I'm looking for spooky games where you are persistently chased by a recurring enemy like Mr X / Nemesis or that monster from the shitty Prince of Persia game and you need to be on guard at all times causing a sense of paranoia. Any good stuff you guys know?
I'm looking for spooky games where you are persistently chased by a recurring enemy like Mr X / Nemesis or that monster...
dota 2
Silent Hill 2
Resi 3 was the best Resi prove me wrong.
>the shitty Prince of Persia
Not helping some tasteless nu-male like you
Warrior Within was dogshit and everyone knew it back then
You are the only one.
I always thought so and I loved Resi 2 and RE4
This really is not the case. Pyramid Head only appears a few times in the game, usually as a piss easy boss fight. He only appears as an enemy you encounter in the field and should avoid once or twice, both in the same area of the game. He isn't comparable to Nemesis at all.
Yeah 2 and 4 are amazing as well, but Nemesis was just so fucking terrifying.
>Nigger runs away to save himself without even warning his friends a demon witch is coming down the hall
I miss realism in horror films
Alien Isolation is pretty much that. Gets boring and frustrating after a while but the first few hours on hard difficulty are really fucking good and you get multiple Aliens later on in the game along with face huggers.
What film is that from?
There's that Friday the 13th game that came out relatively recently, although Jason is being controlled by another player so that may not be what you're looking for
The Clock Tower games do this with Scissorman
I want to agree with you man but goddamn the Alien was fucking stupid, even on the hardest difficulty, I had far more fear and anxiety of those shitty Happy Joe robots or whatever they were called. And those fags felt like filler to boot.
Amnesia the Dark Descent
clock tower games
haunting ground
rule of rose
Really? It just felt bullshit levels of hard to me after a while since it more or less knew where you were 90% of the time.
well maybe I'm remembering wrong but I don't recall dying too many times to the alien but those fucking robots really gave me a ton of shit
Night of the Demons
When I played the Working Joes and human characters were just fucking retarded. I could sneak past them no problem. The Alien just kept cornering me because of the AI knowing where you are at all times.
Came to suggest Haunting Ground
There's a ghost in evil within 2 that stalks you for a bit in the game but she's so easy to get away from its barely worth mentioning.
Outlast has a recurring naked man chasing you.
REmake as an unlockable mode where a zombie chases you covered in explosives so you can't shoot him.
Resident Evil 7 has the bakers for the first part of the game.
SOMA has multiple parts with a unique enemy that chases you in them.
Prey has a giant enemy in the later part of the game that shows up in various areas and will chase you but it had retarded AI at launch, don't know if it's any better now.
Dead Space has the part with the invincible necromorph.
White Day
Thanks for the answers you guys I'll check these out
the second film gave me some weird boners when I was younger
also check out clock tower OP
is there anything really weirder than the girl's boob absorbing the lipstick?