The 3rd party support just WONT STOP COMING!
The 3rd party support just WONT STOP COMING!
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>gyroscope gravity game
actually pretty cool
the shit's this?
>inde shit
OUYA 2.0
considering the speed at which you need to flip upside down in some of VVVVVVs puzzles that gimmick is gonna get real stale real quick
Switch is gonna be the new indie machine, its gonna get some real indie exclusives pretty soon I'd wager. It'll end up outclassing both MS and Sony with indie support.
1 game library.
>more indie shit
Tell me when we're getting RDR or GTA
This. Unless he made a sequel centred around the gyro flipping, this is going to be pretty shit.
man I love this game in theory
one of the first ones to give me motion sickness though
What the fuck are you talking about? It's just normal controls you lunatics. How are you getting there's gyro?
Also... Co-op!
I have 2 already to play multiplayer splatoon, and I'm gonna get another for anyone who comes over. I would literally buy another switch before ever purchasing a fucking gaywad normie machine.
splatoon, mario kart, zelda. I still haven't beat zelda.
>in b4 you spoiler me
they dont when every other console has them plus more
>tfw pokemon, doom, blazblue and SMT V on the go.
>Enter The Gungeon still not released
did you read the OP image?
>indie shit is 3rd party support
So variety of old and new is a bad thing for a growing library
Yes it's just a fucking phrase. Nothing to do with how the game will play you psycho
But if I wanted those games I would just get them for my PS4
>inb4 all for inkay
I really love this game but I'm not buying it again unless it's really cheap.
Your PS4 can run RDR?
Fuck you. Release 90s Super GP already!
Yes it has an online game streaming service with rdr
I'm just waiting for the revision then I'll get one
can't wait!
>port of a game I already have
not when it's on every single console and got it after the game has been out for tons of years unless it's a remaster with new content or fixed tons of things about the game it doesn't count
The PS4 had so few games a few years back people were excited that Resident Evil 4 got a physically boxed release.
Keep dreaming
>moving the goalpost
Neat. The gyroscope puzzles in Rayman Legends were pretty cool.
Sot it can't. Gotcha.
How exactly am I doing that?
not him but what’s the difference? your still playing rdr
News flash: the masses don't give a shit about old games, they want the new hotness. That's what moves units. That's what makes systems relevant in the non-/vr/ gaming market.
PlayStation Now is pretty stable when used on a PS4 with a solid connection. Its gets shit when you go mobile though.
no one except you mentioned ps4
what's the point of this when one of the draws of the switch is being able to play 4 player local multiplayer?
>one of the draws of the switch is being able to play 4 player local multiplayer
The difference, or problem rather, is that it could be better. The PS4 should be backwards compatible, and the game itself should have a next gen release on PC and whatnot.
Currently the best way to play it is X1's emulation, and that's sad.
ah yeah i was just making up bomberman r being a release title my bad woopsie
Yeah and that outsold every other Switch title, huh?
okay how on earth is sales a factor in bomberman r being a local multiplayer game
I wish Nicalis would court better indies
If this happens I'll finally be interested in a Switch. Otherwise I'll be skipping it regardless of what games come out.
explain skyrim/the nes/snes classics,
I hope they do this, I don't give a FUCK about the waggle joycon shit I just want a portable handheld console that I can play on the go and that fits in my pocket like my gba did
>3rd party
Wew lad. You just got smtv cool your jets
>mfw Atari announces the 2600 classic Adventure next week.
Is Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon coming to the switch yet? New Mario Party with a non stupid gimmick? Anything?
vvvvvv is the best metroidvania ever made
There's a pokemon coming
New Pokemon is coming to Switch Fall 2018. Mario Party 11 hasn't been announced yet. You're safe for now.
>want to play octopath
>can't justify buying a switch for one game
hopefully it comes out on other platforms, sony seems to lose all its "exclusives" so lets hope that it happens to nintendo as well
Never happening. Nintendo is fully supporting their narrative of hybrid living room console and handheld.
I would, however, get down on a replacement left Joycon with a proper d-pad worth of Nintendo's legacy.
stardew valley is the biggest switch launch this year
Still a vocal minority when compared to Naughty Dog/CoD numbers.
99.999% of Skyrim's sales are still going to be from launch, anything the Switch produces will be a dripfeed at best.