them all.

>best game
love for sail
>best girl
mafia chick from magna cum laude
>best scene
sex-off scene from love for sail

>try several commands to move the fucking branch
>get it right on like 4th try

Fucking rascals.
I think it was push or something.

Latin I think, basically if you graduate with 4.0s or something. The joke in LSL is the use of "cum" of course.

7 did, although MCL has it beat quite a bit.
5 though only had one spot of nudity,and 6 I don't think had any, never played it though.

Bumping this since this game series isn't talked about enough on here.


That's some trannie faced sluts.

>tfw I used to masturbate to the ads for this and that one girls gone wild-esque quiz game in issues of Game Informer back in middle school

They are supposed to be hicks

The sex scenes can be found on most adult sites and are masturbatory material for sure. Then BOB just said screw it, back down into nothingness.

If you're going to crop, you might want to crop out the nipples.
Those brown perky nipples

Ahead of its time

Lol, always wanted to buy this shit

Aaaaaaaaaaand the shill thread is complete.

Not bad.


That's the best game to me as it felt like a game instead of a point and click trial and error fest.

Good old Games has them at low low prices.
Cmon, don't you want to buy some good breasticle entertainment from Sierra (r)?


>Jamie Lee Coitus


You could only see her boobs if you daydreamed at her.

I would if it would sierra money--scalping people on retroware should be illegal.

>the Guy Game
Me too.

One of the contestants was underage, it got canned pretty fast. LSL had no contest until maybe the witcher in terms of nudity.

Man this was made in 96, I didn't even know they knew what terabytes were yet.

Magna cum laude because boobs.

Dat uncensored Barbara Jo ending and Nude models, if you want them you basically have to ace every talking scene.

Which game is this, I love stupidly huge asses.


I'm really glad the series didn't die with this garbage.

lsl 6

Right now I'm downloading the remake of the first one since I've been trying to find a good reason to get into adventure games for a long time. The only lewd (text)adventure game I've finished was Spellcasting 301 and it had a lot of pure bullshit like time limited events and forcing you to save scum in order to gamble enough money to buy things. Are these games full of bullshit or would you consider them more on the fair side? Hearing them described as sultry sierra games is a little worrying since I've always heard those are super hard with tons of cheap/trap dead ends.
Thanks friend, gives me something to look forward to.

What platform?


There is reverse cowboy, but no pony there.

Leisure suit larry 6 really isn't too bad. You CAN die but it's rare and very obvious. Just savescum my dude.

That's cool, I don't mind if it's really obvious but something like King's Quest where giving a bear your ham so it'll leave you alone only to find out 2 hours later you needed that ham to not starve or get eaten by wolves is just too much.

I think that one was post lucasarts style, where it's impossible or very difficult to get into an unwinnable state.

NoFap is getting harder with this fucking thread especially remembering that MCL had that girl with the strapon.

The lesbian scene? How about the ending scenes or Luba. Or the fact you could make everyone be in panties, or wet t shirt contest.

With oldskool PC games, there no reason not to save often. In a lot of the LSL games, part of the fun is seeing what hilarity comes out of a bad end. Al Lowe didn't want to stick you for screwing up, he wanted you to laugh.

>Al Lowe didn't want to stick you for screwing up

I still felt kind of sorry for Larry when he got turned into a bloody smoothie in that blender scene.

Shape up or Slip Out was my favourite. The one with the disney style after that was also fairly good.

>a modern game will never recapture Love for Sail's wit and lewdness because muh misogyny

Remember how all generations get polarized from their parents? I expect the next one to dish out pervy games which would make the japanese proud.

One can only dream

Fair enough, they weren't all jokes.

It was funny by 90's standards. Grisly but funny.

I won't pretend some of the humor and other antics have aged like fine milk.

Point me in the direction for this sauce

It took me altogether too long to figure out you're just trying to get me to break.

How was the recent remake of the first one, Reloaded?